17 research outputs found

    Insolation: A Factor in the Natural Regeneration of Certain Conifers

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    The primary object in view in making and recording the investigations herein set forth was to learn to what extent the survival of white pine seedlings, during the season following germination in the field, is inhibited by insolation and by the drying of the surface soil and what the climatic and cover conditions are that control losses by each. The question requiring solution is: To what extent can losses due to insolation. and surface soil desiccation be controlled by the nature and density of the vegetative cover

    The Yale Demonstration and Research Forest near Keene, New Hampshire

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    The purpose of this bulletin is to describe the Yale Demonstration and Research Forest near Keene, New Hampshire. It is a contribution toward the solution of various forestry problems that confront the owners of growing timber in southern New Hampshire. The forestry conditions herein described and the methods of management on this Forest, together with costs and receipts since 1913 when the Forest was established, supply a fund of information to private owners of forest land in southern New Hampshire and provide a basis for the possible establishment of silvicultural practice in their own holdings with due regard for the local economic conditions

    Trenched Plots Under Forest Canopies

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    The relative importance of light and soil moisture in particular is better known than that of other environmental factors. We are coming to believe that the nature and condition of the reproduction and other surface vegetation beneath living canopies are not due to any single factor such as light or soil moisture, but to a complex of factors

    The Den: A Preliminary Report, with Map, of a Tract of Woodland Given to the School by Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Perry.

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    In the autumn of 1918, through gift of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Perry, the School of Forestry came into possession of a number of closely connected parcels or woodland comprising over 1,300 acres in Farifield County Connecticut. The purpose of the donors and conditions under which the gift was made are clearly stated...

    The Testing of Coniferous Tree Seeds at the School of Forestry, Yale University, 1906-1926

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    Quality in forest tree seed centers in (a) origin; (b) genuineness; (c) purity; and (d) viability. The purchaser should insist on knowing the origin of the seed and the locality where it was collected. Without seed testing establishments for investigating forest tree seeds by standardized methods under an established technique, nurserymen and foresters will continue to sow seed beds and undertake direct seeding without an adequate knowledge of the origin, genuineness, purity, and viability of the seeds used

    Some Effects of Cover over Coniferous Seedbeds in Southern New England

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    The object of the study as at first conceived was to secure experimental data under the climatic conditions of southern Connecticut: 1. On the effect of shade as compared with full light on the time required for germination, and on germination values in representative conifers, and on survival and growth during the first season. 2. On the effect of mulch as compared with exposed soil on the time required for germination, and on germination values in representative conifers, and on survival and growth during the first season

    Bear Canyon, Catalina Mountains (Tucson, Ariz.)

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    Bear Canyon, Catalina Mountains. Photograph taken by University of Arizona Professor James W. Toumey

    University of Arizona President's Residence

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    View of a cactus garden in front of the University President's residence. In the background is the William Phipps Blake home under construction