2 research outputs found
Summary of Reading Investigations
- Author
- Anderson Irving
- Anderson Irving
- Anderson Irving
- Bell Bernice W.
- Betts Emmett Albert.
- Bigelow Elizabeth B.
- Blair Elizabeth H.
- Boney C. DeWitt.
- Broening Angela M.
- Broom M. E.
- Buckingham B. R.
- Carnovsky Leon.
- Carroll Herbert A.
- Clem Orlie M.
- Cockayne Charles A.
- Collings Ellsworth.
- Cooper Elizabeth Eathel.
- Cowley Elizabeth B.
- Crider Blake.
- Dale Edgar
- Deal Roy W.
- Dewey Joseph C.
- Dewey Joseph C.
- Dunlap Mollie E.
- Durrell Donald D.
- Eurich Alvin C.
- Farbish Sydney A.
- Fillmore Eva A.
- Franz Shepherd Ivory
- French Lloyd Charles.
- Gerberich J. R.
- Gilbert Luther C.
- Glover Mrs. Percy Frederic.
- Gould Clifford M.
- Gray William S.
- Gray William S.
- Gray William S.
- Gray William S.
- Greene Edward B.
- Hathaway Gladys M.
- Hildreth Gertrude.
- Holmes Eleanor.
- Hopkins L. Thomas.
- Howell Etta
- Hunter Elden.
- Kelley Victor H.
- Kirk Samuel A.
- Kirk Samuel A.
- Kramer Grace A.
- Ladd Margaret Rhoads.
- Lee J. Murray
- Lee Joel W.
- McCulloch T. L.
- Mendenhall James E.
- Meriam Junius L.
- Mitchell Eva C.
- Ojemann Ralph H.
- Parkhill Jean.
- Parvillez Alphonse D.
- Phillips Albert J.
- Piekford R. W.
- Pierce Paul R.
- Robinson F. P.
- Robinson Francis P.
- Robinson Francis P.
- Shores Louis.
- Simon Donald L.
- Snyder Troy A.
- Stone Clarence R.
- Teegarden Lorene.
- Thomas Russell.
- Thompson Blanche Jennings.
- Tinker Miles A.
- Tinker Miles A.
- Tinker Miles A.
- Traxler Arther E.
- Traxler Arthur E.
- Traxler Arthur E.
- Tyler Henry T.
- Waters Doris.
- William S. Gray
- Wilson Clara.
- Witty Paul A.
- Woody Clifford
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Summary of Reading Investigations July 1, 1953 to June 30, 1954
- Author
- Adams Joseph J.
- Bedell Ralph
- Borreca Frank
- Braman Edwin C.
- Brucker Sister M. DeLellis
- Burke Norris F.
- Connor D. V.
- Cosper Russell
- Dolch E. W.
- Droney Margaret L.
- Durrell Donald D.
- Fox Henry Corbett
- Gray William S.
- Holmes Jack A.
- Hughes Vergil H.
- Hurlburt Delpha
- Janes H. Paul
- Jones Robert L.
- Kay Herbert
- Kelley Dorothy Jones
- Klare George R.
- Knight Elva E.
- Lewin Herbert S.
- Malsbary Dean R.
- McDowell
- Murfin Mark
- Nila Sister Mary
- Potter A.A.
- Russell David H.
- Schubert Delwyn G.
- Schwartz Gerhart Robert
- Scott C. Winfield
- Serra Mary C.
- Siegel Max
- Spache George D.
- Spaulding Geraldine
- Stewart Raymond F.
- Subramaniam V. N.
- Sutton Rachel S.
- Tannenbaum Percy H.
- Taylor Wilson L.
- Templin Mildred C.
- Townsend Agatha
- Traxler Arther E.
- Triggs Frances Oralind
- Vollbrecht Dorothy M.
- Wedeen Shirley Ullman
- Wells Charles A.
- William S. Gray
- Wood Leroy N.
- Zook Ellrose D.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study