132 research outputs found

    Transanal irrigation is more beneficial in symptomatic management of neurogenic bowel disease than conservative bowel management

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    A clinical decision report appraising Christensen P, Bazzocchi G, Coggrave M, et al. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Transanal Irrigation Versus Conservative Bowel Management in Spinal Cord–Injured Patients. Gastroenterology. 2006;131(3):738-747. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2006.06.00

    La communauté vietnamienne de Montréal

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit widmet sich der vietnamesischen Gemeinschaft in Montréal, wobei das Erkenntnisinteresse auf der ethnokulturellen Identität der jungen Vieto-MontrealerInnen liegt. Die Diplomarbeit ist in drei große Teile gegliedert und versucht herauszufinden, wie die jungen Erwachsenen einer ethnischen Gruppe, der VietnamesInnen in Montréal, sich in einem kanadischen bzw. quebekischen Umfeld zurechtfinden und sich identifizieren. Im Kapitel 3 wird auf die wesentlichsten historischen Elemente eingegangen. Es werden hierbei die verschiedenen Migrationswellen von Vietnam nach Kanada beschrieben, der Ablauf und die Umstände bei ihrer Abreise in Vietnam und ihre Ankunft in Montréal, und welche Rolle dabei die Regierung Kanadas bzw. Québecs spielte. Kapitel 4 befasst sich mit der aktuellen Situation der vietnamesischen Gemeinschaft in Montréal, unter anderem in Hinblick auf ihr soziales, wirtschaftliches, politisches Leben. Dabei konzentriert sich die Analyse insbesondere auf ihre Integrierung in der Gesellschaft Montréals und beschreibt in diesem Zusammenhang den Vorgang bzw. die verschiedenen Formen der Integration der Vieto-MontrealerInnen. Im Kapitel 5, das den Schwerpunkt dieser Diplomarbeit bildet, erfolgt eine Auseinandersetzung mit der kulturellen und ethnischen Identität der jungen VietnamesInnen in Montréal. Zu diesem Zweck wurden im August 2011 Interviews mit zwölf Vieto-MontrealerInnen im Alter von 18 bis 27 Jahren geführt, um herauszufinden welche Elemente zum Ausdruck ihrer Identität beitragen und wie diese geprägt wird. Mit Hilfe der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse werden die Interviews hinsichtlich der Rolle von Sprache und Werten und des sozialen, familiären, gemeinschaftlichen, kulturellen und schulischen Leben genauer untersucht und interpretiert

    Enhancing the Museum Experience of an Augmented Reality (AR) Art Exhibition Through Digital Exhibit Labels and Gamification

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    Due to emerging and disruptive technologies, museums are searching for ways to enhance their visitors’ experience. This paper investigates aspects of an Augmented Reality (AR) art exhibition for their potential effects on a visitor’s museum experience and engagement. Through a mixed experimental design we tested the effects of two factors, namely the exhibit label’s Channel (print vs. digital) and the presence of Gamification (none vs. quiz game). Forty seven participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups, each with two treatments: (1) Print No Gamification and With Gamification (n = 24), (2) Digital No Gamification and With Gamification (n = 23). Results revealed that displaying exhibit labels for AR artworks in digital rather than print form resulted in a significantly higher level of Cognitive Absorption among participants. This, in turn, had a positive impact on visitors’ aesthetics, education, entertainment and escapism (4Es), and ultimately both engagement and behavioural intentions

    Web Experience and Growth

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    Measuring the impact of user experience on growth and return on investment is essential in making a business case for developing or redesigning websites in a company. Thus, examining factors that can impact the return on investment of web design are of great importance to companies. In this paper, we develop a basic model to provide a scientific framework for predicting the business value of web design. We test our model via an experiment using an actual live website in a Fortune 500 company


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    The multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC) has recently emerged as a great type of silicon photomultiplier to replace or compensate for conventional vacuum-based photomultiplier tubes. An MPPC provides many advantageous features, such as high electrical gain, outstanding photon detection efficiency, fast timing response, immunity to magnetic fields, low-voltage operation, compactness, portability, and cost-effectiveness. This article examines the electrical and optical characteristics of an MPPC under loosely controlled environmental conditions. We also report a measurement of the light yield captured by the MPPC when a cosmic ray passes through the plastic scintillator, demonstrating that such a setup is suitable as a simple, cost-effective tabletop cosmic ray detector for educational and research purposes

    Ngu-Vi-Tieu-Khat decoction, a Vietnamese traditional medicine, possesses hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects on streptozotocin-induced type-2 diabetic rat model

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    This study aims to assess the hypoglycemic effects of Ngu-Vi-Tieu-Khat (NVTK) decoction, a traditional Vietnamese medicine, in a rat model of type-2 diabetes. The NVTK decoction was prepared using the maceration method and tested for its hypoglycemic effects by measuring blood glucose levels, insulin resistance indicators, and pancreatic mass. The results showed that NVTK decoction improved diabetes symptoms, increased insulin levels, reduced insulin resistance, restored pancreatic mass, and decreased total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) while increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). The hypoglycemic effects of NVTK were comparable to those of gliclazide at a dose of 10 mg/kg. In conclusion, NVTK decoction possesses hypoglycemic properties and could be explored as a potential traditional medicine for treating type-2 diabetes in humans

    Temporal Trends in Tobacco Smoking Prevalence During the Period 2010–2020 in Vietnam: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objectives: This study used repeated cross-sectional data from three national surveys in Vietnam to determine tobacco smoking prevalence from 2010 to 2020 and disparities among demographic and socioeconomic groups.Methods: Tobacco smoking temporal trends were estimated for individuals aged 15 and over and stratified by demographic and socioeconomic status (SES). Prevalence estimates used survey weights and 95% confidence intervals. Logistic regression models adjusted for survey sample characteristics across time were used to examine trends.Results: Tobacco smoking prevalence dropped from 23.8% in 2010 to 22.5% in 2015 and 20.8% in 2020. The adjusted OR for 2015 compared to 2010 was 0.87, and for 2020 compared to 2010 was 0.69. Smoking decreased less for employed individuals than unemployed individuals in 2020 compared to 2010. Smoking was higher in the lower SES group in all 3 years. Higher-SES households have seen a decade-long drop in tobacco use.Conclusion: This prevalence remained constant in lower SES households. This highlights the need for targeted interventions to address the specific challenges faced by lower-SES smokers and emphasizes the importance of further research to inform effective policies

    Cross-sectional study of coeliac autoimmunity in a population of Vietnamese children

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    Objective: The prevalence of coeliac disease (CD) inVietnam is unknown. To fill this void, we assessed the prevalence of serological markers of CD autoimmunity in a population of children in Hanoi. Setting: The outpatient blood drawing laboratory of the largest paediatric hospital in North Vietnam was used for the study, which was part of an international project of collaboration between Italy and Vietnam. Participants: Children having blood drawn for any reason were included. Exclusion criteria were age younger than 2 years, acquired or congenital immune deficiency and inadequate sample. A total of 1961 children (96%) were enrolled (838 females, 1123 males, median age 5.3 years). Outcomes: Primary outcome was the prevalence of positive autoimmunity to both IgA antitransglutaminase antibodies (anti-tTG) assessed with an ELISA test and antiendomysial antibodies (EMA). Secondary outcome was the prevalence of CD predisposing human leucocyte antigens (HLA) (HLA DQ2/8) in the positive children and in a random group of samples negative for IgA anti-tTG. Results: The IgA anti-tTG test was positive in 21/1961 (1%; 95% CI 0.61% to 1.53%); however, EMA antibodies were negative in all. HLA DQ2/8 was present in 7/21 (33%; 95% CI 14.5% to 56.9%) of the anti-tTG-positive children and in 72/275 (26%; 95% CI 21% to 32%) of those who were negative. Conclusions: Coeliac autoimmunity is rare in Vietnam, although prevalence of HLA DQ2/8 is similar to that of other countries. We hypothesise that the scarce exposure to gluten could be responsible for these findings

    Enzyme-linked immunoassay for dengue virus IgM and IgG antibodies in serum and filter paper blood

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    BACKGROUND: The reproducibilty of dengue IgM and IgG ELISA was studied in serum and filter paper blood spots from Vietnamese febrile patients. METHODS: 781 pairs of acute (t0) and convalescent sera, obtained after three weeks (t3) and 161 corresponding pairs of filter paper blood spots were tested with ELISA for dengue IgG and IgM. 74 serum pairs were tested again in another laboratory with similar methods, after a mean of 252 days. RESULTS: Cases were classified as no dengue (10 %), past dengue (55%) acute primary (7%) or secondary (28%) dengue. Significant differences between the two laboratories' results were found leading to different diagnostic classification (kappa 0.46, p < 0.001). Filter paper results correlated poorly to serum values, being more variable and lower with a mean (95% CI) difference of 0.82 (0.36 to 1.28) for IgMt3, 0.94 (0.51 to 1.37) for IgGt0 and 0.26 (-0.20 to 0.71) for IgGt3. This also led to differences in diagnostic classification (kappa value 0.44, p < 0.001) The duration of storage of frozen serum and dried filter papers, sealed in nylon bags in an air-conditioned room, had no significant effect on the ELISA results. CONCLUSION: Dengue virus IgG antibodies in serum and filter papers was not affected by duration of storage, but was subject to inter-laboratory variability. Dengue virus IgM antibodies measured in serum reconstituted from blood spots on filter papers were lower than in serum, in particular in the acute phase of disease. Therefore this method limits its value for diagnostic confirmation of individual patients with dengue virus infections. However the detection of dengue virus IgG antibodies eluted from filter paper can be used for sero-prevalence cross sectional studies