40 research outputs found

    Specific inhibition of AGC protein kinases by antibodies against C-terminal epitopes

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    AbstractThe sequences contributing to the catalytic site of protein kinases are not all comprised within the highly conserved catalytic core. Thus, in mammalian cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), the C-terminal sequence participates in substrate binding. Using synthetic peptides mimicking the FxxF motif present at most C-termini of AGC kinases, we have raised highly specific antibodies which are potent and specific inhibitors of the catalytic activity of the cognate protein kinase. Taking into account the structure of PKA, these results point to the potential of the C-terminal region of protein kinases as a target for designing specific protein kinase inhibitors

    The H89 cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor blocks Plasmodium falciparum development in infected erythrocytes

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    In Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of human malaria, the catalytic subunit gene of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Pfpka-c) exists as a single copy. Interestingly, its expression appears developmentally regulated, being at higher levels in the pathogenic asexual stages than in the sexual forms of parasite that are responsible for transmission to the mosquito vector. Within asexual parasites, PfPKA activity can be readily detected in schizonts. Similar to endogenous PKA activity of noninfected red blood cells, the parasite enzyme can be stimulated by cAMP and inhibited by protein kinase inhibitor.Importantly, ex vivo treatment of infected erythrocytes with the classical PKA-C inhibitor H89 leads to a block in parasite growth. This suggests that the PKA activities of infected red blood cells are essential for parasite multiplication. Finally, structural considerations suggest that drugs targeting the parasite, rather than the erythrocyte enzyme, might be developed that could help in the fight against malaria

    The zinc finger of NEMO is a functional ubiquitin-binding domain.

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    International audienceNEMO (NF-kappaB essential modulator) is a regulatory protein essential to the canonical NF-kappaB signaling pathway, notably involved in immune and inflammatory responses, apoptosis, and oncogenesis. Here, we report that the zinc finger (ZF) motif, located in the regulatory C-terminal half of NEMO, forms a specific complex with ubiquitin. We have investigated the NEMO ZF-ubiquitin interaction and proposed a structural model of the complex based on NMR, fluorescence, and mutagenesis data and on the sequence homology with the polymerase eta ubiquitin-binding zinc finger involved in DNA repair. Functional complementation assays and in vivo pull-down experiments further show that ZF residues involved in ubiquitin binding are functionally important and required for NF-kappaB signaling in response to tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Thus, our findings indicate that NEMOZFisa bona fide ubiquitin-binding domain of the ubiquitin-binding zinc finger type

    Conformational changes induced in the envelope glycoproteins of the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses by soluble receptor binding.

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    We have investigated the molecular basis of biological differences observed among cell line-adapted isolates of the human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2) and the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in response to receptor binding by using a soluble form of CD4 (sCD4) as a receptor mimic. We find that sCD4 binds to the envelope glycoproteins of all of the HIV-1 isolates tested with affinities within a threefold range, whereas those of the HIV-2 and SIV isolates have relative affinities for sCD4 two- to eightfold lower than those of HIV-1. Treatment of infected cells with sCD4 induced the dissociation of gp120 from gp41 and increased the exposure of a cryptic gp41 epitope on all of the HIV-1 isolates. By contrast, neither dissociation of the outer envelope glycoprotein nor increased exposure of the transmembrane glycoprotein was observed when sCD4 bound to HIV-2- or SIV-infected cells. Moreover, immunoprecipitation with sCD4 resulted in the coprecipitation of the surface and transmembrane glycoproteins from virions of the HIV-2 and SIV isolates, whereas the surface envelope glycoprotein alone was precipitated from HIV-1. However, treatment of HIV-1-, HIV-2-, and SIV-infected cells with sCD4 did result in an increase in exposure of their V2 and V3 loops, as detected by enhanced antibody reactivity. This demonstrates that receptor binding to the outer envelope glycoprotein induces certain conformational changes which are common to all of these viruses and others which are restricted to cell line-passaged isolates of HIV-1

    Two-sided ubiquitin binding of NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) zinc finger unveiled by a mutation associated with anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency syndrome.

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    International audienceHypomorphic mutations in the X-linked human NEMO gene result in various forms of anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency. NEMO function is mediated by two distal ubiquitin binding domains located in the regulatory C-terminal domain of the protein: the coiled-coil 2-leucine zipper (CC2-LZ) domain and the zinc finger (ZF) domain. Here, we investigated the effect of the D406V mutation found in the NEMO ZF of an ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency patients. This point mutation does not impair the folding of NEMO ZF or mono-ubiquitin binding but is sufficient to alter NEMO function, as NEMO-deficient fibroblasts and Jurkat T lymphocytes reconstituted with full-length D406V NEMO lead to partial and strong defects in NF-κB activation, respectively. To further characterize the ubiquitin binding properties of NEMO ZF, we employed di-ubiquitin (di-Ub) chains composed of several different linkages (Lys-48, Lys-63, and linear (Met-1-linked)). We showed that the pathogenic mutation preferentially impairs the interaction with Lys-63 and Met-1-linked di-Ub, which correlates with its ubiquitin binding defect in vivo. Furthermore, sedimentation velocity and gel filtration showed that NEMO ZF, like other NEMO related-ZFs, binds mono-Ub and di-Ub with distinct stoichiometries, indicating the presence of a new Ub site within the NEMO ZF. Extensive mutagenesis was then performed on NEMO ZF and characterization of mutants allowed the proposal of a structural model of NEMO ZF in interaction with a Lys-63 di-Ub chain

    NEMO oligomerization in the dynamic assembly of the IκB kinase core complex

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    International audienceNF-kappaB essential modulator (NEMO) plays an essential role in the nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) pathway as a modulator of the two other subunits of the IkappaB kinase (IKK) complex, i.e. the protein kinases, IKKalpha and IKKbeta. Previous reports all envision the IKK complex to be a static entity. Using glycerol-gradient ultracentrifugation, we observed stimulus-dependent dynamic IKK complex assembly. In wild-type fibroblasts, the kinases and a portion of cellular NEMO associate in a 350-kDa high-molecular-mass complex. In response to constitutive NF-kappaB stimulation by Tax, we observed NEMO recruitment and oligomerization to a shifted high-molecular-mass complex of 440 kDa which displayed increased IKK activity. This stimulus-dependent oligomerization of NEMO was also observed using fluorescence resonance energy transfer after a transient pulse with interleukin-1beta. In addition, fully activated, dimeric kinases not bound to NEMO were detected in these Tax-activated fibroblasts. By glycerol gradient ultracentrifugation, we also showed that: (a) in fibroblasts deficient in IKKalpha and IKKbeta, NEMO predominantly exists as a monomer; (b) in NEMO-deficient fibroblasts, IKKbeta dimers are present that are less stable than IKKalpha dimers. Intriguingly, in resting Rat-1 fibroblasts, 160-kDa IKKalpha-NEMO and IKKbeta-NEMO heterocomplexes were observed as well as a significant proportion of NEMO monomer. These results suggest that most NEMO molecules do not form a tripartite IKK complex with an IKKalpha-IKKbeta heterodimer as previously reported in the literature but, instead, NEMO is able to form a complex with the monomeric forms of IKKalpha and IKKbeta

    The Trimerization Domain of Nemo Is Composed of the Interacting C-terminal CC2 and LZ Coiled-coil Subdomains

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    International audienceNEMO (NF-κB essential modulator) plays a key role in the canonical NF-κB pathway as the scaffold/regulatory component of the IκB kinase (IKK) complex. The self-association of NEMO involves the C-terminal halves of the polypeptide chains containing two putative coiled-coil motifs (a CC2 and a LZ leucine zipper), a proline-rich region, and a ZF zinc finger motif. Using purified truncation mutants, we showed that the minimal oligomerization domain of NEMO is the CC2-LZ segment and that both CC2 and LZ subdomains are necessary to restore the LPS-dependent activation of the NF-κB pathway in a NEMO-deficient cell line. We confirmed the association of the oligomerization domain in a trimer and investigated the specific role of CC2 and LZ subdomains in the building of the oligomer. Whereas a recombinant CC2-LZ polypeptide self-associated into a trimer with an association constant close to that of the wild-type protein, the isolated CC2 and LZ peptides, respectively, formed trimers and dimers with weaker association constants. Upon mixing, isolated CC2 and LZ peptides associated to form a stable hetero-hexamer as shown by gel filtration and fluorescence anisotropy experiments. We propose a structural model for the organization of the oligomerization domain of activated NEMO in which three C-terminal domains associate into a pseudo-hexamer forming a six-helix bundle. This model is discussed in relation to the mechanism of activation of the IKK complex by upstream activators