566 research outputs found

    On the relation between the mass of Compact Massive Objects and their host galaxies

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    Supermassive black holes and/or very dense stellar clusters are found in the central regions of galaxies. Nuclear star clusters are present mainly in faint galaxies while upermassive black holes are common in galaxies with masses 1010\geq 10^{10} M_\odot . In the intermediate galactic mass range both types of central massive objects (CMOs) are found. Here we present our collection of a huge set of nuclear star cluster and massive black hole data that enlarges significantly already existing data bases useful to investigate for correlations of their absolute magnitudes, velocity dispersions and masses with structural parameters of their host galaxies. In particular, we directed our attention to some differences between the correlations of nuclear star clusters and massive black holes as subsets of CMOs with hosting galaxies. In this context, the mass-velocity dispersion relation plays a relevant role because it seems the one that shows a clearer difference between the supermassive black holes and nuclear star clusters. The MMBHσM_{MBH}-{\sigma} has a slope of 5.19±0.285.19\pm 0.28 while MNSCσM_{NSC}-{\sigma} has the much smaller slope of 1.84±0.641.84\pm 0.64. The slopes of the CMO mass- host galaxy B magnitude of the two types of CMOs are indistinguishable within the errors while that of the NSC mass-host galaxy mass relation is significantly smaller than for supermassive black holes. Another important result is the clear depauperation of the NSC population in bright galaxy hosts, which reflects also in a clear flattening of the NSC mass vs host galaxy mass at high host masses.Comment: 12 pages, 22 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Physiochemical, Nutritional, Molecular Structural Characterization and Dairy Cow Feeding Value of Oat Grain in Comparison with Barley Grain: Impact of Varieties and Processing Methods

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    The general objectives of this study were to determine the impact of varieties and processing methods on the physiochemical, nutritional and molecular structural characteristics of CDC oat grain, as an alternative to barley grain in dairy cows diets. In the first study, three CDC varieties of oat, CDC Nasser (feed type), CDC Arborg and CDC Ruffian (milling type), were used and compared to CDC Austenson barley grain (feed type). In the second study, commercial oat and barley were tested, the oat was processed using three different methods (dry-rolling, steam-flaking, and pelleting) while barley was dry-rolled. In studies 1 and 2, the chemical profile, energy value, rumen degradation kinetics of nutrients, hourly effective rumen degradation ratios/potential N-to-energy synchronization, and intestinal digestion of nutrients were analyzed, the truly absorbed protein supply to dairy cattle and feed milk values were evaluated using on the DVE/OEB system and the NRC Dairy model, and the protein molecular spectra were analyzed. In study 3, the samples from different processing methods were used in a dairy trial, to evaluate production and milk composition as well as metabolic parameters, such as blood BHBA and urea. In study 1, CDC Nasser showed significantly higher percentage of EE in relation to the other varieties of oat. Degradation of starch and CP in the rumen was higher for all varieties of oat when compared to barley. On the other hand, starch, sugar, and NFC content were higher for CDC Austenson barley grain, that also showed the highest bypass CP and starch. No significant difference was observed between CDC Nasser and CDC Austenson barley on total digestible nutrients (TDN1x), net energy for lactation (NEL) and intestinal digestibility of bypass CP (dBCP). In study 2, heat processing (steam-flaking and pelleting) increased EE (P<0.01) and tended to decrease uNDF (P=0.09). Steam-flaking increased (P=0.04) the total digestible nutrients (TDN1x), ME, and NEL and increased (P<0.01) rumen bypass CP (%BCP). Rolled barley showed the lowest (P=0.03) metabolizable protein (MP) and degradable protein balance (DPB) (P<0.01) among the studied treatments. Processing methods did not significantly change the protein molecular structure of the oat treatments, making the protein related structures hard to separate using PCA or HCLA. In the third study, cows fed dry-rolled oat had the lowest DMI, while increased (P<0.01) milk production compared to all other treatments. Milk fat percentage was also higher (P<0.01) for rolled-oat when compared to pelleted oat and rolled barley. Acetate concentration in the rumen was lower (P<0.01) for cows fed pelleted oat (-3.95 mM). Digestibility of starch was higher for oat grain (P=0.05). Based on the data presented by this research, oat grain can be suitable as an energy concentrate for lactating dairy cows in total mixed rations

    Regime de irrigação para a seleção de genótios de cebola tolerantes ao déficit hídrico.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o regime de irrigação mais adequado para a seleção de genótipos de cebola tolerantes ao deficit de água em programas de melhoramento genético.Suplemento. Edição dos Anais do 53 Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura

    Resposta de genótipos de cebola a níveis crescentes de déficit hídrico.

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    Avaliou-se a resposta de genótipos de cebola ao deficit hídrico visando subsidiar programas de melhoramento no desenvolvimento de cultivares com maior eficiência no uso de água (Eua) e menor sensibilidade hídrica (ky).Suplemento. Edição dos Anais do 53 Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, jul. 2014

    Avaliação de genótipos de cebola submetidos a diferentes regimes hídricos.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de genótipos de cebola submetidos a diferentes níveis de irrigação. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação na Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasília-DF. Os tratamentos consistiram da combinação de doze genótipos (?Optima F1?, Grano TX-08, CNPH 6179org, HE-1, HE-2, HE-3, HE-4, HE-5, HE-6, HE-7, HE-8 e HE-9) com três tensões de água no solo (20, 45 e 70 kPa). A evapotranspiração total variou de 13,7 a 49,8 L (6 plantas/vaso 10 L), sendo ?Optima F1? e HE-3 os genótipos com menor ETc. Grano TX-08 foi mais produtivo, enquanto HE-3, HE-6 e ?Optima F1? foram os com menor produtividade. Houve redução da produtividade com o aumento do déficit hídrico para todos os genótipos e interação significativa entre ambos os fatores. Grano TX-08 e HE-6 foram respectivamente os genótipos com maior e menor eficiência do uso de água pelas plantas. O fator de sensibilidade hídrica (Ky) variou entre 0,74 (Grano TX-08) e 1,37 (?Optima F1?). Além do Grano TX-08, o genótipo CNPH 6179org demonstrou potencial para ser utilizado em programas de melhoramento visando tolerância a seca, dada à sua moderada sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico, alta eficiência no uso de água e alta produtividadeResumo 54-1

    Avaliação de genótipos de cebola em diferentes níveis de água no solo.

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    Trabalho apresentado no Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, 50., 2010, Guarapari. Cinquenta anos contribuindo para a saúde da população brasileira. Trabalho A2982-T4459