41 research outputs found

    Performance and Efficiency of the Italian Banking System

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    The chapter describes the Italian banking system’s main performance figures between 1999 and 2010. The first part describes the economic and financial performance of the Italian banking system, providing a short international comparison for the five largest banking groups and then, in greater detail, examining trends (in terms of profitability, efficiency, risk level and solvency) from a strictly domestic viewpoint. The latter analysis also examines the main features of banks within the Italian system with regard to size and legal form. We the study moves on to illustrate the Italian banking system’s stock market performance, again by means of an international comparison and focusing on the main national figures. Both parts study the period from 1999 to 2010. The chapter concludes with a final comparison which attempts to link market performance with economic and financial results

    Acellular dermal matrix for rhinophyma: Is it worth it? A new case report and review of literature

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    Introduction: nasal reconstruction after rhinophyma surgery could be challenging. In the last decade, some authors proposed the use of dermal substitutes, but only few case reports have been described throughout the Literature. Presentation of case: we described a new case of severe and disfiguring rhinophyma treated by total excision and a two-step reconstruction by using acellular dermal matrix and subsequent full-thickness skin graft. Despite an overall improvement of the nasal shape and a good functional recovery were observed after 12 months of follow-up, the aesthetic outcome was not satisfactory and the patient required further surgical revisions. Discussion: the use of ADMs in rhinophyma poses some important aspects to be discussed. The resorption rate of the matrix and retraction rate of the skin graft make the final thickness of the neodermis unpredictable. Moreover the location of phymatous lesions and the extent of the surgical removal may strongly impact the final aesthetic outcome, often leading to a multistep procedure and patient dissatisfaction. Conclusion: although we believe that ADM represents a simple and reliable alternative for surgical reconstruction after rhinophyma, basing on our clinical experience we suggested some important tips and tricks in order to avoid surgical revisions, and both surgeons and patients should be aware about the potential drawbacks of this technique

    Elementi strutturali: gruppi italiani ed europei

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    Il fine di questo studio è quello di esaminare la situazione dei gruppi italiani ed europei focalizzandosi su quegli aspetti di bilancio che, considerando anche l’incertezza futura per questa crisi , consentano di visualizzare una serie di elementi - sia di forza che di debolezza - che chiameremo strutturali. A differenza delle più tradizionali analisi di redditività e di efficienza, in prevalenza svolte su dati di flusso, in questo caso ci si baserà in larga misura su voci di stato patrimoniale con riferimento a quanto accaduto negli ultimi 18 mesi (dal 31 dicembre 2006 al 30 giugno 2008). In particolare verranno analizzate le specifiche situazioni strutturali in termini di funding gap e di solidità patrimoniale

    L'efficienza del capitale intellettuale nel settore bancario europeo

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    Il lavoro fornisce un contributo alla conoscenza delle direzioni lungo le quali si sviluppano i diversi processi di gestione del capitale intellettuale. I modelli di business dell’industria dei servizi finanziari stanno cambiando un po’ ovunque a livello mondiale e nuove risorse chiave in prospettiva strategica emergono: alcune di queste sono basate sul capitale intellettuale e sulle nuove capacità organizzative di gestione del medesimo. Soprattutto, a partire dalla seconda metà degli anni ‘80, si è assistito ad uno sviluppo competitivo e strutturale dell’industria dei servizi finanziari, che continua a rafforzare l’orientamento al capitale intellettuale all’interno del settore.Sulla base di queste brevi considerazioni il presente capitolo è organizzato nel seguente modo. Il paragrafo 1 rappresenta l’introduzione al lavoro. Il paragrafo 2 affronta il te-ma da un’angolazione esclusivamente teorica. L’analisi della letteratura consente di desumere come il capitale intellettuale sia un insieme di elementi molto eterogeneo; infatti la pluralità di studi e ricerche economico–aziendali prodotti in materia presenta proposte di inqua-dramento e contributi interpretativi non sempre e non del tutto convergenti. Nel tempo è emerso un quadro interpretativo che descrive e suddivide il capitale intellettuale in alcune componenti interagenti tra loro e in continua evoluzione: il capitale umano, il capitale strutturale ed il capitale relazionale. Utilizzando questo schema si fa riferimento all’ampio dibattito che si è sviluppato sul tema (paragrafo 2.1) anche con specifico riferimento al settore dei servizi finanziari (paragrafo 2.2). Successivamente vengono svolte alcune riflessioni sull’importanza della rilevazione delle risorse intangibili e sulla necessità di sviluppare sistemi di misurazione e comunicazione di questi elementi; a questa diffusa esigenza il mondo professionale e gli accademici hanno risposto sviluppando una serie di metodi, algoritmi, in-dicatori, con approcci decisamente differenziati; l’obiettivo generale di questi sistemi è quello di fornire un quadro completo del valore di tutte le risorse a disposizione dell’azienda utilizzando, accanto ai tradizionali criteri economico-finanziari adottati per gli asset tangibili, an-che indicatori di performance capaci di monitorare, qualificare e quantificare l’apporto degli intangibili nel potenziale d’innovazione, di crescita, di efficienza e di solidità di un’organizzazione imprenditoriale. Non viene presentata un’analisi completa dei singoli metodi di misu-razione e reporting degli elementi del capitale intellettuale fino ad oggi già proposti in ambito accademico ed utilizzati presso le varie aziende, bensì viene illustrata una sorta di mappa dei metodi ritenuti maggiormente significativi (paragrafo 2.3). Viene quindi descritto il metodo applicato nel presente studio, Value Added Intellectual Coefficient - VAICTM, cercando di illu-strarne l’adattabilità al settore bancario-finanziario (paragrafo 2.4).Il paragrafo 3 è esclusivamente dedicato all’analisi empirica. Il metodo prescelto, VAICTM, viene applicato ad un campione di 63 banche appartenenti a 15 paesi europei. Il paragrafo 3.1 descrive il campione analizzato che risulta composto in prevalenza da banche di medie e grandi dimensioni (totale attivo superiore a 100 miliardi di euro) e, in misura minore, da alcune banche di piccola dimensione. L’analisi prosegue con il calcolo del VAICTM e delle sue distinte componenti: differenze tra paesi, dimensioni e status di quotata/non quotata mo-strano valori diversi di VAICTM a dimostrazione di come, anche all’interno di un settore relati-vamente omogeneo come quello bancario, eterogeneo sia il potenziale presente per la creazione del valore aziendale (paragrafo 3.2). Viene successivamente indagata la relazione esi-stente tra il VAICTM e le sue singole componenti rispetto alla performance aziendale e la valutazione del mercato (paragrafo 3.3). Chiudono il capitolo alcune osservazioni di sintesi ed un paragrafo (5) in cui viene svolta una sintetica rassegna degli studi empirici sul capitale intellettuale nel settore dei servizi finanziari

    The effects of breast reduction on pulmonary functions: A systematic review

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    Breast reduction is one of the most commonly requested and performed plastic surgery procedures, and its psychological, esthetic, and analgesic benefits are well known. Sev-eral studies dealing with the effects of reduction mammoplasty on the physiology of respiration have been published in the past decades. This systematic review aims to assess whether bilat-eral breast reduction is associated with measurable improvement in lung function in women with macromastia. This review was performed in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science databases were queried in search of clinical studies that investigated lung function in women undergoing breast reduction for macromastia and reported any type of parameter or outcome measure relevant to pulmonary function. The search yielded 394 articles of which 15 articles met our specific inclusion criteria. The primary outcome mea-sures of the studies and their respective results were tabulated, contrasted, and compared. The 15 studies included in this review cover the period from 1974 to 2018. According to most included studies, reduction mammaplasty produces a change of objective respiratory param-eters, such as spirometric tests or arterial blood gas (ABG) measurements; nevertheless, the clinical and functional relevance of the observed changes is debatable.(c) 2022 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by El-sevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Nasal Retainer 2.0: A New, Cheap, and Reliable Method to Prepare Custom-made Nostril Retainer for Nasal Reconstruction

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    Total nasal reconstruction always represents a challenge for the plastic surgeon, who must deal both with the reconstructive procedure and compliance of the patient. This kind of reconstruction often requires more than one step. Therefore, more prolonged and emphasized scarring than normal can occur, thus resulting in a higher risk of nostril stenosis. Although several nasal retainers have been described, traditional premade retainers could be poorly tolerated by patients and need to be adequately customized to improve patient compliance. Herein, the authors propose a new, cheap, and reliable method to prepare customized nasal retainers which can be used after every step of nasal reconstruction

    A Shakespearean Dilemma in Breast Augmentation: to Use Drains or not? a Systematic Review: Drains in Breast Augmentation

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    Background Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly requested and performed plastic surgery procedures. In order to prevent early postoperative complications such as seroma or hematoma, surgical drains could be useful. The aim is to perform a systematic review of the literature on the use of surgical drains in primary breast augmentation.Methods This review was performed following the PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases were queried in search of clinical studies describing the use of surgical drains in women undergoing primary breast augmentation with implants and documenting seroma and/or hematoma formation rate and/or infection rate.Results Initial search identified 2596 studies, and 162 were found relevant. Full-text review and application of our inclusion criteria to all retrieved papers produced 38 articles that met inclusion criteria. Among the included studies, 16 papers reported the use of surgical drains in breast augmentation, while in the remaining 22 articles drains were not used. Only 5 studies specifically investigated the role and effectiveness of surgical drains in augmentation mammaplasty and its possible relationship with complication rate such as seroma, hematoma or infection.Conclusions Despite similar complication rates emerged from the analyzed articles, because of the heterogeneity of the studies, we were not able to demonstrate specifically whether drain use affects the rate of early postoperative complications such as seroma, hematoma and infection. Additional randomized controlled trials are strongly advocated in order to provide the necessary scientific evidence

    Use of porcine acellular dermal matrix to repair lung Hernia after minithoracotomy: A case report with 6-Year follow-up

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    Lung hernia following minimally invasive cardiac surgery is rare with few reported cases in the literature. Surgical repair is debated, and several methods have been described including a variety of synthetic and biological materials. We report a case of a 36-year-old woman who developed lung hernia and a strong retraction of the pectoralis major muscle after minithoracotomy that was performed for mitral valve surgery. The herniated lung was reduced and the chest wall defect was repaired with a non-cross linked acellular dermal matrix (ADM) anchored to the thoracic wall. At a 6-year follow-up, she was asymptomatic and without recurrence of the hernia. Our experience suggests that ADMs are a safe and reliable surgical technique for lung hernia repair due to their biological and mechanical properties, even in those secondary hernias to minithoracotomy where a complete muscle coverage of the matrix could not be provided. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/