267 research outputs found

    Spectral Energy Distributions and Multiwavelength Selection of Type 1 Quasars

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    We present an analysis of the mid-infrared (MIR) and optical properties of type 1 (broad-line) quasars detected by the Spitzer Space Telescope. The MIR color-redshift relation is characterized to z ~ 3, with predictions to z = 7. We demonstrate how combining MIR and optical colors can yield even more efficient selection of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) than MIR or optical colors alone. Composite spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are constructed for 259 quasars with both Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Spitzer photometry, supplemented by near-IR, GALEX, VLA, and ROSAT data, where available. We discuss how the spectral diversity of quasars influences the determination of bolometric luminosities and accretion rates; assuming the mean SED can lead to errors as large as 50% for individual quasars when inferring a bolometric luminosity from an optical luminosity. Finally, we show that careful consideration of the shape of the mean quasar SED and its redshift dependence leads to a lower estimate of the fraction of reddened/obscured AGNs missed by optical surveys as compared to estimates derived from a single mean MIR to optical flux ratio

    HST Snapshot Survey of Post-AGB Objects

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    The results from a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) snapshot survey of post-AGB objects are shown. The aim of the survey is to complement existing HST images of PPN and to connect various types of nebulosities with physical and chemical properties of their central stars. Nebulosities are detected in 15 of 33 sources. Images and photometric and geometric measurements are presented. For sources with nebulosities we see a morphological bifurcation into two groups, DUPLEX and SOLE, as previous studies have found. We find further support to the previous results suggesting that this dichotomy is caused by a difference in optical thickness of the dust shell. The remaining 18 sources are classified as stellar post-AGB objects, because our observations indicate a lack of nebulosity. We show that some stellar sources may in fact be DUPLEX or SOLE based on their infrared colors. The cause of the differences among the groups are investigated. We discuss some evidence suggesting that high progenitor-mass AGB stars tend to become DUPLEX post-AGB objects. Intermediate progenitor-mass AGB stars tend to be SOLE post-AGB objects. Most of the stellar sources probably have low mass progenitors and do not seem to develop nebulosities during the post-AGB phase and therefore do not become planetary nebulae.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Pulsations and Long-Term Light Variability of Three Candidates to Protoplanetary Nebulae

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    We present new photometric data and analysis of the long-duration UBV photoelectric observations for three candidates to protoplanetary objects - F-supergiants with IR-excesses located at large galactic latitudes, IRAS 18095+2704, IRAS 19386+0155, and IRAS 19500-1709. All three stars have revealed quasiperiodic low-amplitude variabilities caused by pulsations observed against the long-term trends of brightnesses. For IRAS 18095+2704=V887 Her we have found a pulsation period of 109 days and a linear trend of brightness under the constant colours if being averaged over the year timescale. The light curve of IRAS 19386+0155=V1648 Aql over 2000-2008 can be approximated by a wave with a main period of 102 days which is modulated by close frequency, with a period of 98 days, that results in brightness oscillations with a variable amplitude. V1648 Aql has also shown synchronous reddening together with a persistent rise of brightness in the V-band. IRAS 19500-1709=V5112 Sgr experiences irregular pulsations with the periods of 39 and 47 days. The long-term component of the variability of V5112 Sgr may be related to the binary character of this star.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Pis'ma Astron. Z

    The evolutionary status of the semiregular variable QYSge

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    Repeated spectroscopic observations made with the 6m telescope of yielded new data on the radial-velocity variability of the anomalous yellow supergiant QYSge. The strongest and most peculiar feature in its spectrum is the complex profile of NaI D lines, which contains a narrow and a very wide emission components. The wide emission component can be seen to extend from -170 to +120 km/s, and at its central part it is cut by an absorption feature, which, in turn, is split into two subcomponents by a narrow (16km/s at r=2.5) emission peak. An analysis of all the Vr values leads us to adopt for the star a systemic velocity of Vr=-21.1 km/s, which corresponds to the position of the narrow emission component of NaI. The locations of emission-line features of NaI D lines are invariable, which point to their formation in regions that are external to the supergiant's photosphere. Differential line shifts of about 10km/s are revealed. The absorption lines in the spectrum of QYSge have a substantial width of FWHM~45 km/s. The method of model atmospheres is used to determine the following parameters: Teff=6250K, lg g=2.0, and microturbulence Vt=4.5km/s. The metallicity of the star is found to be somewhat higher than the solar one with an average overabundance of iron-peak elements of [Met/H]=+0.20. The star is found to be slightly overabundant in carbon and nitrogen, [C/Fe]=+0.25, [N/Fe]=+0.27. The alpha-process elements Mg, Si, and Ca are slightly overabundant [alpha/H]=+0.12. The strong sodium excess, [Na/Fe]=+0.75, is likely to be due to the dredge-up of the matter processed in the NeNa cycle. Heavy elements of the s-process are underabundant relative to the Sun. On the whole, the observed properties of QYSge do not give grounds for including this star into the group of RCrB or RVTau-type type objects.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables; accepted by Astrophys. Bulleti

    Evolutionary stage of the spectral variable BD+48 1220=IRAS 05040+4820

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    Based on high-resolution observations (R=60000 and 75000), we have studied the optical spectral variability of the star BD+48 1220 (IRAS05040+4820). We have measured the equivalent widths of numerous absorption lines of neutral atoms and ions at wavelengths from 4500 to 6760 AA, as well as the corresponding radial velocities. We use model atmospheres to determine Teff=7900K, log g=0.0, microturbulence velocity xi_t=6.0, and the abundances for 16 elements. The star's metallicity differs little from the solar value: [Fe/H]=-0.10 dex. The main peculiarity of the chemical composition of the star is a large He-excess, derived from the HeI 5876 A absorption, [He/H]=+1.04, and the equally large O-excess, [O/Fe]=+0.72 dex. The C-excess is small, [C/Fe]=+0.09 dex, and the ratio [C/O]\le 1. We obtained a revised relation for the light-metal abundances: [Na/Fe]=+0.87 with [Mg/Fe]=-0.31. The barium abundance is low, [Ba/Fe]=-0.84. The radial velocity of the star measured from photospheric absorption lines over three years of observations varies in the interval V_sun = -(7 - 15) km/s. Time variable differential line shifts have been revealed. The entire set of available data (the luminosity Mv~-5m, velocity V_lsr~-20 km/s, metallicity [Fe/H]=-0.10, and peculiarities of the optical spectrum and chemical composition) confirms the status of BD+48 1220 as a post-AGB star with He- and O-excesses belonging to the Galactic disk.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted by Astronomy Report

    Optical spectrum of the post-AGB star HD56126 in the region 4010-8790 AA

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    We studied in detail the optical spectrum of the post-AGB star HD56126 (IRAS07134+1005). We use high resolution spectra (R=25000 and 60000) obtained with the echelle spectrographs of the 6-m telescope. About one and a half thousand absorptions of neutral atoms and ions, absorption bands of C_2, CN, and CH molecules, and interstellar bands (DIBs) are identified in the 4010 to 8790 AA wavelength region, and the depths and radial velocities of these spectral features are measured. Differences are revealed between the variations of the radial velocities measured from spectral features of different excitation. In addition to the well-known variability of the Halpha profile, we found variations in the profiles of a number of FeII, YII, and BaII lines. We also produce an atlas of the spectrum of HD56126 and its comparison staralpha Per. The full version of the atlas is available in electronic form from Web-address: http://www.sao.ru/hq/ssl/Atlas/Atlas.htmlComment: 42 pages, 6 figure

    A first measurement of the interaction cross section of the tau neutrino

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    The DONuT experiment collected data in 1997 and published first results in 2000 based on four observed ντ\nu_\tau charged-current (CC) interactions. The final analysis of the data collected in the experiment is presented in this paper, based on 3.6×10173.6 \times 10^{17} protons on target using the 800 GeV Tevatron beam at Fermilab. The number of observed ντ\nu_\tau CC interactions is 9, from a total of 578 observed neutrino interactions. We calculated the energy-independent part of the tau-neutrino CC cross section (ν+νˉ\nu + \bar \nu), relative to the well-known νe\nu_e and νμ\nu_\mu cross sections. The ratio σ(ντ)\sigma(\nu_\tau)/σ(νe,μ)\sigma(\nu_{e,\mu}) was found to be 1.37±0.35±0.771.37\pm0.35\pm0.77. The ντ\nu_\tau CC cross section was found to be 0.72±0.24±0.36×10380.72 \pm 0.24\pm0.36 \times 10^{-38} cm2GeV1^{2}\rm{GeV}^{-1}. Both results are in agreement the Standard Model.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figure