590 research outputs found

    The probability of double-strand breaks in giant DNA decreases markedly as the DNA concentration increases

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) represent a serious source of damage for all living things and thus there have been many quantitative studies of DSBs both in vivo and in vitro. Despite this fact, the processes that lead to their production have not yet been clearly understood, and there is no established theory that can account for the statistics of their production, in particular, the number of DSBs per base pair per unit Gy, here denoted by P1, which is the most important parameter for evaluating the degree of risk posed by DSBs. Here, using the single-molecule observation method with giant DNA molecules (166 kbp), we evaluate the number of DSBs caused by gamma-ray irradiation. We find that P1 is nearly inversely proportional to the DNA concentration above a certain threshold DNA concentration. A simple model that accounts for the marked decrease of P1 shows that it is necessary to consider the characteristics of giant DNA molecules as semiflexible polymers to interpret the intrinsic mechanism of DSBs

    イシカイ ノ トリクミ

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    The formation of medical cooperation is an important role to medical society. In the treatmentof cancer in community, home doctor is calling for the up-to-date information, knowledge andskill. In this season, Tokushima medical society has a workshop of palliative care entrusted byTokushima Prefectural office. Tokushima City Medical Society has conducted a network organizedby doctors practicing treatment at home and visiting nursing stations to lighten home doctor’sload. We think the equalization of medical skill for cancer to family doctors is a most importantobject of our approach

    特別講演1 「学習科学が描く21世紀型授業のデザイン」

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    本講演は,3つの主題で構成される。第一は,学習科学とはどのような学問か,第二は,21世紀学力とはどのようなものか,第三は,21世紀型授業とはどんなものか,20世紀型授業との違い,その特質はどのようなものか,である。 学習科学という学問は,学習心理学を比較し説明すると,次の3つの点でその違いが理解される。1つは,知識獲得モデルか知識創造モデルか。2つは,grand theory かgrounded theory か。3つは,実験室研究かデザインベースド研究か。これらの違いにもとづき,縦軸に「基本原理の追求」の有無を,横軸に「実用性の追求」の有無を置き,四象限のマトリックスを作ると,研究モデルの4つのタイプを作ることができる。 学習心理学には「基本原理の追求」が有り,「実用性の追求」が無い実験室研究であるのに対し,学習科学は両方を有し,デザインベースド研究である。学習科学は学問的にも実用的にも優れている。 現在,教育に求められているものは21世紀型学力である。それには,3つの条件が必要である。①dependable(確かな学力),②portable(活用力),③sustainable(持続可能な学力)。その中で,20世紀型学力は①に偏重し,それを克服すべき21世紀型学力は①~③を同時に達成することが必要である。それをモデルで示すと,習得と活用を同時に促す「四輪駆動モデル」となる。「わかる」(習得),「できる」(活用)の両輪と,エンジンにあたる学習意欲をもっている。エンジンがかかり「メタ認知」が働くと,学びが「自己調整学習」として機能し,「知識創造」を作り出すことができる。 20世紀型学力は「習得」ばかりで「活用」がない。そのため,子どもたちは習得した知識をどう活用していいかがわからなくなっている。また,20 世紀型授業には「習得中心」と「指導中心,支援不足」という問題点があり,これらの問題を乗り越えることが,21世紀型授業の課題である。そのポイントは,「学習者中心の授業のデザイン」「協同学習(コラボレーション)」「オーセンティックな学習課題の設定」の3つである。 総括的に言えば,①子どもは小さな勉強主体ではなく小さな研究主体であり,学会活動に学校での学習を近づけていく,②多様性を認めつつ尊重しながら,そのような社会を作れるような子どもたちを育成する,ことが21世紀の学力に求められることである。そのために行う教育は,「教育は中道を目指せ,中道は大道なり」という考えにもとづくべきであろう。学習システム促進研究センターキックオフ講演会: 学習,学習科学: 教育への適用 (2014年7月3日: 広島大学大学院教育学研究科開催


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    Variation of Slab Component in Ancient and Modern Merapi Products: A Detailed Look into Slab Derived Fluid Fluctuation over the Living Span of One of the Most Active Volcanoes in Sunda Arc

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    Holocene eruptions of Merapi have produced both medium-K and high-K calc alkaline series which correspond to products older and younger than 1900 years respectively. The change has been attributed to increasing sediment input as the volcano matures. This study presents two Merapi samples which represent Ancient and Modern Merapi. The two samples are analyzed for subduction components including B, Ba, Sr, and Pb using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer and prompt gamma ray analysis (PGA). Our finding shows that Ancient Merapi sample from Plawangan Hill lava is close in affinities with younger than 1900 years high-K magma series. On the other hand, Modern Merapi sample from 2006 eruption juvenile is plotted within medium-K magma series which are observed in eruption products older than 1900 years. Ratios of fluid mobile elements to high field strength element (HFSE) (i.e. B/Nb, Ba/Y, Pb/Nb) consistently show that Ancient Merapi sample has higher input of slab derived fluid than Modern Merapi sample. A model using B/Nb and Ba/Nb suggests that Plawangan magma requires 1.5 % of sediment derived fluid, higher than estimated in 2006 eruption magma (1.2 %) and medium-K series magma, and within the range of high-K series magma, to explain its slab component enrichment. This evidence suggests that slab derived component addition to the sub-arc mantle wedge highly fluctuates over short period of evolution of a volcano. One possible explanation is the presence of veined hydrous metasomatized sub-arc mantle as Merapi magma source which allows melting of different mantle area to produce fluctuation of slab components in the course of evolution of Merapi magmas

    Evaluation of the GABAergic nervous system in autistic brain : 123I-iomazenil SPECT study

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    Purpose: To evaluate the GABAA receptor in the autistic brain, we performed 123I-IMZ SPECT in patients with ASD. We compared 123I-IMZ SPECT abnormalities in patients who showed intellectual disturbance or focal epileptic discharge on EEG to those in patients without such findings. Subjects and methods: The subjects consisted of 24 patients with ASD (mean age, 7.3±3.5years), including 9 with autistic disorder (mean age, 7.0±3.7years) and 15 with Asperger’s disorder (mean age, 7.5±3.2years). We used 10 non-symptomatic partial epilepsy patients (mean age, 7.8±3.6years) without intellectual delay as a control group. For an objective evaluation of the 123I-IMZ SPECT results, we performed an SEE (Stereotactic Extraction Estimation) analysis to describe the decrease in accumulation in each brain lobule numerically. Results In the comparison of the ASD group and the control group, there was a dramatic decrease in the accumulation of 123I-IMZ in the superior and medial frontal cortex. In the group with intellectual impairment and focal epileptic discharge on EEG, the decrease in accumulation in the superior and medial frontal cortex was greater than that in the group without these findings. Conclusion The present results suggest that disturbance of the GABAergic nervous system may contribute to the pathophysiology and aggravation of ASD, since the accumulation of 123I-IMZ was decreased in the superior and medial frontal cortex, which is considered to be associated with inference of the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others (Theory of Mind)

    Multi-cue 3D Object Recognition in Knowledge-based Vision-guided Humanoid Robot System

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    Abstract — A vision based object recognition subsystem on knowledge-based humanoid robot system is presented. Humanoid robot system for real world service application must integrate an object recognition subsystem and a motion planning subsystem in both mobility and manipulation tasks. These requirements involve the vision system capable of self-localization for navigation tasks and object recognition for manipulation tasks, while communicating with the motion planning subsystem. In this paper, we describe a design and implementation of knowledge based visual 3D object recognition system with multi-cue integration using particle filter technique. The particle filter provides very robust object recognition performance and knowledge based approach enables robot to perform both object localization and self localization with movable/fixed information. Since this object recognition subsystem share knowledge with a motion planning subsystem, we are able to generate vision-guided humanoid behaviors without considering visual processing functions. Finally, in order to demonstrate the generality of the system, we demonstrated several vision-based humanoid behavior experiments in a daily life environment. Fig. 1. system Behavior example of knowledge based vision guided humanoid I

    Solvent and Temperature Effects on the Chiral Aggregation of Optically Active Poly(dialkylsilane)s Confined in Microcapsules

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    Terao K., Mori Y., Dobashi T., et al. Solvent and Temperature Effects on the Chiral Aggregation of Optically Active Poly(dialkylsilane)s Confined in Microcapsules. Langmuir, 20(2), 306-308, December 12, 2003. Copyright © 2003, American Chemical Society. https://doi.org/10.1021/la0302798