25 research outputs found

    Loop Suppression of Dirac Neutrino Mass in the Neutrinophilic Two Higgs Doublet Model

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    We extend the scalar sector of the neutrinophilic two Higgs doublet model, where small masses of Dirac neutrinos are obtained via a small vacuum expectation value v_nu of the neutrinophilic SU(2)_L-doublet scalar field which has a Yukawa interaction with only right-handed neutrinos. A global U(1)_X symmetry is used for the neutrinophilic nature of the second SU(2)_L-doublet scalar field and also for eliminating Majorana mass terms of neutrinos. By virtue of an appropriate assignment of the U(1)_X-charges to new particles, our model has an unbroken Z_2 symmetry, under which the lightest Z_2-odd scalar boson can be a dark matter candidate. In our model, v_nu is generated by the one-loop diagram to which Z_2-odd particles contribute. We briefly discuss a possible signature of our model at the LHC.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, published in Physics Letters

    Higgs inflation in a radiative seesaw model

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    We investigate a simple model to explain inflation, neutrino masses and dark matter simultaneously. This is based on the so-called radiative seesaw model proposed by Ma in order to explain neutrino masses and dark matter by introducing a Z2Z_2-odd isospin doublet scalar field and Z2Z_2-odd right-handed neutrinos. We study the possibility that the Higgs boson as well as neutral components of the Z2Z_2-odd scalar doublet field can satisfy conditions from slow-roll inflation and vacuum stability up to the inflation scale. We find that a part of parameter regions where these scalar fields can play a role of an inflaton is compatible with the current data from neutrino experiments and those of the dark matter abundance as well as the direct search results. A phenomenological consequence of this scenario results in a specific mass spectrum of scalar bosons, which can be tested at the LHC, the International Linear Collider and the Compact Linear Collider.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Gravitational waves from first order electroweak phase transition in models with the U(1)XU(1)_X^{} gauge symmetry

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    We consider a standard model extension equipped with a dark sector where the U(1)XU(1)_X^{} Abelian gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken by the dark Higgs mechanism. In this framework, we investigate patterns of the electroweak phase transition as well as those of the dark phase transition, and examine detectability of gravitational waves (GWs) generated by such strongly first order phase transition. It is pointed out that the collider bounds on the properties of the discovered Higgs boson exclude a part of parameter space that could otherwise generate detectable GWs. After imposing various constraints on this model, it is shown that GWs produced by multi-step phase transitions are detectable at future space-based interferometers, such as LISA and DECIGO, if the dark photon is heavier than 25 GeV. Furthermore, we discuss the complementarity of dark photon searches or dark matter searches with the GW observations in these models with the dark gauge symmetry.Comment: 23 pages, 22 figures, version published in Journal of High Energy Physic

    Gravitational waves and Higgs boson couplings for exploring first order phase transition in the model with a singlet scalar field

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    We calculate the spectrum of gravitational waves originated from strongly first order electroweak phase transition in the extended Higgs model with a real singlet scalar field. In order to calculate the bubble nucleation rate, we perform a two-field analysis and evaluate bounce solutions connecting the true and the false vacua using the one-loop effective potential at finite temperatures. Imposing the Sakharov condition of the departure from thermal equilibrium for baryogenesis, we survey allowed regions of parameters of the model. We then investigate the gravitational waves produced at electroweak bubble collisions in the early Universe, such as the sound wave, the bubble wall collision and the plasma turbulence. We find that the strength at the peak frequency can be large enough to be detected at future space-based gravitational interferometers such as eLISA, DECIGO and BBO. Predicted deviations in the various Higgs boson couplings are also evaluated at the zero temperature, and are shown to be large enough too. Therefore, in this model strongly first order electroweak phase transition can be tested by the combination of the precision study of various Higgs boson couplings at the LHC, the measurement of the triple Higgs boson coupling at future lepton colliders and the shape of the spectrum of gravitational wave detectable at future gravitational interferometers