3 research outputs found
Significance of hypouricaemia in the development of neurodegenerative diseases
Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2021 Sciendo. All rights reserved.Hypouricaemia has received relatively little attention in the literature. As a result, there is lessawareness or understanding of the potential risks of low uric acid levels. Emerging research indi-cates that normal uric acid levels may have an antioxidative and neuroprotective effect. Thisstudy aims to investigate possible associations between hypouricaemia and neurodegenerativedisease. Data was collected from seventy-seven outpatients and inpatients who underwent rou-tine uric acid testing, who were then stratified into patients with and without neurodegenerativedisease. Patients with renal pathologies and patients using uric acid altering medications were ex-cluded from the study. There was a significant difference in the prevalence of Alzheimerās diseasebetween hypouricemic and normouricemic patients (p= 0.001), however there was no differencein the prevalence of vascular dementia (p= 0.45). This study provides evidence that hypouricae-mia has potential effects on health, specifically on the rate of neurodegenerative diseases suchas Alzheimerās disease and gives weight to the potential neuroprotective role of uric acid.publishersversionPeer reviewe
The Link between Hypouricemia and Neurodegenerative Disorders
The potential danger to patientsā health due to hypouricemia has only recently become a research topic of interest. While it has been established that normal uric acid levels have antioxidative and neuroprotective properties, the loss of these functions with uric acid levels below the normal range have been studied only recently and findings suggest potential detrimental effects on the brain and cognitive abilities. The purpose of this study is to look at potential connections between hypouricemia and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimerās disease and vascular dementia. Seventy-seven inpatients and outpatients with routine uric acid testing were included and further stratified into patients with neurodegenerative disease and patients without neurodegenerative disease. The results showed that rates of Alzheimerās disease differ between patients with hypouricemia and normal uric acid levels, however this association was not found for patients with vascular dementia. This provides evidence for potential effects of hypouricemia and raises the question for further research define a safe range of serum uric acid
HipouriÄ·Ämija un tÄs nozÄ«me
MedicÄ«naVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peMedicineHealth CareHipourikÄmijai un tÄs klÄ«niskÄm izpausmÄm literatÅ«rÄ ir pievÄrsta salÄ«dzinoÅ”i neliela uzmanÄ«ba. RezultÄtÄ ir mazÄka izpratne par iespÄjamiem urÄ«nskÄbes lÄ«meÅa samazinÄÅ”anÄs zem normas riskiem. TopoÅ”ie pÄtÄ«jumi norÄda, ka normÄlam urÄ«nskÄbes lÄ«menim ir oksidatÄ«va iedarbÄ«ba, kas veicina iekaisumu un paradoksÄli, tai ir antioksidatÄ«va un neiroprotektÄ«va iedarbÄ«ba, samazinot oksidatÄ«vo stresu. Tas izskaidro, ka hiperurikÄmija var izraisÄ«t iekaisuma reakciju, kas izraisa podagru un endotÄlija disfunkciju, izraisot sirds un asinsvadu slimÄ«bas, un hipourikÄmiju varÄtu potenciÄli saistÄ«t ar neirodeÄ£eneratÄ«vÄm slimÄ«bÄm, jo tiek zaudÄta urÄ«nskÄbes neiroprotektÄ«vÄs iedarbÄ«bas antioksidatÄ«vÄs spÄjas. TurklÄt abi abnormÄlie lÄ«meÅi ir saistÄ«ti ar mirstÄ«bu, veidojot U formas attiecÄ«bas. ParÄdoties droÅ”Äkiem un efektÄ«vÄkiem urÄtu lÄ«meni pazeminoÅ”iem medikamentiem, ar hipourikÄmiju saistÄ«tais mirstÄ«bas risks papildus ir izvirzÄ«jis jautÄjumu par urÄ«nskÄbes lÄ«meÅa pazeminÄÅ”anÄs normÄm.
Å Ä« pÄtÄ«juma mÄrÄ·is ir izpÄtÄ«t iespÄjamÄs saiknes starp hipourikÄmiju un neirodeÄ£eneratÄ«vajÄm slimÄ«bÄm. No 2019. gada septembra lÄ«dz decembrim tika apkopoti un analizÄti dati no stacionÄtiem un ambulatoriem pacientiem Daugavpils reÄ£ionÄlÄs slimnÄ«cÄ, Orto klÄ«nikÄ, RÄ«gas Austrumu universitÄtes slimnÄ«cÄ un Paula StradiÅa klÄ«niskajÄ universitÄtes slimnÄ«cÄ, kuriem tika veikta urÄ«nskÄbes lÄ«meÅa pÄrbaude asinÄ«s. PÄc tam septiÅdesmit septiÅi pacienti sadalÄ«ti divÄs grupÄs ar neirodeÄ£eneratÄ«vÄm slimÄ«bÄm un bez neirodeÄ£eneratÄ«vÄm slimÄ«bÄm. Nebija atrastas atŔķirÄ«bas starp urÄ«nskÄbes koncentrÄciju Å”ajÄs divÄs grupÄs. Alcheimera slimÄ«bas biežumÄ bija ievÄrojamas atŔķirÄ«bas starp hipourikÄmiskiem un normourikÄmiskiem pacientiem, bet vaskulÄras demences biežumÄ nebija atrastas atŔķirÄ«bas. Alcheimera slimÄ«bas patoÄ£enÄzÄ galvenÄ loma ir normÄlas sinaptiskÄs funkcijas zaudÄÅ”ana un vielmaiÅas produktu, piemÄram, beta amiloÄ«da, uzkrÄÅ”anÄs, pretstatÄ vaskulÄrÄs demences etioloÄ£ija ietver vairÄkas orgÄnu sistÄmas un multifaktoriÄlus riska faktorus. Å is pÄtÄ«jums sniedz pierÄdÄ«jumus tam, ka hipourikÄmijai ir potenciÄla ietekme uz veselÄ«bu, Ä«paÅ”i uz neirodeÄ£eneratÄ«vo slimÄ«bu, piemÄram, Alcheimera slimÄ«bas biežumu, un tas uzsver urÄ«nskÄbes iespÄjamo neiroprotektÄ«vo lomu. TurpmÄkie pÄtÄ«jumi ir nepiecieÅ”ami, lai izstrÄdÄtu Ä«paÅ”as vadlÄ«nijas droÅ”ai apakÅ”Äjai robežai normÄlam urÄ«nskÄbes lÄ«menim asinÄ«s.Hypouricemia and itās clinical manifestations have received relatively little attention in the literature. As a result there is less awareness or understanding of potential risks of uric acid levels below the normal range. Emerging research indicates that normal uric acid levels have oxidative effects that are pro-inflammatory and paradoxically, it has an antioxidative and neuroprotective effects by reducing oxidative stress. This explains that hyperuricemia can lead to an inflammatory response causing gout and endothelial dysfunction causing cardiovascular diseases and hypouricemia could potentially be linked to neurodegenerative disease due to the loss of the neuroprotective effect of uric acidās antioxidative capacity. Additionally both abnormal levels have been linked to mortality creating a U-shaped relationship. With the advent of safer and more effective urate lowering medications the risk of mortality related to hypouricemia has additionally raised the question of the consequences of subnormal uric acid levels.
This study aims to investigate possible associations between hypouricemia and neurodegenerative disease. From September through December of 2019 inpatients and outpatients in Daugavpils Regional Hospital, Orto Clinic, Riga East University Hospital and Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital who underwent routine uric acid testing, were collected and analyzed. Seventy seven patients were then initially stratified into patients with neurodegenerative disease and patients without neurodegenerative disease. There were no differences found between the uric acid concentrations in these two groups. There was a significant difference in the rate of Alzheimerās disease between hypouricemic and normouricemic patients however there was no difference in the rate of vascular dementia. Loss of normal synaptic function and accumulation of metabolic waste products such as beta amyloid play a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimerās disease, as opposed to the etiology of vascular dementia which can involve multiple organ systems and multifactorial risk factors. This study provides evidence that hypouricemia has potential effects on health, specifically on the rate of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimerās disease and gives weight to the potential neuroprotective role of uric acid. Future research is needed to establish specific guidelines for a safe lower bound for normal blood uric acid levels