266 research outputs found

    Avaliação de hĂ­bridos de Brachiaria decumbens quanto Ă  resistĂȘncia Ă  cigarrinha-das-pastagens Deois flavopicta.

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    Estudos de resistĂȘncia de gramĂ­neas forrageiras Ă s cigarrinhas-das-pastagens tĂȘm gerado resultados decisivos para o lançamento de cultivares que se apresentem resistentes a essas pragas, o que atĂ© o momento se caracteriza como melhor mĂ©todo de controle das mesmas. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar 38 hĂ­bridos intraespecĂ­ficos de Brachiaria decumbens (R12, R71, R81, R120, R158, R161, R165, R167, R168, R169, R176, R178, R179, R181, R183, R184, R188, R189, R193, S3, T44, T54, T66, T68, T86, T87, T89, X2, X30, X61, X72, X78, X99, X118, X121, X122, Y22, Y23) pelo mĂ©todo proposto pelo Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)

    ResistĂȘncia de hĂ­bridos intraespecĂ­ficos de Brachiaria decumbens Ă  cigarrinha-das-pastagens Deois flavopicta.

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    As cigarrinhas-das-pastagens, principais pragas de pastagens, tĂȘm sido controladas essencialmente pelo uso de cultivares resistentes, mĂ©todo viĂĄvel tanto no aspecto econĂŽmico como ambiental. No presente trabalho avaliaramse 27 hĂ­bridos intraespecĂ­ficos de Brachiaria decumbens (R4, R26, R39, R97, R126, R130, R163, R171, R175, R187, R192, S28, S47, S48, T35, T45, X6, X48, X113, X115, X116, X117, X119, X123, Y21, Z8, Z9) quanto aos parĂąmetros sobrevivĂȘncia ninfal e dano causado pela ninfa Ă  planta. Utilizou-se o mĂ©todo de avaliação proposto pelo Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)

    Heterometallic Titanium-Organic Frameworks as Dual Metal Catalysts for Synergistic Non-Buffered Hydrolysis of Nerve Agent Simulants

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    Heterometallic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can offer important advantages over their homometallic counterparts to enable targeted modification of their adsorption, structural response, electronic structure, or chemical reactivity. However, controlling metal distribution in these solids still remains a challenge. The family of mesoporous titanium-organic frameworks, MUV-101(M), displays heterometallic TiM2 nodes assembled from direct reaction of Ti(IV) and M(II) salts. We use the degradation of nerve agent simulants to demonstrate that only TiFe2 nodes are capable of catalytic degradation in non-buffered conditions. By using an integrative experimental-computational approach, we rationalize how the two metals influence each other, in this case, for a synergistic mechanism reminiscent of bimetallic enzymes. Our results highlight the importance of controlling metal distribution at an atomic level to span the interest of heterometallic MOFs to a broad scope of cascade or tandem reactions. Summary Mixed-metal or heterometallic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are gaining importance as a route to produce materials with increasing chemical and functional complexities. We report a family of heterometallic titanium frameworks, MUV-101(M), and use them to exemplify the advantages of controlling metal distribution across the framework in heterogeneous catalysis by exploring their activity toward the degradation of a nerve agent simulant of Sarin gas. MUV-101(Fe) is the only pristine MOF capable of catalytic degradation of diisopropyl-fluorophosphate (DIFP) in non-buffered aqueous media. This activity cannot be explained only by the association of two metals, but to their synergistic cooperation, to create a whole that is more efficient than the simple sum of its parts. Our simulations suggest a dual-metal mechanism reminiscent of bimetallic enzymes, where the combination of Ti(IV) Lewis acid and Fe(III)–OH Brönsted base sites leads to a lower energy barrier for more efficient degradation of DIFP in absence of a base.Financial support for this work was provided by the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Global Fellowships (749359-EnanSET, N.M.P) within the European Union research and innovation framework programme (2014-2020

    BRS Ipyporã ("belo começo" em guarani): híbrido de Brachiaria da Embrapa.

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    O hĂ­brido BRS RB331 IpyporĂŁ Ă© resultado de um cruzamento entre B. ruziziensis e B. brizantha realizado em 1992, na Embrapa Gado de Corte e liberado pela Embrapa em 2017 em parceria com a UNIPASTO, apĂłs 13 anos intermitentes de avaliaçÔes. É uma planta de porte baixo, prostrado, com colmos delgados de bainhas muito pilosas e folhas pilosas em ambas as faces. As espiguetas sĂŁo uniseriadas e com pouca ou nenhuma pilosidade. A BRS IpyporĂŁ entra no mercado para suprir a demanda por uma cultivar de Brachiaria de boa produtividade e manejo relativamente fĂĄcil, como a cv. Marandu, porĂ©m com elevado grau de resistĂȘncia Ă  cigarrinha da cana do gĂȘnero Mahanarva, alĂ©m de apresentar resistĂȘncia Ă s cigarrinhas tĂ­picas de pastagem dos gĂȘneros Deois e Notozulia, principais insetos-praga de pastagens de braquiĂĄria no Brasil. A BRS IpyporĂŁ Ă© bastante semelhante Ă  cv. Marandu quanto ao manejo, formando um relvado mais prostrado e denso, com alta porcentagem de folhas, portanto resultando em excelente cobertura do solo e competição com invasoras. A BRS IpyporĂŁ foi selecionada com base na produtividade, vigor, alta qualidade, adaptação a solos de Cerrados e comportamento frente Ă  cigarrinhas em avaliaçÔes na Embrapa Gado de Corte. Nos ensaios de VCU sob corte a BRS IpyporĂŁ apresentou bom desempenho agronĂŽmico, com alto teor de folhas e relação folha:colmo, mas sobretudo, maior valor nutritivo que a cultivar Marandu e outras cultivares de B. brizantha. NĂŁo apresenta resistĂȘncia a solos encharcados, portanto nĂŁo pode ser recomendada para ĂĄreas com problemas de drenagem, ou onde haja incidĂȘncia da sĂ­ndrome da morte do capim-marandu. No ensaio de VCU sob pastejo no Mato Grosso do Sul, foi comprovado seu potencial para produção animal, especialmente pelo alto valor nutritivo. Os animais mantidos em pastos de capim-ipyporĂŁ apresentaram maior ganhos mĂ©dios diĂĄrios (GMD) em relação Ă queles mantidos em capim-marandu. Apresentou ainda boa capacidade de suporte, bom desempenho na Ă©poca seca e facilidade de manejo. A carĂȘncia de cultivares adaptadas a solos de mĂ©dia fertilidade, com bom valor nutritivo e com resistĂȘncia Ă  cigarrinha Mahanarva faz dessa cultivar uma importante alternativa para diversificar ĂĄreas hoje plantadas unicamente com as cvs. Marandu, XaraĂ©s e BRS PiatĂŁ. O excelente ganho de peso vivo por animal e por ĂĄrea apresentado pela BRS IpyporĂŁ no ensaio de VCU sob pastejo associado ao alto valor nutritivo da forragem disponĂ­vel, faz dessa cultivar uma forrageira recomendada para a diversificar os sistemas de produção de bovinos de corte, resultando em maior desempenho por animal, e consequentemente, reduzindo a idade de abate. Como consequĂȘncia, tem-se carne de melhor qualidade e menor emissĂŁo de gases de efeito estufa, isto Ă©, um sistema de produção mais sustentĂĄvel. Pode ainda ser recomendada para as categorias de exigĂȘncia nutricional mais elevada, tais como bezerros desmamados, vacas em terço final de gestação e em lactação.bitstream/item/159958/1/BRS-Ipypora-belo-comeco-em-guarani.pd

    Antiangiogenic therapy for breast cancer

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    Angiogenesis is an important component of cancer growth, invasion and metastasis. Therefore, inhibition of angiogenesis is an attractive strategy for treatment of cancer. We describe existing clinical trials of antiangiogenic agents and the challenges facing the clinical development and optimal use of these agents for the treatment of breast cancer. Currently, the most promising approach has been the use of bevacizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody directed against the most potent pro-angiogenic factor, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Small molecular inhibitors of VEGF tyrosine kinase activity, such as sorafenib, appear promising. While, the role of sunitinib and inhibitors of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in breast cancer has to be defined. Several unanswered questions remain, such as choice of drug(s), optimal duration of therapy and patient selection criteria

    Genome-Wide Mutagenesis of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri Reveals Novel Genetic Determinants and Regulation Mechanisms of Biofilm Formation

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    Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) causes citrus canker disease, a major threat to citrus production worldwide. Accumulating evidence suggests that the formation of biofilms on citrus leaves plays an important role in the epiphytic survival of this pathogen prior to the development of canker disease. However, the process of Xac biofilm formation is poorly understood. Here, we report a genome-scale study of Xac biofilm formation in which we identified 92 genes, including 33 novel genes involved in biofilm formation and 7 previously characterized genes, colR, fhaB, fliC, galU, gumD, wxacO, and rbfC, known to be important for Xac biofilm formation. In addition, 52 other genes with defined or putative functions in biofilm formation were identified, even though they had not previously reported been to be associated with biofilm formation. The 92 genes were isolated from 292 biofilm-defective mutants following a screen of a transposon insertion library containing 22,000 Xac strain 306 mutants. Further analyses indicated that 16 of the novel genes are involved in the production of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) and/or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), 7 genes are involved in signaling and regulatory pathways, and 5 genes have unknown roles in biofilm formation. Furthermore, two novel genes, XAC0482, encoding a haloacid dehalogenase-like phosphatase, and XAC0494 (designated as rbfS), encoding a two-component sensor protein, were confirmed to be biofilm-related genes through complementation assays. Our data demonstrate that the formation of mature biofilm requires EPS, LPS, both flagellum-dependent and flagellum-independent cell motility, secreted proteins and extracellular DNA. Additionally, multiple signaling pathways are involved in Xac biofilm formation. This work is the first report on a genome-wide scale of the genetic processes of biofilm formation in plant pathogenic bacteria. The report provides significant new information about the genetic determinants and regulatory mechanism of biofilm formation

    Synthetic Nanoparticles for Vaccines and Immunotherapy

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    The immune system plays a critical role in our health. No other component of human physiology plays a decisive role in as diverse an array of maladies, from deadly diseases with which we are all familiar to equally terrible esoteric conditions: HIV, malaria, pneumococcal and influenza infections; cancer; atherosclerosis; autoimmune diseases such as lupus, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. The importance of understanding the function of the immune system and learning how to modulate immunity to protect against or treat disease thus cannot be overstated. Fortunately, we are entering an exciting era where the science of immunology is defining pathways for the rational manipulation of the immune system at the cellular and molecular level, and this understanding is leading to dramatic advances in the clinic that are transforming the future of medicine.1,2 These initial advances are being made primarily through biologic drugs– recombinant proteins (especially antibodies) or patient-derived cell therapies– but exciting data from preclinical studies suggest that a marriage of approaches based in biotechnology with the materials science and chemistry of nanomaterials, especially nanoparticles, could enable more effective and safer immune engineering strategies. This review will examine these nanoparticle-based strategies to immune modulation in detail, and discuss the promise and outstanding challenges facing the field of immune engineering from a chemical biology/materials engineering perspectiveNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grants AI111860, CA174795, CA172164, AI091693, and AI095109)United States. Department of Defense (W911NF-13-D-0001 and Awards W911NF-07-D-0004
