28 research outputs found

    Interactive Supports Between Children and the Elderly At-home Using Integrated Care Facilities

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    本研究の目的は,地域のケア資源となり得る統合ケア施設を利用する在宅高齢者の子どもとのサポート授受の実態,およびサポート授受と高齢者の生きがいとの関連を明らかにすることである.西日本の統合ケアを実施している7施設に依頼をし,協力の得られた5施設のデイサービスを利用する在宅高齢者のうち,認知症がないという条件で施設管理者に選出いただいた75人を対象とした.一人当たり15分程度の個別面接質問紙調査を2009年4月~9月に行った.調査内容は,対象者の特性,サポート授受,生きがいである.サポート授受については先行研究を参考に独自の質問票を作成し,生きがいについては,生きがいの源泉・対象と生きがい感(PGC モラールスケール)を調査した.分析では,記述統計,サポート授受の2群の差はWelch’s t-test,サポート授受と生きがいについてはロジスティック回帰分析,Pearsonの相関係数を行い,自由回答の内容については意味内容の類似性に従いカテゴリへと抽象化した.なお,所属機関の研究倫理審査委員会の承認を得た.認知症の疑いがないHDS-R で21点以上の70人を分析対象者とした.サポート授受は主に情緒的なサポート授受であった.生きがいとの関連については,生きがいの源泉・対象は受領サポートの「感動させてくれる」の項目と有意な関連がみられ,生きがい感は提供サポートの「元気がないときに温かく励ます」の項目と有意な正の相関がみられた.以上のことから,統合ケア施設を利用する在宅高齢者の子どもとのサポート授受は,情緒的なサポート授受が主たるものであった.また,提供サポートだけでなく,受領サポートが高齢者の生きがいに関連していることが示唆された.しかし,子どもに対して必ずしも肯定的な感情をもっているとはいえないため,統合ケアを行うにあたり,高齢者や子どもの特徴を理解し,交流を調整することが必要であると考えられる.The purposes of this study were to clarify interactive supports between the elderly and children as a form of social resource for care, and to clarify the relationship between the interactive supports and motivations in life for the elderly. The subjects of this study wer 75 elderly individuals who used one of five integrated care facilities in western Japan. Fifteen-minute individual interviews with a questionnaire were administrated in April through September 2009.The contents of the questionnaire were basic attributes, motivations in life and interactive supports. Regarding motivations in life, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center(PGC)Morale Scale was used. Regarding interactive supports, an original scale prepared from the preceding studies was used. For the analysis of this study, descriptive statistics was performed, and coefficient of correlation and multiple logistic regression analysis were used. The responses to open questions were categorized according to similarity. This study was approved by the ethical committee of our institute. As a result,70 subjects were valid for this study. Regarding the relationship between their motivations in life and the supports, there was a positive relationship between the sources and subject matters of the motivations and the items regarding the supports received. Further, between the motivations and the items regarding the supports provided, there was a positive relationship. Based on these findings, interactive supports between the elderly in integrated care facilities and children were emotional ones. In integrated care, it is important to understand the association between the characteristics of the elderly and children with those of the community, and to adjust interactions between them

    Analysis of the learning-targets of the nursing university students during practicum of community health nursing

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    【目的】本研究の目的は,地域看護学実習において,看護系大学で学ぶ4年次学生がどのような学習目標を持って臨んでいるのかを明らかにすることである. 【方法】地域看護学実習開始1ヵ月前に,実習要項に沿って実習目標および方法について説明を受けた後,学生92人が考え,記載した学習目標(保健所実習で学びたいこと,市町村実習で学びたいこと)の内容を分類した. 【倫理的配慮】学生には,研究目的を説明したうえで,研究への協力の有無は成績評価とは無関係であること,研究資料としての提供は自由意志であること,協力の諾否により不利益はもたらさないことを説明した.学生の学習目標の内容分類にあたっては,氏名や実習先を伏せ個人を特定できないようにした. 【結果】保健所実習における学習目標は,「保健師の業務や役割の学習」,「保健所の連携機能に注目しての学習」,「健康危機管理についての学習」,「地域の特性を考慮した学習」,「自己の関心に基づく焦点化した課題学習」に分類された.市町村実習における学習目標は,「保健師の業務や役割の学習」,「地域の特性を考慮した学習」,「自己の関心に基づく焦点化した課題学習」に分類された. 【考察】内容は抽象的なものから具体的なレベルのものまであった.市町村の学習目標からは,保健所の場合より地域に密着した保健師活動について学ぼうとする姿勢が窺えた.近年,各市町村が工夫を凝らしたホームページにより詳細な地域情報の提供を行っており,実習地域の事前学習で地域特性をイメージしやすく関心も高まったためと思われる.Purpose : This research is to clarify what learning-targets fourth year nursing university students have during a practicum of community health nursing. Methods : One month prior to the start of the practicum, 92 students were explained about the practical objectives and methods in line with essential practicum items. The contents of the learning-targets(things they hoped to learn in practical training at healthcare centers and in municipalities)thought up and noted by the students were classified. Ethical Consideration : The students were explained about the research purpose and then the following : the fact that they would not be subject to grade evaluation ; that their provision as a research material was voluntary ; and that whether or not they would cooperate in the research was not to cause any disadvantage to them. In the classification of the learning-targets of the students, their anonymity was secured by concealing their private information such as name and the place of practical training. Results : In the practical training at healthcare centers, the learning-targets were classified as : “Learning of the duty and role of a public health nurse”, “Learning of the collaborative function of healthcare centers as a key focus”, “Learning of health risk management”, “Learning with consideration on community characteristics”, and “Task-oriented learning based on the focus of one’s own interest”. In the practical training in municipalities, the learning-targets were classified as : “Learning of the duty and role of a public health nurse”, “Learning with consideration on community characteristics”, and “Task-oriented learning based on the focus of one’s own interest”. Discussion : The contents of the learning-targets ranged from abstract ones to specific ones. The learning-targets in the practical training in municipalities indicated the active attitude of the students to learn the work of public health nurses which was linked to the community more than healthcare centers were. In recent years, each municipality provides its own regional information through its ingenious homepage. In the prior study on the place for practical training, this is believed to have helped the students image the community characteristics and consequently take a better interest in the place


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    【目的】本研究の目的は山間地域で主体的に運営する産業に従事している高齢者の保健行動を明らかにすることである. 【方法】対象者:産業に従事している高齢者(以下A 群)84人と従事していない高齢者(以下B群)81人である.データ収集方法:集合法で自記式アンケート調査を行った.期間:2009年5月から9月に行った.調査項目:基本情報・生きがい・生活習慣・生活活動能力・疲労蓄積度(厚生労働省)で構成し,52項目を設定し選択式回答とした.分析:回答者のうち,65歳未満を除いた144人(87.3%)について分析を行った.A群とB群の保健行動について,生きがい,生活習慣,生活活動能力に関する質問項目を記述集計およびクロス集計によって統計学的に分析した.倫理的配慮:所属機関の臨床研究倫理審査委員会の審査を受けた. 【結果】A 群はB群に比べて高齢者の集まりに入会している人の割合が有意に少なく(p<0.01),活動している人の割合も有意に(p<0.01)少なかった.A群の方がB群に比べて現病歴のある人の割合が少ない傾向(p=0.054)が認められた.生活に対する意識について,「不満」「非常に不満」と回答したのは,A群に多く,両群間に有意な差(p<0.01)が認められた.疲労蓄積度の自覚症状の平均値は,A群では8.8±5.7点,B群は6.1±4.8点であった.A群では,疲労の自覚症状が39点中11~20点であったのは17人(29.7%),それ以上は2人(3.4%)であったのに比べ,B群では前者が16人(22.2%),後者はおらず有意な差(p<0.05)があった. 【考察】A群は疲労蓄積度が高く,高齢者の集まりに参加している人が少なかったことから,A群は余暇活動をする時間がないほどに仕事に力を注いでいると考えられた.それにもかかわらずA群は現病歴のある人の割合が少なく,主体的な産業に従事できる程の健康状態を維持していることが示唆された.【Aim】This study aims to clarify the health behavior of the elderly who were managing profit-earning works in mountainous areas. 【Methods】The elderly aged more than 65 year-old in the areas in T Prefecture were targeted. The elderly who were managing profit-earning works named Group A, and the elderly who were not named Group B. A questionnaire was conducted to the participants at local regular meetings from May to September, 2009. The questionnaire consisted in five sections, such as, living habits, abilities of daily activities and the degree of fatigue accumulation14). The data was analyzed a comparison between two groups. This study was reviewed by the clinical ethic board of the institution to which the authors belong. 【Results】The total of 144 participants were analyzed. The number of Group A was 63, and Group B was 81. There was a significant difference in average age between two groups. Regarding abilities daily activities, the admission of a public meeting for elderly of Group A in the areas was significantly lower than that of Group B. Group A was significantly lower the rate of present illness than that of Group B. Regarding fatigue accumulation, the difference between Group A and Group B were significant(p=0.031). 【Discussion】Group A seemed to favor their own profit-earning activities more than the admission of the activities for the elderly by public. Group A, however, felt more being fatigue than that of Group B. In addition, Group A seemed to have less present illness than Group B. Group A seemed to maintain their health and their work and life balance. Therefore, we considered to clarify that health behavior that consisted in the five sections was well maintained by the elderly who manage profit-earning activities

    Health behavior of elderly people engaged in agriculture in conjunction with information communication technology

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    The aim of this study is to clarify the health behavior of elderly people engaged in agriculture and information communication technology (ICT). The participants were 61 people engaged in agriculture in conjunction with ICT systems (group A), and 49 people not engaged in this (group B) from among the people aged 65 years or over in village C, both living located in a mountain areas. Data were collected from August 2009 to June 2011 in two stages : interviews to members of group A through home visits, and a group survey of groups A and B through questionnaires. The results of the study were as follows : 1) members of group A lived with feelings of attachment to the land to which they were accustomed and showed gratitude to their ancestors ; 2) in group A, the desire of participants to continue their life was sufficient motivation to look after their own health and maintain independence ; and 3) they provided a new challenge and a sense of achievement. The results suggest that the health behavior in group A was behavior adopted voluntarily in order to maintain an independent lifestyle supported by working, and it is likely to be linked to the preservation of health

    Visiting Nurses’ Awareness of the Current State of Clinical Practicum and Guidance

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    本研究は,訪問看護師への質問紙調査から,看護学生に対する訪問看護師の実習指導の現状と実習指導についての意識を知ることを目的に実施した.対象は,A県で在宅看護実習を受け入れている訪問看護ステーションの訪問看護師198名であった.質問は,実習指導の現状(20項目)と実習指導の意識(10項目)に,「当てはまる(5点)」から「全く当てはまらない(1点)」の5段階で回答を求めた.その結果,実習指導の現状では「学生の利用者や家族への理解が深まるように情報を提供している」「学生が連携について理解が深まるように助言している」「学生に指導するときは言葉や伝え方に配慮している」の3項目が4.40と高かった.実習指導についての意識では,「指導することを通して自分の成長につながる」「指導することで学びなおす機会となる」の2項目が4.17と高かった.また,実習指導の際に心がけていることや信念への自由記載から,【対象全体を捉えやすくする】【思いや基本を伝える】【対象の尊重と支援の方法を伝える】【共に学ぶ存在として学生をとらえる】の4カテゴリが抽出された.以上のことから,訪問看護師は学生に対して,マニュアルに頼らず,利用者や連携についての情報提供や助言をしており,個々に合わせた指導をしている現状がわかった.また,訪問看護師は学生が緊張しないように,言葉や伝え方に配慮をして学生に関わっていることが明らかになった.訪問看護師経験の長い者の方が,実習指導を,自分自身の学び直す機会や自分の成長につながる経験であると捉えており,実習指導についての意義を見いだしていると思われた.また,雇用形態によって,実習要項の確認や記録への助言,反省会への参加などに差があり,訪問看護師間における情報伝達や指導方法についての工夫が必要である.This research aimed to study clinical practicum provided by visiting nurses to nursing students and awareness of the practicum. The participants were 198 visiting nurses at visiting nurses’ stations in Prefecture A. They responded to questions on the actual state of clinical practicum (20items) and on their awareness of practicum (10items) by choosing one of the items of a 5-point Likert scale, where 5 was “Applicable” and1 “Not Applicable at All”. Regarding the actual state of practicum, three items received a high score of 4.40: “Providing information to enhance the students’ understanding of service-users and users’ families” ; “Helping the students improve their understanding of cooperation” : and “Being considerate of the ways of communication when giving guidance”. Regarding their awareness of practicum, two items received a high score of4.17 : “Giving guidance leads to my own growth” and “Giving guidance is an opportunity to relearn”. Further, four categories were extracted from their free descriptions : Easier to grasp the entirety of care targets ; Communicating thoughts and basics ; Teaching the way to respect and support care targets ; and Seeing the students as co-learners. The findings indicate that the visiting nurses tailored their guidance according to the students’ individuality, and did not rely on manuals in providing the students with advice and information about clients and cooperation. Furthermore, they were considerate of their words and ways of communication to avoid putting the students under pressure. In addition to grasping the the real significance of a practicum, those experienced visiting nurses tended to consider practicum as an opportunity to relearn, and improve themselves. There were differences between visiting nurses with regard to their employment statuses, their advice on checking and reporting of practicum requirements, and to their participation in evaluation meetings. Finally, the results of the present study underscore the need to improve the capacity of visiting nurses to communicate information and give guidance

    Study of life satisfaction and quality of life of patients receiving home oxygen therapy

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    An investigation was conducted by mail using a questionnaire regarding the life satisfaction and quality of life (QOL) of patients receiving home oxygen therapy (HOT) to evaluate their support. QOL was evaluated according to 4 scales : (1) activities, (2) state of health and quality of living, (3) physical symptoms, and (4) economic state. The answers of 90 patients (recovery rate : 60%) who responded to the investigation were analyzed, and the following points were clarified. 1. Most of the subjects visited the hospital regularly, and about half the subjects (50.6%) had been treated by hospitalization during the 3 years prior to the investigation. 2. A large majority of the subjects (77.4%) answered they were satisfied with life. 3. Life satisfaction was closely related to the patients’ roles and hobbies, and their activities in their communities and families. 4. The quality of living and the state of health were closely related to mental activity. 5. The economic state was closely related to all items of life satisfaction, quality of living, and state of health. From these results, expansion of the range of activities of patients receiving HOT and providing an economic basis for their living as well as preventing exacerbation of the disease are considered to be important for improving their life satisfaction

    Home nursing skills of the registered visiting nursing stations

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    本研究の目的は,T県内の訪問看護ステーション(以下ステーション)に所属する看護師が実施している看護技術の実態を明らかにすることである.研究対象は,T県において登録されているステーション57ヵ所の管理者であった.調査票の郵送により4段階の選択肢による回答を求め,以下のことが明らかになった. 1)回答のあった41ヵ所のステーションで1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は「日常生活援助技術」では,関節可動域訓練,歩行介助,移動の介助,寝衣交換などの衣生活援助であった.「適切な医療ケアを支援する技術」ではバイタルサインの観察であった.「安全・安楽援助技術」では適切な体位の保持であった. 2)「日常生活援助技術」では,回答のあったステーションの90%以上が1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は,療養生活環境調整,排便を促す援助,オムツ交換,体位変換,移乗の介助,部分浴,入浴介助,清拭,陰部ケア,整容,洗髪,口腔ケアであった. 3)「適切な医療ケアを支援する技術」では,80%以上のステーションが1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は褥瘡ケア(予防も含む),創傷処置,経口薬の服薬方法の説明,外用薬の使用方法の説明,パルスオキシメータであった. 4)「安全・安楽援助技術」では,80%以上のステーションが1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は療養生活の安全確保,転倒・転落・外傷予防,マッサージであった. 5)救命・救急に関する項目については実施頻度が低かった. 教育上の課題としては,実施頻度が高い項目においては,訪問先の状況に応じた実施ができるように学内演習を進める必要がある.また,臨地での経験が困難と予測される項目や救急時の技術,高度な医療技術項目については視聴覚機器を活用し,知識面での理解を深める必要があると考えられた.Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the study items of home nursing skills of the registered Visiting Nursing Stations(VNS). Method : The questionnaire survey was mailed to fifty seven managers of registered VNS in T prefecture. Results : The effective answer rate was 71.9%(n=41).The nursing skills in the three domains that were carried out at least once or more in a month by nurses who belong to all VNS are as follows : 1)In the domain of daily life support skills, four items of “range of motion exercises”,“walking assistance”, “assistance of transferring”, and “changing night clothes” were identified. 2)In the domain of skills for helping effective medical care,“check-up of vital signs” was identified. 3)In the domain of skills for safety/ comfort, “maintaining comfortable positions” was identified. And nursing skills that were required in emergency medical care/treatments were observed in a very low frequency in the same domain. Discussion : The nursing faculty should provide exercises in the university settings for the students to acquire these fundamental nursing skills, so that they can perform adequate nursing care at the time of home visits. In addition, it might be necessary for the faculty to utilize an audiovisual aid effectively in order to promote a better understanding of the students on the nursing skills/knowledge that would be rarely experienced during their clinical training, such as emergency clinical care and advanced therapeutic technologies. In order to build the effective study support system for the nursing students, we need to develop a collaborative education system between the University and the VNS

    セイシン ホケン フクシ ニオケル ガクサイテキ タショクシュ レンケイ ニヨル チーム ケア ノ コウカ ソクテイ

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    Despite great interests on interdisciplinary collaborative team care (ICTC) in psychiatric care, a limited number of studies regarding the practice of ICTC and its evaluation has been reported in Japan. There is little consistency in the selection of the outcome variables and the methods of measurement, so that the effectiveness of ICTC has not been clearly shown. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the needs for systematic evaluation of ICTC in psychiatric care, as well as to identify some methodological essentials for the evaluation research on the management innovation. Use of more a scientific research design, such as an experimental design with controlling of extraneous variables or an extensive qualitative research, and more adequate outcome variables and the instruments should be considered for the future research. The future diffusion of ICTC as a new health care model in Japan can depend on the researchers who recognize the importance of the evidence-based management, like as the evidence-based medicine, present scientific evidences on improved health care and reduced costs as the outcome of ICTC, and provide a guideline for the health care organizations to evaluate their practice of ICTC. Despite great interests on interdisciplinary collaborative team care (ICTC) in psychiatric care, a limited number of studies regarding the practice of ICTC and its evaluation has been reported in Japan. There is little consistency in the selection of the outcome variables and the methods of measurement, so that the effectiveness of ICTC has not been clearly shown. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the needs for systematic evaluation of ICTC in psychiatric care, as well as to identify some methodological essentials for the evaluation research on the management innovation. Use of more a scientific research design, such as an experimental design with controlling of extraneous variables or an extensive qualitative research, and more adequate outcome variables and the instruments should be considered for the future research. The future diffusion of ICTC as a new health care model in Japan can depend on the researchers who recognize the importance of the evidence-based management, like as the evidence-based medicine, present scientific evidences on improved health care and reduced costs as the outcome of ICTC, and provide a guideline for the health care organizations to evaluate their practice of ICTC

    Investigation of QOL of hospice patients by using EORTC-QLQ-C30 questionnaire

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    This study was designed to investigate the quality of life (QOL) of cancer patients being cared for in a hospice, in the expectation that the results would serve as useful basic materials for improving the care of such patients. The subjects were 24 patients who had been diagnosed as having cancer and were hospitalized in the hospice wing of a hospital. The study was carried out as a crossing investigation using the Japanese version of the EORTC-QLQ-C30 Ver.3 questionnaire prepared by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. The results of the survey showed that it was important to be prepared to prevent or treat diarrhea at the time of bowel movement and confirmed the need for care aimed at reducing fatigue. In addition, the emotional functioning and financial problems of the patients showed strong correlations with the QOL, revealing the need for psychological and financial support of cancer patients in hospices