38,532 research outputs found

    On curves covered by the Hermitian curve

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    For each proper divisor d of (r^2-r+1), r being a power of a prime, maximal curves over a finite field with r^2 elements covered by the Hermitian curve of genus 1/2((r^2-r+1)/d-1) are constructed.Comment: 18 pages, Latex2

    Modelling incomplete fusion dynamics of weakly-bound nuclei at near-barrier energies

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    The classical dynamical model for reactions induced by weakly-bound nuclei at near-barrier energies is developed further. It allows a quantitative study of the role and importance of incomplete fusion dynamics in asymptotic observables, such as the population of high-spin states in reaction products as well as the angular distribution of direct alpha-production. Model calculations indicate that incomplete fusion is an effective mechanism for populating high-spin states, and its contribution to the direct alpha production yield diminishes with decreasing energy towards the Coulomb barrier. It also becomes notably separated in angles from the contribution of no-capture breakup events. This should facilitate the experimental disentanglement of these competing reaction processes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures (for better resolution figures please contact the author), Accepted in Journal of Physics

    Local continuity laws on the phase space of Einstein equations with sources

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    Local continuity equations involving background fields and variantions of the fields, are obtained for a restricted class of solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell and Einstein-Weyl theories using a new approach based on the concept of the adjoint of a differential operator. Such covariant conservation laws are generated by means of decoupled equations and their adjoints in such a way that the corresponding covariantly conserved currents possess some gauge-invariant properties and are expressed in terms of Debye potentials. These continuity laws lead to both a covariant description of bilinear forms on the phase space and the existence of conserved quantities. Differences and similarities with other approaches and extensions of our results are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page

    How does breakup influence the total fusion of 6,7^{6,7}Li at the Coulomb barrier?

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    Total (complete + incomplete) fusion excitation functions of 6,7^{6,7}Li on 59^{59}Co and 209^{209}Bi targets around the Coulomb barrier are obtained using a new continuum discretized coupled channel (CDCC) method of calculating fusion. The relative importance of breakup and bound-state structure effects on total fusion is particularly investigated. The effect of breakup on fusion can be observed in the total fusion excitation function. The breakup enhances the total fusion at energies just around the barrier, whereas it hardly affects the total fusion at energies well above the barrier. The difference between the experimental total fusion cross sections for 6,7^{6,7}Li on 59^{59}Co is notably caused by breakup, but this is not the case for the 209^{209}Bi target.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Report of IAU Commission 30 on Radial Velocities (2006-2009)

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    Brief summaries are given on the following subjects: Radial velocities and exoplanets (Toward Earth-mass planets; Retired A stars and their planets; Current status and prospects); Toward higher radial velocity precision; Radial velocities and asteroseismology; Radial velocities in Galactic and extragalactic clusters; Radial velocities for field giants; Galactic structure -- Large surveys (The Geneva-Copenhagen Survey; Sloan Digital Sky Survey; RAVE); Working groups (WG on radial velocity standards; WG on stellar radial velocity bibliography; WG on the catalogue of orbital elements of spectroscopic binaries [SB9]).Comment: 11 pages, to appear in the IAU Transactions Vol. XXVIIA, Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009, ed. Karel van der Hucht. Editor: G. Torre

    The mass function of GX 339-4 from spectroscopic observations of its donor star

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    We obtained 16 VLT/X-shooter observations of GX 339-4 in quiescence in the period May - September 2016 and detected absorption lines from the donor star in its NIR spectrum. This allows us to measure the radial velocity curve and projected rotational velocity of the donor for the first time. We confirm the 1.76 day orbital period and we find that K2K_2 = 219±3219 \pm 3 km s1^{-1}, γ=26±2\gamma = 26 \pm 2 km s1^{-1} and vsini=64±8v \sin i = 64 \pm 8 km s1^{-1}. From these values we compute a mass function f(M)=1.91±0.08 Mf(M) =1.91 \pm 0.08~M_{\odot}, a factor 3\sim 3 lower than previously reported, and a mass ratio q=0.18±0.05q = 0.18 \pm 0.05. We confirm the donor is a K-type star and estimate that it contributes 4550%\sim 45-50\% of the light in the JJ- and H-band. We constrain the binary inclination to 37<i<7837^\circ < i < 78^\circ and the black hole mass to 2.3 M<MBH<9.5 M2.3~M_{\odot} < M_\mathrm{BH} < 9.5~M_{\odot}. GX 339-4 may therefore be the first black hole to fall in the 'mass-gap' of 25 M2-5~M_{\odot}.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap