46 research outputs found
Successful Intervention for Pressure Ulcer by Nutrition Support Team: A Case Report
A 23-year-old woman with heart failure developed pressure ulcer on her sacral area due to a long-term bed rest and impaired hemodynamics. The ulcer improved only slightly after 2 months with povidone-iodine sugar ointment because of severe nausea and anorexia. Then, the nutrition support team (NST) started intervention and estimated the patient's malnutrition from her body weight (30.1 kg), body mass index (BMI) (13.9), triceps skinfold thickness (TSF) (3.5 mm), arm circumference (AC) (17.2 cm) and serum albumin (2.6 g/dl). The NST administrated an enteral nutrition formula through a nasogastric tube and tried to provide meals according to the patient's taste. Although DESIGN score improved to 7 (DESIGN: d2e1s2i1g1n0 = 7) 2 months later, severe nausea prevented the patient from taking any food perorally. However, after nasogastric decannulation, her appetite improved and 1 month later her body weight increased to 32.8 kg, her BMI to 15.2, TSF to 7.5 mm, AC to 19.7 cm and serum albumin to 4.1 g/dl, and the wound completely healed
公的セクターにおける病院看護師のマネジメント : 日英の外国人看護師に関する事例と考察
看護師不足は先進諸国に共通する深刻な問題である。とりわけイギリスは、外国人看護師がヨーロッパ一多い国として知られている。イギリスのリーズNHS Trust(公的病院)、St.James Hospitalにおける外国人看護師活用の事例を紹介し、多様な入材の管理(ダイバーシティ・マネジメント)の課題について検討する。また、わが国では自由貿易協定により、フィリピン人、インドネシア人看護師の就労が現実のものとなった。そこで、国立病院機構の外国人看護師受け入れ準備態勢について、イギリスの事例を踏まえて考察する
ノウソッチュウ チョウキュウセイキ ニオケル ガゾウ シンダン プロトコール
We described our imaging protocol for apoplexy to select a therapeutic way. The recent advance of MR technology much contributes to diagnosis of cerebral ischemic disease. Especially the EPI method is now applied to clinical MR machine and make possible to obtain diffusion-weighted images (DWI) with excellent quality, which can detect super-acute phase of cerebral infarction. Then we choose MRI as the first modality conducted for patients of apoplexy and measured DWI and perfusion MRI before conducting conventional cerebral angiography. The mismatch area between DWI and perfusion MRI will suggest the necessity of re-circulation therapy because rescuable neuronal cells from ischemia will exist in the mismatch area. Furthermore cerebral hemorrhage can be detected using EPI-T2 weighted images and DWI, and the luxury perfusion will be also evaluated by perfusion MRI. Therefore we considered that MR examination could be the first modality conducted for diagnosis of cerebral vascular accident of acute phase
Living with a double A-Bomb surviving parent