170 research outputs found


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    Transient ischemia due to a decrease in vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI) induces the hypoxia of vestibular nucleus (VN) and frequently cause vertigo. Furthermore, it is occasionally experienced that dizziness continues in the long term after strong rotatory vertigo in VBI. Since glutamate is thought to play an important role in the neurotransmission of VN, this study was undertaken to examine the effect of hypoxia on the VN neuron and the role of the glutamate in the hypoxia induced neuronal activities using electrophysiological and microiontophoretic technique. Cats anesthetized with α-chloralose were ventilated with a respirator. A silver recording microelectrode was inserted into the VN and the spontaneous firing of the neurons was continuously recorded on an ink-writing recorder through a spike counter. Micropipettes attached along the microelectrode were used for microiontophoretic application of 6,7-Dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX), non-NMDA receptor antagonist and (+) 5-methyl-l0,l1-dihydro-5H-dibenzo(a,d) cyclohepten- 5,10-imine (MK801), NMDA receptor antagonist. The spontaneous firing in VN neurons increased transiently and then decreased, resulting in the disappearance in firings during 3 minutes inhalation of 5%O2. However, the firings appeared again and persistently increased after the cessation of 5%O2. Transient increase of the firing during hypoxia and persistent increase after the cessation of hypoxia were herein termed Hypoxic Depolarization (HD) and Post Hypoxic Potentiation (PHP), respectively. HD was significantly (P<0.01) suppressed by DNQX and MK801. Since HD was suppressed by glutamate receptor antagonist, HD was assumed to be caused by excessive glutamate released from presynaptic terminals in the VN neurons. HD correlated significantly with PHP (R=0.609, p<0.01). We indicate that enhancement of PHP was the change of glutamate receptor-mediated synaptic plasticity caused by HD in the VN neurons. In conclusion, it is suggested that HD and PHP shown in this electrophysiological study might imply possible mechanism underlying the onset of acute vertigo and persistent dizziness in VBI.博士(医学)・乙1332号・平成26年3月17

    Adversarial Patch Attacks on Monocular Depth Estimation Networks

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    Thanks to the excellent learning capability of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), monocular depth estimation using CNNs has achieved great success in recent years. However, depth estimation from a monocular image alone is essentially an ill-posed problem, and thus, it seems that this approach would have inherent vulnerabilities. To reveal this limitation, we propose a method of adversarial patch attack on monocular depth estimation. More specifically, we generate artificial patterns (adversarial patches) that can fool the target methods into estimating an incorrect depth for the regions where the patterns are placed. Our method can be implemented in the real world by physically placing the printed patterns in real scenes. We also analyze the behavior of monocular depth estimation under attacks by visualizing the activation levels of the intermediate layers and the regions potentially affected by the adversarial attack.Comment: Publisher's Open Access PDF with the CC-BY copyright. Associated video, data and programs are available at https://www.fujii.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/Research/MonoDepth

    高周波聴力の左右差 : 一側性の蝸牛障害の評価への応用

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    High-frequency audiometry has the potential to detect hearing impairment at its early stage. However, several problems prevent the clinical application of high-frequency audiometry. In this study, the dispersion and left-right difference in the high-frequency sensitivity were investigated in normal hearing volunteers. In our results, the difference between the left and right ears varied only slightly among individuals or age groups, while dispersion of hearing threshold values became marked with an increase in frequency. The results suggest that the measurement of left-right difference in high-frequency sensitivity may be useful for the evaluation of unilateral impairment. To investigate this usefulness, the left-right differences were measured in the patients complaining of unilateral cochlear symptom with normal hearing. Considering the results of normal hearing, we determined that abnormal left-right difference in high-frequency sensitivity was over 20 dB. In 12 patients with unilateral tinnitus, 7 showed left-right differences, and 6 had tinnitus in the ear with increased thresholds. Our results suggested a relationship between tinnitus with normal hearing and hearing impairment in the high-frequency range.博士(医学)・乙1335号・平成26年3月17

    The Effects of Font Type on Reading Accuracy and Fluency in Japanese Children with Developmental Dyslexia

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    We administered rapid reading tasks in Japanese children (32 with typical development and 24 with developmental dyslexia), and investigated the effects of two different font types: Rounded-Gothic and Mincho style font. In the experiment, we used four kinds of stimuli: two scripts (paragraphs and random kana character non-words) in two font types (Rounded-Gothic and Mincho style font). In this experiment, the duration time, the number of errors and the number of self-corrections were measured during reading. Participants were asked which font type was easier to read. There was no significant difference in the duration time, the number of errors and the number of self-corrections between two types of fonts among the 56 participants. On the other hand, regarding subjective readability, the developmental dyslexia group reported that the Rounded-Gothic font was easier to read. There was a difference between objective and subjective readability. In this study, there was no difference in reading performance of Rounded-Gothic and Mincho style fonts in Japanese children with developmental dyslexia


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    Introduction: The present study aimed to determine whether supervised vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) by physical therapists (PTs) affects subjective dizziness in patients with chronic vestibular disorders, and whether supervised VRT-induced changes in subjective dizziness are related to the changes in physical activity levels in daily life. Methods: Patients (n = 47) with chronic peripheral vestibular disorders were randomly divided into the VRT group (n = 25) and control group (n = 22). Patients in the VRT group received weekly supervised visits from PTs for a period of 6 months. Every other month, both groups were advised by neuro-otologists to increase the amount of activity in their daily life. All patients wore an accelerometer device, which recorded their physical activity for seven successive days before the end of the intervention. Patients also completed the dizziness and unsteadiness questionnaires before and after the intervention. Results: Subjective dizziness decreased significantly regardless of whether supervised VRT was administered; however, dizziness evoked by social activity and head and body movements improved more significantly in the VRT group than in the control group. In the VRT group, there was a significant negative correlation between the increase in sedentary behavior and improvement in subjective dizziness, and a significant positive correlation between the increase in light physical activity and improvement in subjective dizziness at the second month of intervention. The VRT group showed a significantly higher rate of increase in light physical activity than the control group, after 6 months of intervention. Conclusion: Supervised VRT could be highly effective in treating subjective dizziness in patients with chronic peripheral vestibular disorders. We believe frequent (weekly) and medium-term (6 months) PT-guided interventions may be highly effective in enhancing physical activity in daily life, and may subsequently improve subjective dizziness in these patients. Trial registration: This clinical study was registered with University hospital Medical Information Network (identification number: 000028832). https://www.umin.ac.jp/博士(医学)・甲第878号・令和5年3月15

    上場会社の経営監督における法的課題 : 非業務執行役員の責任と救済を中心に

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 神作 裕之, 東京大学教授 神田 秀樹, 東京大学教授 松下 淳一, 東京大学教授 両角 吉晃, 東京大学教授 山川 隆一University of Tokyo(東京大学


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    協働のまちづくりの実践においては,多様なステークホルダーの利害を調整する調整役による調整機能が重要な鍵となっている.しかし,その実態は見えにくく,知見として整理されていない.本研究は,「実践のプロファイリング手法」を用い,立場や専門の異なる5名のプロファイルから,調整役機能を明らかにすることを目的としている.既存研究から調整役機能としての要素を抽出,整理し,立場も異なる5名のプロジェクト実践者のプロファイルから抽出した行動をあてはめ,整理することで,立場を超えた共通の調整役機能や立場による相違を分析した.その結果,すべての対象者が共通の活動目的に対し行動を起こしていたが,その行動の手法が異なることがわかった.すなわち,調整役機能にとって基礎的な要求事項が明らかになったと言える.The collaboration between residents, local government and professionals is said to be an important issue for revitalization of community. Although, it is inevitable for the projects of revitalization of community to adopt a collaborative approach with getting local government and coordination experts' support, confusions in partnership sometimes occur due to the lack of continuous or effective professional coordination. The aim of this study is to clarify rolls of professional coordinator in forming collaborative activity using a method of profile of practitioners proposed by John Forester, by analyzing profiles of five practitioners whose position of collaboration or professional expertise are different. As a result, All practitioners had the some actions for the objectives of collaborative approach listed by the authors, but there action for each is not the same style and depends on their role


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    A hearing aid using cartilage conduction (CC) has been proposed as an alternative to bone conduction (BC) hearing aids. The transducer developed for this application is lightweight, requires a much smaller fixation force than a BC hearing aid, and is more convenient to use. CC can be of great benefit to patients with fibrotic aural atresia. Fibrotic tissue connected to the ossicles provides an additional pathway (termed fibrotic tissue pathway) for sound to reach the cochlea by means of CC. To address the function of fibrotic tissue pathway, BC and CC thresholds were measured in six ears with fibrotic aural atresia. The relationship between the CC thresholds and the results of computed tomography was investigated. In the ears with the presence of a fibrotic tissue pathway, the CC thresholds were lower than the BC thresholds at 0.5 and 1.0 kHz. At 2.0 kHz, no significant difference was observed between the BC and CC thresholds. The current findings suggest that sound in the low to middle frequency range is transmitted more efficiently by CC via a fibrotic tissue pathway than BC. The development of hearing devices using CC can contribute to rehabilitation, particularly in patients with fibrotic aural atresia.博士(医学)・甲621号・平成26年3月17