9 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Biofilm Bacteria from Tapping Points of the Drinking Water Distribution System

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    Microorganisms in the drinking water distribution system form a biofilm on the inner surfaces of the pipes. It is a life preserving strategy that provides easier access to nutrients and protects against harmful environmental factors. The biofilm is a habitat for numerous species of autochthonous microflora which contribute to the intensification of bio-corrosion and negatively affect the quality of the water supplied to the consumers. Additionally, the biofilm can consist of pathogenic species, which may pose an epidemiological hazard. Every drinking water distribution system has its own microflora, it is associated with the presence of autochthonous microorganisms that come from the raw water which despite treatment processes leaked to the network, and microbes that entered as a result of maintenance, failures and leakages. These factors contribute to the biofilm uniqueness in each water supply system, it is associated with the lack of reproducibility of the structure. In the present study characterized the microorganisms from biofilm of 17 tapping points of the water supply system for their ability to adhesion, resistance against selected antibiotics and rated their enzymatic activity. It is believed that the microorganisms with high surface affinity can play a decisive role in the early stages of biofilm formation

    Stan sanitarny powietrza w wybranych spalarniach odpadów

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    No standards for evaluation of the sanitary state of air exist in Poland. Waste is an important source of emission of bioaerosol to the air. Several municipal waste incineration plants have been constructed in Poland in recent years. Their effect on the sanitary state of air has not been investigated so far. Therefore, the objective of this paper was evaluation of the sanitary state of air in the new municipal waste incineration plant. For this purpose the concentration of indicator microorganisms in the indoor air and atmospheric air was determined. The species composition of fungal aerosol was also determined. The research was conducted in an incineration plant adapted for thermal processing of approximately 94,000 Mg of waste annually, with production of electricity. It is located in the outskirts of the city in a flat area. Aerosol samples were collected by means of the impact method (200 dm3 of air). Samples were collected in the manoeuvring yard in front of the unloading hall, in the unloading hall, in the boiler operation-revision hall, and on the operation terrace of the bunker to which waste is unloaded, during the technological break caused by maintenance of the installation and during normal operation of the plant. During the operation of the plant, concentrations of mesophilic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, actinomycetes, and microscopic fungi were higher than in control, and concentrations in particular rooms were variable. During the technological break, concentrations of mesophilic bacteria, mannitol positive staphylococci, actinomycetes, microscopic fungi, and yeasts were higher than in control, and concentrations in particular rooms were variable. The concentrations were lower than values considered acceptable. The air of the studied rooms also contained Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. A total of 12 fungal species were found in the premises of the incineration plant). The species diversity of fungi was higher during the break in operation (10 species) than during the operation of the plant (7 species). They were dominated by species from genus Penicillium. Species from genera Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Fusarium were also present. Results of this study and literature data allow for recommended research on mesophilic bacteria, actinomycetes, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as moulds and yeasts for use in the monitoring of the sanitary state of air in the premises and vicinity of waste management installations.W Polsce brakuje standardów oceny stanu sanitarnego powietrza. Istotnym źródłem emisji bioaerozolu do powietrza są odpady. W ostatnich latach w Polsce powstało kilka spalarni odpadów komunalnych, ich wpływ na stan sanitarny powietrza nie był dotychczas badany. Dlatego celem tej pracy była ocena stanu sanitarnego powietrza na terenie nowej spalarni odpadów komunalnych. W tym celu określono liczebność wskaźnikowych mikroorganizmów w powietrzu pomieszczeń oraz w powietrzu atmosferycznym. Określono też skład gatunkowy bioaerozolu grzybowego. Badania prowadzono w spalarni przystosowanej do termicznego przekształcania ok. 94 000 Mg odpadów rocznie z wytworzeniem energii elektrycznej. Jest ona zlokalizowana na obrzeżach miasta na terenie równinnym. Próbki bioaerozolu pobierano metodą zderzeniową (200 dm3 powietrza). Próbki pobierano na placu manewrowym przed halą rozładunkową, w hali wyładunkowej, w hali eksploatacyjno-rewizyjnej kotła i na tarasie eksploatacyjnym bunkra, do którego wyładowywane są odpady podczas przerwy technologicznej spowodowanej konserwacją instalacji oraz podczas normalnej pracy zakładu. Podczas pracy zakładu stężenia bakterii mezofilnych, Enterobacteriaceae, promieniowców i grzybów mikroskopowych były większe niż w kontroli, a stężenia w poszczególnych pomieszczeniach były zróżnicowane. W czasie przerwy technologicznej stężenia bakterii mezofilnych, gronkowców mannitolododatnich, promieniowców, grzybów mikroskopowych i drożdżaków były większe niż w kontroli, a stężenia w poszczególnych pomieszczeniach były zróżnicowane. Stwierdzone liczebności były niższe od wartości uznanych za akceptowalne. W powietrzu badanych pomieszczeń obecne też były bakterie Pseudomonas fluorescens i Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Na terenie spalarni stwierdzonych zostało 12 gatunków grzybów. Różnorodność gatunkowa grzybów była większa podczas przerwy eksploatacyjnej (10 gatunków) niż podczas pracy zakładu (7 gatunków). Dominowały wśród nich gatunki z rodzaju Penicillium, obecne też były gatunki z rodzajów Aspergillus, Cladosporium i Fusarium. Wyniki uzyskane w tej pracy oraz dane literaturowe pozwalają na rekomendowanie badania bakterii mezofilnych, promieniowców, Pseudomonas fluorescens i Pseudomonas aeruginosa oraz grzybów pleśniowych i drożdżaków do wykorzystania w monitoringu stanu sanitarnego powietrza na terenie i w sąsiedztwie instalacji związanych z gospodarką odpadami

    The influence of the type of filter material on change of the value of selected indicators of groundwater quality

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    The effect of filter media on groundwater quality changes was studied for 6 months. The test system was continuously supplied with groundwater from well, at a constant speed from top to bottom and filter deposits were open to provide contact with air. Filter beds during the study period were not washed. The subject of the study were three beds (Z1, Z2 and Z3) with different filter materials: Z1, Z3 were filled only with an alkaline material, which provided to reduction the corrosivity of water, Z2 – outside alkalising materials also included sand, thus increasing removal efficiency of iron and phosphate ions. Analysis of water physico-chemical parameters include pH, temperature, total alkalinity, intensity of colour, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and the content of: iron, iron (II) and (III), aggressive carbon dioxide, inorganic nitrogen forms (Ninorg), ie NH4+, NO2-, NO3-, phosphate and total organic carbon. Bacteriological analysis of water samples was based on the total number of psychrophilic bacteria, having an optimum temperature for growth about 22ºC, and mesophilic (37ºC). All analyses were made in accordance with current standards. Groundwater was characterized by high volatility of most of the analyzed indicators of water quality. Due to the low flow velocity of water through the filtration beds and presence of dissolved oxygen in water, there was conditions for microbial growth in the deposits. There were a growth conditions for biofilm development on the surface of filter media. Excess filter media was periodically flushed out by flowing water regardless of the type of material which is contacted with water. Confirmation of the biofilm development on the surface of mineral grains was also indirectly by the increase in the number of bacteria in the filtrate, compared to the number of bacteria in the groundwater. Biological activity of the bacteria on the deposits surface was confirmed by changes in concentration of inorganic forms of nitrogen. All three beds have provided a reduction in inorganic nitrogen, which was assimilated by the microorganisms. Microorganisms on the surface of deposits reduced ammonia nitrogen in the filtrates by nitrification process. In addition, NH4+ particles may be adsorbed on the surface of particulate matter present in the water and retained in the bed. During this research there were no significant differences depending on the type of deposit, in efficiency of removal of inorganic nitrogen

    Accumulation of mercury in the biomass of selected pleustophytes

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    Application of phytoremediation process for the purification of the environment, particularly of surface water (running or standing) may be a future alternative to existing standard purification methods, in particular for heavy metal removal. Numerous hyperaccumulators are known which can be used for the purification of water, soil or sediment such as Salvinia or Lemna lemnids, occurring in temperate climates, and thus on the territory of Poland. Ability of mercury accumulation by Salvinia natans and Lemna minor was analyzed. The phytoremediation ability of lemnids was compared depending on their origin - commercial (artificial) cultures and those obtained from the natural environment. Phytoremediation process was carried out for a period of 14 days for the concentration of 0.15 mg Hg/dm3 and 0.2 mg Hg/dm3. It was found that both Salvinia natans and Lemna minor show a significant increase in biomass in the presence of mercury, even up to 76% for Lemna minor and 40% for Salvinia natans. The result of this increase was incorporation a considerable amount of mercury in the tissues of plant. The quantity of mercury in plants biomass was in the range of 41.16-115.28 mg Hg/kg DM, while in the control samples - only 0.2-0.6 mg Hg/kg DM