58 research outputs found

    Downstream migration of newly-hatched ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) in the Tien Yen River of northern Vietnam

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    The ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) is an annual, amphidromous, plecoglossid fish, distributed in Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. To date, ayu have been found only in two rivers in northern Vietnam, where little is known about their life history. The Tien Yen River is believed to be the most southwestern habitat for this species. To determine whether newly hatched ayu larvae drift and to understand their downstream migration, intensive surveys were conducted in the Tien Yen River from October to March of 2013–2016. In total, 529 drifting ayu larvae were collected from four of six sampling stations along the river. Thus, ayu reproduction has been confirmed in this river for the first time, where only adult fish had been found previously. However, we did not successfully collect larvae in the eastern branch of the river, which has a hydroelectric dam, suggesting that ayu do not inhabit this branch or else do not reproduce there. The presence of drifting larvae in the western branch from mid-December to late January implies that they spawn from late November to mid-January. Drifting larvae were captured primarily at night, but peak occurrences varied depending upon the day and the sampling station. With the range of body sizes and variable diel abundance patterns, ayu in the Tien Yen River probably employ multiple spawning grounds. This study provides fundamental life history data for the vulnerable ayu populations in northern Vietnam

    Fish distribution in the Ba Che and Tien Yen rivers

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    The ichthyo-fauna in the Ba Che and Tien Yen rivers, northern Vietnam is highly diverse, with a total of 245 species determined. However, data on the distribution of fish species are not sufficiently provided for the whole area. This study was conducted from 2008 to 2011 at 27 stations from the Ba Che and Tien Yen river basins to determine the distribution of fish species according to different sections of the rivers, water bodies, seasons, and salinity levels. The results show that fish species are distributed mainly in the river (with 210 species), concentrated in the downstream area (with 213 species). Fishes are mainly collected in the dry season when the salinity level of river is high, due to seawater intrusion which also brings in 160 species of marine fish. This shows that fish distribution in the research areas is mainly dominated by the presence of marine species. While for freshwater fish, it is clearly affected by the mountainous features. Apart from the common characteristics sharing between the two river basins, but the number of both freshwater and marine fish species in the Tien Yen river are larger than those of Ba Che river, which is related to fresh water surface, river morphology, the width and location of the estuary to the sea. The downstream area is home to the fish species recorded in the Red Data Book of Vietnam and the complementary species for Vietnam, while the middle and upstream of the rivers may offer a high potential of biodiversity, with many possibly new species for science. These are important data for the conservation and sustainable development of fish resources in the Ba Che and Tien Yen river basins.

    Fed-LSAE: Thwarting Poisoning Attacks against Federated Cyber Threat Detection System via Autoencoder-based Latent Space Inspection

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    The significant rise of security concerns in conventional centralized learning has promoted federated learning (FL) adoption in building intelligent applications without privacy breaches. In cybersecurity, the sensitive data along with the contextual information and high-quality labeling in each enterprise organization play an essential role in constructing high-performance machine learning (ML) models for detecting cyber threats. Nonetheless, the risks coming from poisoning internal adversaries against FL systems have raised discussions about designing robust anti-poisoning frameworks. Whereas defensive mechanisms in the past were based on outlier detection, recent approaches tend to be more concerned with latent space representation. In this paper, we investigate a novel robust aggregation method for FL, namely Fed-LSAE, which takes advantage of latent space representation via the penultimate layer and Autoencoder to exclude malicious clients from the training process. The experimental results on the CIC-ToN-IoT and N-BaIoT datasets confirm the feasibility of our defensive mechanism against cutting-edge poisoning attacks for developing a robust FL-based threat detector in the context of IoT. More specifically, the FL evaluation witnesses an upward trend of approximately 98% across all metrics when integrating with our Fed-LSAE defense

    Diterpenoids from Fokienia hodginsii.

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    In continuous research on the chemical constituents of the twigs and leaves of Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry et Thomas growing in Highland, Lam Dong province 4 diterpenoids, including 3-oxo-totarol (totarolone, 1), 3β-hydroxytotarol (2), 15-nor-labda-8(17),12E-diene-14-carboxaldehyde-19-oic acid (3) and 13-oxo-15,16-dinorlabda-8(17),11E-diene-19-oic acid (4) were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by the spectroscopic methods and comparison with reported data. This is the first report on the isolation of compounds 1, 2 and 3 from this plant. Keywords. Fokienia hodginsii; totarane; nor-labdane diterpenoid

    Terpenoids from Dacrycarpus imbricatus.

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    The phytochemical investigation of the hexane extract from the twigs and leaves of Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub led to the isolation of a rare sesquiterpene, spathulenol (1) along with three diterpenes named pimaric acid (2), trans-communic acid (3) and cis-communic acid (4). Their structures were determined by combination of spectral analysis and comparison with reported data. This is the first report on isolation of compound 1 from the Podocarpaceae family. Keywords. Dacrycarpus imbricatus, spathulenol, pimaric acid, communic acid


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    Phytochemical investigation of the rhizomes of Homalomena pendula resulted in the isolation of one flavone and three steroids. These compounds were determined as tangeretin (1), ergosterol peroxide (2), sitoindoside I (3), and stigmasterol (4) on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR data and in comparison with the available data in the literature. Compounds 1‒3 were found for the first time from the genus Homamomena. The n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts show NO production inhibitory activity in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells with IC50 values of 46.8 and 75.52 µg·mL–1.Hợp chất flavone, tangeretin (1), và ba hợp chất steroid: ergosterol peroxide (2), sitoindoside I (3) và stigmasterol (4) đã được phân lập từ thân rễ của cây thiên niên kiện lá lớn (Homalomena pendula). Cấu trúc hóa học của chúng được xác định dựa trên phân tích dữ liệu phổ cộng hưởng từ hạt nhân (1D và 2D NMR) và so sánh với các tài liệu đã công bố. Các hợp chất (1-3) được phân lập lần đầu tiên từ chi Homalomena. Cao chiết n-hexane và ethyl acetate của cây này có hoạt tính ức chế sản sinh NO trên đại thực bào RAW 264.7 kích thích bằng lipopolysaccharide với các giá trị IC50 là 46,80 và 75,52 µg·mL–1

    Targeted next-generation sequencing on hirschsprung disease: A pilot study exploits DNA pooling

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    To adopt an efficient approach of identifying rare variants possibly related to Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), a pilot study was set up to evaluate the performance of a newly designed protocol for next generation targeted resquencing. In total, 20 Chinese HSCR patients and 20 Chinese sex-matched individuals with no HSCR were included, for which coding sequences (CDS) of 62 genes known to be in signaling pathways relevant to enteric nervous system development were selected for capture and sequencing. Blood DNAs from eight pools of five cases or controls were enriched by PCR-based RainDance technology (RDT) and then sequenced on a 454 FLX platform. As technical validation, five patients from case Pool-3 were also independently enriched by RDT, indexed with barcode and sequenced with sufficient coverage. Assessment for CDS single nucleotide variants showed DNA pooling performed well (specificity/sensitivity at 98.4%/83.7%) at the common variant level; but relatively worse (specificity/sensitivity at 65.5%/61.3%) at the rare variant level. Further Sanger sequencing only validated five out of 12 rare damaging variants likely involved in HSCR. Hence more improvement at variant detection and sequencing technology is needed to realize the potential of DNA pooling for large-scale resequencing projects. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/University College London.postprin

    De novo copy number variations in candidate genomic regions in patients of severe autism spectrum disorder in Vietnam

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder with a prevalence of around 1% children worldwide and characterized by patient behaviour (communication, social interaction, and personal development). Data on the efficacy of diagnostic tests using copy number variations (CNVs) in candidate genes in ASD is currently around 10% but it is overrepresented by patients of Caucasian background. We report here that the diagnostic success of de novo candidate CNVs in Vietnamese ASD patients is around 6%. We recruited one hundred trios (both parents and a child) where the child was clinically diagnosed with ASD while the parents were not affected. We performed genetic screening to exclude RETT syndrome and Fragile X syndrome and performed genome-wide DNA microarray (aCGH) on all probands and their parents to analyse for de novo CNVs. We detected 1708 non-redundant CNVs in 100 patients and 118 (7%) of them were de novo. Using the filter for known CNVs from the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) database, we identified six CNVs (one gain and five loss CNVs) in six patients (3 males and 3 females). Notably, 3 of our patients had a deletion involving the SHANK3 gene–which is the highest compared to previous reports. This is the first report of candidate CNVs in ASD patients from Vietnam and provides the framework for building a CNV based test as the first tier screening for clinical management

    Prevalence and risk factors for human papillomavirus infection among female sex workers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam: a cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVE: Female sex workers (FSWs) are at high risk of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and cervical cancer due to their high number of sexual partners. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of HPV and identify risk factors for high-risk HPV infection among FSWs in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Viet Nam. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Hanoi and HCMC between December 2017 and May 2018. We surveyed and screened 699 FSWs aged 318 years for HPV infection and abnormal cytology. A multivariable modified Cox regression model was used to determine risk factors for high-risk HPV infection. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of any HPV, high-risk HPV and HPV-16/18 infection in the 699 FSWs was 26.3%, 17.6% and 4.0%, respectively, and were similar in both cities. Multiple infections were identified in 127 participants (69.0%). HPV-52 was the most prevalent (7%), followed by HPV-58 (6%). Abnormal cytology was detected in 91 participants (13.0%). FSWs who are divorced (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR]: 1.96, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01-3.81), widowed (aPR: 3.26, 95% CI: 1.49-7.12) or living alone (aPR: 1.85, 95% CI: 1.01-3.39) were associated with a higher prevalence of high-risk HPV infection. DISCUSSION: Almost one in five FSWs in Viet Nam are infected with high-risk HPV. This highlights the importance of prevention strategies such as HPV vaccination and screening in this high-risk group