26 research outputs found

    Nature of Infrared Sources in 11 micron Selected Sample from Early Data of the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep Survey

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    We present the properties of 11 μ\mum selected sources detected in the early data of the North Ecliptic Pole Deep (NEP-Deep) Survey of AKARI. The data set covers 6 wavelength bands from 2.5 to 11 μ\mum, with the exposure time of 10 ~ 20 minutes. This field lies within the CFHT survey with four filter bands (g,r,i,z),enablingustoestablishnearlycontinuousspectralenergydistributions(SEDs)forwavelengthsrangingfrom0.4to11g', r', i',z'), enabling us to establish nearly continuous spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for wavelengths ranging from 0.4 to 11 \mum.Themainsamplestudiedhereconsistsof71sourceswhose11m. The main sample studied here consists of 71 sources whose 11 \mumABmagnitudesareequaltoorbrighterthan18.5(251m AB magnitudes are equal to or brighter than 18.5 (251 \muJy),whichiscompletetomorethan90Jy), which is complete to more than 90%. The 11 \mumbandhasanadvantageofsamplingstarforminggalaxieswithlowtomediumredshiftssincetheprominentPAHfeatureshiftsintothisband.Asexpected,wefindthatthemajority( 68m band has an advantage of sampling star forming galaxies with low to medium redshifts since the prominent PAH feature shifts into this band. As expected, we find that the majority (~68%) of 11 \mumbrightsourcesarestarforminggalaxiesat0.2<z<0.7withm bright sources are star forming galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.7 with L_{IR} ~ 10^{10} -- 10^{12} L_{\odot}$ based on the detailed modelling of SEDs. We also find four AGNs lying at various redshifts in the main sample. In addition, we discuss a few sources which have non-typical SEDs of the main sample, including a brown dwarf candidate, a steep power-law source, flat spectrum object, and an early-type galaxy at moderate redshift.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Plasma Corticosterone Activates SGK1 and Induces Morphological Changes in Oligodendrocytes in Corpus Callosum

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    Repeated stressful events are known to be associated with onset of depression. Further, stress activates the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) system by elevating plasma cortisol levels. However, little is known about the related downstream molecular pathway. In this study, by using repeated water-immersion and restraint stress (WIRS) as a stressor for mice, we attempted to elucidate the molecular pathway induced by elevated plasma corticosterone levels. We observed the following effects both, in vivo and in vitro: (1) repeated exposure to WIRS activates the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase (PDK1)–serum glucocorticoid regulated kinase (SGK1)–N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1)–adhesion molecule (i.e., N-cadherin, α-catenin, and β-catenin) stabilization pathway via an increase in plasma corticosterone levels; (2) the activation of this signaling pathway induces morphological changes in oligodendrocytes; and (3) after recovery from chronic stress, the abnormal arborization of oligodendrocytes and depression-like symptoms return to the control levels. Our data strongly suggest that these abnornalities of oligodendrocytes are possibly related to depression-like symptoms

    日本赤十字災害看護学の確立をめざして(第1報) : 赤十字災害看護研究会の発足とその課題

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    阪神淡路大震災を契機にわが国の看護界では災害看護学確立の機運が高まっている。日本赤十字は戦時災害救護を目的として創設され,救護看護婦を養成し,長い歴史の中で数多くの救護活動に携わってきた。その為にも看護基礎教育課程でも実践的な教育と卒業後の訓練を行ってきた。しかし,理論としての災害看護学を構築してきたとはいいがたい。そこで本稿では,災害看護学の構築を目指して赤十字災害看護研究会を発足させた経緯と,これから検討すべき課題について提案する。In Japan, taking the opportunity the big earthquake in Hansin and Awaji 1995 gave the movement are promoting many studies and construction of the disaster nursing theory. Although the Japanese Red Cross Nurses have great many activities since 1891,in natural disasters and aid suffering soldiers, the disaster nursing theory of the Japanese Red Cross is not yet clearly established. We have started the study with the aim of constructing the theory of disaster nursing for the Japanese Red Cross