6 research outputs found

    Estimation of Vehicle Longitudinal Velocity with Artificial Neural Network

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    Vehicle dynamics control systems have a fundamental role in smart and autonomous mobility, where one of the most crucial aspects is the vehicle body velocity estimation. In this paper, the problem of a correct evaluation of the vehicle longitudinal velocity for dynamic control applications is approached using a neural networks technique employing a set of measured samples referring to signals usually available on-board, such as longitudinal and lateral acceleration, steering angle, yaw rate and linear wheel speed. Experiments were run on four professional driving circuits with very different characteristics, and the vehicle longitudinal velocity was estimated with different neural network training policies and validated through comparison with the measurements of the one acquired at the vehicle’s center of gravity, provided by an optical Correvit sensor, which serves as the reference (and, therefore, exact) velocity values. The results obtained with the proposed methodology are in good agreement with the reference values in almost all tested conditions, covering both the linear and the nonlinear behavior of the car, proving that artificial neural networks can be efficiently employed onboard, thereby enriching the standard set of control and safety-related electronics

    Levels of anti-HBs antibody in HBV-vaccinated students enrolled in the faculty of medicine, dentistry and health professions of a large italian university

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    Prophylaxis against hepatitis B virus (HBV) addressed to students of the faculties of health professions has received great attention. Objectives. The present study aims to assess vaccination coverage against hepatitis B in healthcare professionals in training.A retrospective study was carried out using data from the students of medicine, dentistry, and health professions. 4180 vaccination certifications were examined through the internal database. Significant differences (<0.0001) emerge between the number of doses applied and the antibody level. 50.4% of the students have nonprotective antibody levels (<10 IU). The age of the first dose significantly influences the level of coverage, resulting in more coverage in those vaccinated with earlier onset (1-10 years). Antibody levels are not significantly different by type of course; the levels of noncoverage are present in 44.4% of the students of medicine and dentistry and in 50.6% among those belonging to the health professions. This study represents one of the first experiences in Italy on vaccination against HBV and the relationship between doses of vaccination and antibody titer in the biomedical students that can configure a step forward in the real-time monitoring in order to establish a register of vaccination

    Revision of the behavior of Italian universities towards the HBV vaccination and tuberculosis prophylaxis

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    Diagnostic screening for hepatitis B and tuberculosis infection bears a very important role for health care professionals even considering the decreasing epidemiological trends. According to the WHO predictions in 2030 these diseases will remain at third and fourth places among the causes of death for infectious diseases in industrial countries. The aim of this study is to verify the presence of hepatitis B and tuberculosis prophylaxis among the entry requirements for Medical Schools (MED) and Healthcare Professions Degree (PS) courses in 2011/2012 enrollment announcements. We examined 39 websites of Italian Public and Private Universities and we discovered 38 different announcements for MED and PS courses looking for any reference about hepatitis B and tuberculosis vaccinations and Mantoux skin test. The statistical analysis is descriptive (frequency tables). Hepatitis B vaccination was required in 7 (18.4%) enrollment announcements for MED and 6 (13.6%) for PS, respectively. Tuberculosis vaccination and/or Mantoux skin test were found among requirements of only 10 announcements for MED and 7 for PS, respectively. According to this study there is a great and unexpected variability among the different universities. A homologation of these requirements would be strongly desirable among Italian regions and on the entire national territory

    Latent tuberculosis infection: prevalence amongst healthcare students at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy

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    Healthcare workers, including medical, dentistry and nursing students, have an increased risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. In this study the prevalence of tuberculin skin test (TST) positivity (defined as induration ≥ 5 mm) among healthcare students enrolled at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in the years 2011-2012 was evaluated. Overall, 2,519 students with a mean age of 20.6 years were tested, of whom 62.4% were female, 0.4% were vaccinated with BCG and 4.6% were foreign-born. Eighty-two students (3.3%) were found to have a positive TST. Prevalence varied by age and geographical place of birth. A baseline evaluation of medical and other healthcare students' TST status at the beginning of their training is essential to better implement infection and control measures for tuberculosis infection.Healthcare workers, including medical, dentistry and nursing students, have an increased risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. In this study the prevalence of tuberculin skin test (TST) positivity (defined as induration ≥ 5 mm) among healthcare students enrolled at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in the years 2011-2012 was evaluated. Overall, 2,519 students with a mean age of 20.6 years were tested, of whom 62.4% were female, 0.4% were vaccinated with BCG and 4.6% were foreign-born. Eighty-two students (3.3%) were found to have a positive TST. Prevalence varied by age and geographical place of birth. A baseline evaluation of medical and other healthcare students' TST status at the beginning of their training is essential to better implement infection and control measures for tuberculosis infection

    Il senso dello sport. Valori, agonismo, inclusione

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    Lo sport rappresenta un potente veicolo formativo, capace di incidere sugli stili di vita e sulle modalità di pensiero delle persone. Affinché la lezione dello sport sia realmente positiva, è però necessario che tale ruolo educativo sia riconosciuto e incoraggiato. Se ciò non avviene, la pratica sportiva continua a veicolare valori, ma corre il serio rischio di favorire il diffondersi di quelli negativi. Vincere diventa così l'unica cosa che conta e questo apre la strada a tutta una serie di pratiche e comportamenti palesemente antisportivi, doping in primis. Il volume, dedicato al rapporto tra sport, valori e inclusione sociale, vuole contribuire alla promozione di una rinnovata cultura sportiva. A tal fine si propone di mettere al servizio di associazioni, scuole e istituzioni sportive le competenze necessarie a fare della pratica sportiva una reale occasione di crescita umana e civile