1 research outputs found

    Chemometric analysis of lipophilicity parameters of newly synthesized spiro hydantoin derivatives determined by RP-TLC and protic solvents

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    Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje lipofilnosti novosintetisanih derivata cikloalkilspiro-5-hidantoina. Parametri lipofilnosti (RM0) za ispitivana jedinjenja dobijeni su primenom reversno fazne hromatografije na tankom sloju C-18 modifikovanog slikagela. Kao pokretne faze korišćene su dvokomponentne smeše vode i protičnih organskih rastvarača (metanola, etanola, n-propanola, i-propanola i t-butanola). Linearna zavisnost između RM vrednosti i zapreminskog udela organskog modifikatora u pokretnoj fazi, φ, omogućava izračunavanje RM0 ispitivanih jedinjenja. Uticaj supstituenata, kao modifikatora pokretne faze na RM0 vrednosti procenjen je primenom hemometrijskih metoda, hijerarhijske kalster analize (HCA) i analize glavnih komponenata (PCA). Ove metode omogućavaju grupisanje ispitivanih derivata spirohidantoina, kao i primenjenih pokretnih faza prema njihovoj polarnosti.The subjects of this paper are newly synthesized derivatives of cycloalkylspiro-5- hydantoins and the analysis of their lipophilicity. The parameters of lipophilicity (RM0) were determined by reverse phase thin layer chromatography on C-18 modified silica gel. Mobile phases were two-component mixtures of water and protic organic solvents (i.e. methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, i-propanol and t-butanol). Linear relationship between RM values and volume fraction of organic solvent, φ, allows calculation of RM0 for investigated compounds. The effect of the substituents in the molecule as well as mobile phase modifier on RM0 value was assessed using chemometric methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). This allows clustering of spiro hydantoin derivatives as well as applied mobile phases according to their polarity