1,551 research outputs found
Event-by-Event Analysis and the Central Limit Theorem
Event-by-event analysis of heavy-ion collision events is an important tool
for the study of the QCD phase boundary and formation of a quark-gluon plasma.
A universal feature of phase boundaries is the appearance of increased
fluctuations of conserved measures as manifested by excess measure variance
compared to a reference. In this paper I consider a particular aspect of EbyE
analysis emphasizing global-variables variance comparisons and the central
limit theorem. I find that the central limit theorem is, in a broader
interpretation, a statement about the scale invariance of total variance for a
measure distribution, which in turn relates to the scale-dependent symmetry
properties of the distribution.. I further generalize this concept to the
relationship between the scale dependence of a covariance matrix for all
conserved measures defined on a dynamical system and a matrix of covariance
integrals defined on two-point measure spaces, which points the way to a
detailed description of the symmetry dynamics of a complex measure system.
Finally, I relate this generalized description to several recently proposed or
completed event-by-event analyses.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figure
Comparing the same-side "ridge" in CMS p-p angular correlations to RHIC p-p data
The CMS collaboration has recently reported the appearance of a same-side
"ridge" structure in two-particle angular correlations from 7 TeV p-p
collisions. The ridge in p-p collisions at 7 TeV has been compared to a ridge
structure in more-central Au-Au collisions at 0.2 TeV interpreted by some as
evidence for a dense, flowing QCD medium. In this study we make a detailed
comparison between 0.2 TeV p-p correlations and the CMS results. We find that 7
TeV minimum-bias jet correlations are remarkably similar to those at 0.2 TeV,
even to the details of the same-side peak geometry. Extrapolation of azimuth
quadrupole systematics from 0.2 TeV suggests that the same-side ridge at 7 TeV
is a manifestation of the azimuth quadrupole with amplitude enhanced by applied
cuts.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, response to referee comment
Extrapolating parton fragmentation to low in - collisions
We analyze the energy scale dependence of fragmentation functions from
- collisions using conventional momentum measures and
and rapidity . We find that replotting fragmentation functions on a
normalized rapidity variable results in a compact form precisely represented by
the beta distribution, its two parameters varying slowly and simply with parton
energy scale . The resulting parameterization enables extrapolation of
fragmentation functions to low in order to describe fragment distributions
at low transverse momentum in heavy ion collisions at RHIC.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure
Correlation Analysis With Scale-local Entropy Measures
A novel method for correlation analysis using scale-dependent Renyi entropies
is described. The method involves calculating the entropy of a data
distribution as an explicit function of the scale of a d-dimensional partition
of d-cubes, which is dithered to remove bias. Analytic expressions for dithered
scale-local entropy and dimension for a uniform random point set are derived
and compared to Monte Carlo results. Simulated nontrivial point-set
correlations representing condensation and clustering are similarly analyzed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
Parton fragment yields derived from minimum-bias jet angular correlations
Spectrum hard components from 200 GeV \auau collisions are accurately
described by pQCD parton fragment distributions, indicating that a substantial
population of parton fragments is present in hadron spectra at low .
Minimum-bias angular correlations contain jet-like correlation structure with
most-probable hadron momentum 1 GeV/c. In this study we convert minimum-bias
jet-like angular correlations to single-particle yields and compare them with
spectrum hard components. We find that jet-like correlations in central 200 GeV
\auau collisions correspond quantitatively to pQCD predictions, and the
jet-correlated hadron yield comprises one third of the final state.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
Multiparticle correlations in Q-space
We introduce Q-space, the tensor product of an index space with a primary
space, to achieve a more general mathematical description of correlations in
terms of q-tuples. Topics discussed include the decomposition of Q-space into a
sum-variable (location) subspace S plus an orthogonal difference-variable
subspace D, and a systematisation of q-tuple size estimation in terms of
p-norms. The "GHP sum" prescription for q-tuple size emerges naturally as the
2-norm of difference-space vectors. Maximum- and minimum-size prescriptions are
found to be special cases of a continuum of p-sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
Scale-local dimensions of strange attractors
We compare limit-based and scale-local dimensions of complex distributions,
particularly for a strange attractor of the Henon map. Scale-local dimensions
as distributions on scale are seen to exhibit a wealth of detail. Limit-based
dimensions are shown to be averages of scale-local dimensions, in principle
over a semi-infinite scale interval. We identify some critical questions of
definition for practical dimension analysis of arbitrary distributions on
bounded scale intervals.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
Autocorrelations from fluctuation scale dependence by inversion
Fluctuations in nuclear collisions can be measured as a function of
momentum-space binning scale over a scale interval bounded by detector
two-track resolution and acceptance. Fluctuation scale dependence is related to
two-particle correlations by a Fredholm integral equation. That equation can be
inverted by standard numerical methods to yield an autocorrelation distribution
on difference variables as a projection of the full two-particle distribution
which retains most of the correlation information in a more compact form.
Autocorrelation distributions are typically more easily interpreted in terms of
physical mechanisms than fluctuation measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
Transverse-rapidity dependence of the nonjet azimuth quadrupole from 62 and 200 GeV Au-Au collisions
Previous measurements of a quadrupole component of azimuth correlations
denoted by symbol have been interpreted to represent elliptic flow, a
hydrodynamic phenomenon conjectured to play a major role in noncentral
nucleus-nucleus collisions. measurements provide the main support for
conclusions that a ``perfect liquid'' is formed in heavy ion collisions at the
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). However, conventional methods
based on one-dimensional (1D) azimuth correlations give inconsistent results
and may include a jet contribution. In some cases the data trends appear to be
inconsistent with hydrodynamic interpretations. In this study we distinguish
several components of 2D angular correlations and isolate a nonjet (NJ) azimuth
quadrupole denoted by . We establish systematic variations of
the NJ quadrupole on , centrality and collision energy. We adopt
transverse rapidity as both a velocity measure and as a logarithmic
alternative to transverse momentum . Based on NJ quadrupole trends we
derive a completely factorized universal parametrization of quantity
which describes the centrality,
and energy dependence. From -differential data we isolate a
quadrupole spectrum and infer a quadrupole source boost having unexpected
properties. NJ quadrupole trends obtained with 2D model fits are
remarkably simple. The centrality trend appear to be uncorrelated with a sharp
transition in jet-related structure that may indicate rapid change of Au-Au
medium properties. The lack of correspondence suggests that the NJ quadrupole
may be insensitive to such a medium. Several quadrupole trends have interesting
implications for hydro interpretations.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure
Challenging the utility of third-order azimuth harmonics in the description of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
In recent years it has become conventional practice to include higher-order
cylindrical harmonics in the phenomenological description of two-particle
angular correlations from ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These model
elements, whose dependence on relative azimuth angle has the form
where , were introduced to support a
hydrodynamic flow interpretation of the same-side ()
2D peak in the correlations. Previous studies have shown that the
harmonics are not required by the data, that they destabilize the fitting
models, and that their net effect is to decompose the same-side peak into two
components, one being dependent on and the other being independent of relative
pseudorapidity. Thus we are lead to question whether descriptions of angular
correlation data including higher-order harmonics inform our understanding of
the same-side peak or heavy-ion collisions in general. Results from analysis of
two-dimensional angular correlation data from the Relativistic Heavy-Ion
Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) show that the RHIC data do
not exclude a single-Gaussian hypothesis for the same-side peak. We find that
the net effect of including the harmonic or azimuth sextupole in the
fitting model is the inclusion of small non-Gaussian dependence in the
mathematical description of the same-side peak. Those non-Gaussian effects are
systematically insignificant and can be accommodated by minor perturbations to
the same-side 2D Gaussian peak model, which act locally at small relative
azimuth. We also demonstrate that the 0-1% 2D angular correlation data for 2.76
TeV Pb+Pb collisions from ATLAS, which display an away-side double peak on
azimuth, do not require a sextupole and exclude a positive same-side sextupole.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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