2 research outputs found

    BGB and BSC Systems (1949-56). The prefabricated dwellings of Antonio Bonet

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    A ra铆z de las primeras experiencias de Antonio Bonet con la prefabricaci贸n, y de su inter茅s por la geometr铆a y la modulaci贸n del espacio, en su etapa argentina de los a帽os 50, desarroll贸 dos ensayos de viviendas en serie totalmente industrializadas. Los Sistemas BGB y BSC, fueron dos modelos constructivos de prefabricaci贸n integral que Bonet dise帽贸 como posibles soluciones t茅cnicas a los problemas de la vivienda, y con los que pretend铆a superar la construcci贸n a medio camino entre lo tradicional y lo estandarizado. Sin perder sus referencias, contextualizados dentro de su producci贸n, y dentro del debate internacional en torno a la industrializaci贸n de la vivienda, ambos sistemas fueron pensados desde el espacio habitable y desde su tect贸nica, superando lo t茅cnico o lo constructivo para dar lugar a la cualidad del objeto arquitect贸nico. Planteados como prototipos generalizables, Bonet proyect贸 en el caso del Sistema BGB una vivienda unifamiliar, y en el del Sistema BSC un bloque de viviendas para una unidad vecinal, pese a la diferencia de escala, en ambos se plante贸 la prefabricaci贸n completa de la vivienda mediante elementos perfectamente modulados que permit铆an variaciones y que resolv铆an tanto la peque帽a escala interior del mueble como la estructura o la envolventeAs a result of Antonio Bonet鈥檚 first experiences with prefabrication, and his interest in geometry and the modulation of space, during his Argentinian stage in the 1950s, he developed two trials of totally industrialised serial dwellings. The BGB and BSC Systems, were two constructive models of comprehensive prefabrication that Bonet designed as possible technical solutions to the housing problems, and with which he attempted to improve the middle-of-the-road construction, between the traditional and the standardised. Without losing their references, contextualised within their production, and within the international debate around housing industrialisation, both systems were designed from the habitable space and from its tectonics, surpassing the technical or the constructive, to give rise to the quality of the architectural object. Contemplated as generalizable prototypes, Bonet designed a single-family house in the case of the BGB System, and a block of houses for a neighbourhood unit in the BSC System. In spite of the difference of scale, both prototypes considered the complete prefabrication of the house by means of perfectly modulated elements that would allow variations, and which would resolve the small interior scale of the furniture, the structure or the envelope