39 research outputs found

    Just in Time: Personal Temporal Insights for Altering Model Decisions

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    The interpretability of complex Machine Learning models is coming to be a critical social concern, as they are increasingly used in human-related decision-making processes such as resume filtering or loan applications. Individuals receiving an undesired classification are likely to call for an explanation -- preferably one that specifies what they should do in order to alter that decision when they reapply in the future. Existing work focuses on a single ML model and a single point in time, whereas in practice, both models and data evolve over time: an explanation for an application rejection in 2018 may be irrelevant in 2019 since in the meantime both the model and the applicant's data can change. To this end, we propose a novel framework that provides users with insights and plans for changing their classification in particular future time points. The solution is based on combining state-of-the-art algorithms for (single) model explanations, ones for predicting future models, and database-style querying of the obtained explanations. We propose to demonstrate the usefulness of our solution in the context of loan applications, and interactively engage the audience in computing and viewing suggestions tailored for applicants based on their unique characteristic

    Explaining Queries over Web Tables to Non-Experts

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    Designing a reliable natural language (NL) interface for querying tables has been a longtime goal of researchers in both the data management and natural language processing (NLP) communities. Such an interface receives as input an NL question, translates it into a formal query, executes the query and returns the results. Errors in the translation process are not uncommon, and users typically struggle to understand whether their query has been mapped correctly. We address this problem by explaining the obtained formal queries to non-expert users. Two methods for query explanations are presented: the first translates queries into NL, while the second method provides a graphic representation of the query cell-based provenance (in its execution on a given table). Our solution augments a state-of-the-art NL interface over web tables, enhancing it in both its training and deployment phase. Experiments, including a user study conducted on Amazon Mechanical Turk, show our solution to improve both the correctness and reliability of an NL interface.Comment: Short paper version to appear in ICDE 201

    Putting Lipstick on Pig: Enabling Database-Style Workflow Provenance

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    Workflow provenance typically assumes that each module is a “black-box”, so that each output depends on all inputs (coarse-grained dependencies). Furthermore, it does not model the internal state of a module, which can change between repeated executions. In practice, however, an output may depend on only a small subset of the inputs (finegrained dependencies) as well as on the internal state of the module. We present a novel provenance framework that marries database-style and workflow-style provenance, by using Pig Latin to expose the functionality of modules, thus capturing internal state and fine-grained dependencies. A critical ingredient in our solution is the use of a novel form of provenance graph that models module invocations and yields a compact representation of fine-grained workflow provenance. It also enables a number of novel graph transformation operations, allowing to choose the desired level of granularity in provenance querying (ZoomIn and ZoomOut), and supporting “what-if” workflow analytic queries. We implemented our approach in the Lipstick system and developed a benchmark in support of a systematic performance evaluation. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of tracking and querying fine-grained workflow provenance

    Optimal Probabilistic Generation of XML Documents

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    International audienceWe study the problem of, given a corpus of XML documents and its schema, finding an optimal (generative) probabilistic model, where optimality here means maximizing the likelihood of the particular corpus to be generated. Focusing first on the structure of documents, we present an efficient algorithm for finding the best generative probabilistic model, in the absence of constraints. We further study the problem in the presence of integrity constraints, namely key, inclusion, and domain constraints. We study in this case two different kinds of generators. First, we consider a continuation-test generator that performs, while generating documents, tests of schema satisfiability; these tests prevent from generating a document violating the constraints but, as we will see, they are computationally expensive. We also study a restart generator that may generate an invalid document and, when this is the case, restarts and tries again. Finally, we consider the injection of data values into the structure, to obtain a full XML document. We study different approaches for generating these values

    TOP-K Projection Queries for Probabilistic Business Processes

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    A Business Process (BP) consists of some business activities undertaken by one or more organizations in pursuit of some business goal. Tools for querying and analyzing BP specifications are extremely valuable for companies. In particular, given a BP specification, identifying the top-k flows that are most likely to occur in practice, out of those satisfying the criteria of a given query, is crucial for various applications such as personalized advertisements and BP web-site design. This paper studies, for the first time, top-k query evaluation for queries with projection in this context. We analyze the complexity of the problem for different classes of distribution functions for the flows likelihood, and provide efficient (PTIME) algorithms whenever possible. Furthermore, we show an interesting application of our algorithms to the analysis of BP execution traces (logs), for recovering missing information about the run-time process behavior, that has not been recorded in the logs.