3 research outputs found

    Considering peak inspiratory flow in selection of inhalation device

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    気管支喘息や慢性閉塞性肺疾患の治療において、適切に吸入薬を使用することが重要である。本症例は60歳代女性で、労作時呼吸困難を訴え入院となった。点滴による治療、内服薬服用と同時に吸入薬の使用開始となったが、呼吸機能検査値が低値であり、製薬企業供与の吸入チェック器具により吸入できていないことが判明した。そこで、吸入薬を変更し吸入できていることを確認した。吸気流量が十分得られない場合は積極的にチェック器具により確認を行い、アドヒアランスの改善に努めることが重要である。In the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is important to use inhalation therapy adequately. A 60’s woman was admitted to our hospital due to exertional dyspnea. She was diagnosed as having exacerbation of asthma. Although she was treated with intravenous, oral, and inhalation administration simultaneously after admissi on, her symptom did not improve enough, and her pulmonary function was still low. Application of the inhalation check device supplied by the medicine manufacture company grant demonstrated that she failed to inhale effectively . Therefore the inhaled glucocorticosteroid was changed, and it was confirmed that she was able to inhale successfully. Her successful inhalation resulted in the improvement of her respiratory symptom and pulmonary function. It is suggested that the manipulation is very important factor on inhalation therapy, and it is necessary to strive to improve the adherence for the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease