1 research outputs found

    Wyłaniające się modele kapitalizmu w Polsce i krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej na tle Europy Zachodniej

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    This article presents the results of the study which aims to enrich the empirical picture and to better understand the nature of capitalism emerging in Poland and other new EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE11). Our main research goal is to assess the degree of similarity of Poland and other CEE11 countries toward each of the four models of capitalism in Western Europe distinguished by Bruno Amable. Each of these models is represented by an “ideal-typical” western European country. At the average level for the whole analyzed group, the CEE11 countries show the greatest similarity to the Mediterranean model of capitalism, represented by Spain/Italy. At the same time, these countries also exhibit quite high institutional proximity to the continental model of capitalism, represented by Germany