222 research outputs found

    Viscosity and diffusion in life processes and tuning of fundamental constants

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    Viewed as one of the grandest questions in modern science, understanding fundamental physical constants has been discussed in high-energy particle physics, astronomy and cosmology. Here, I review how condensed matter and liquid physics gives new insights into fundamental constants and their tuning. This is based on two observations: first, cellular life and the existence of observers depend on viscosity and diffusion. Second, the lower bound on viscosity and upper bound on diffusion are set by fundamental constants, and I briefly review this result and related recent developments in liquid physics. I will subsequently show that bounds on viscosity, diffusion and the newly introduced fundamental velocity gradient in a biochemical machine can all be varied while keeping the fine-structure constant and the proton-to-electron mass ratio intact. This implies that it is possible to produce heavy elements in stars but have a viscous planet where all liquids have very high viscosity (for example that of tar or higher) and where life may not exist. Knowing the range of bio-friendly viscosity and diffusion, we will be able to calculate the range of fundamental constants which favor cellular life and observers and compare this tuning with that discussed in high-energy physics previously. This invites an inter-disciplinary research between condensed matter physics and life sciences, and I formulate several questions that life science can address. I finish with a conjecture of multiple tuning and an evolutionary mechanism

    Microscopic dynamics and Bose-Einstein condensation in liquid helium

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    We discuss Bose-Einstein condensation in liquid helium which is consistent with microscopic dynamics in liquids and high mobility of liquid atoms. We propose that mobile transit atoms accumulate in the finite-energy state where the transit speed is set by the speed of sound. In momentum space, this accumulation operates on the sphere with the radius set by interatomic spacing and corresponds to zero net momentum. We show that this picture is supported by experiments and discuss its implications, including the macroscopic wave function and superfluidity

    Properties of condensed matter from fundamental physical constants

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    Theory of melting lines

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    Properties of condensed matter from fundamental physical constants

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    Fundamental physical constants play a profound role in physics. For example, they govern nuclear reactions, formation of stars, nuclear synthesis and stability of biologically vital elements. These are high-energy processes discussed in particle physics, astronomy and cosmology. More recently, it was realised that fundamental physical constants extend their governing reach to low-energy processes and properties operating in condensed matter systems, often in an unexpected way. These properties are those we experience daily and can routinely measure, including viscosity, thermal conductivity, elasticity and sound. Here, we review this work. We start with the lower bound on liquid viscosity, its origin and show how to relate the bound to fundamental physical constants. The lower bound of kinematic viscosity represents the global minimum on the phase diagram. We show how this result answers the long-standing question considered by Purcell and Weisskopf, namely why viscosity never falls below a certain value. An accompanying insight is that water viscosity and water-based life are well attuned to fundamental constants, adding another higher-level layer to the anthropic principle. We then discuss viscosity minima in liquid He above and below the λ\lambda-point. We subsequently consider a very different property, thermal diffusivity, and show that it has the same minimum fixed by fundamental physical constants as viscosity. We also discuss bounds related to elastic properties, elastic moduli and their analogues in low-dimensional systems, and show how these bounds are related to the upper bound for the speed of sound. We conclude with listing ways in which the discussion of fundamental constants and bounds advance physical theories
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