26 research outputs found

    Procesos psicolingĂŒĂ­sticos implicados en la adquisiciĂłn del inglĂ©s en el contexto de la enseñanza primaria

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    [Resumen] Este estudio analiza la producciĂłn escrita en inglĂ©s de alumnos de la Escuela Primaria (cursos 3°, 4°, 5° Y 6°). El anĂĄlisis de los datos muestra que mientras los alumnos de los dos primeros cursos limitan su producciĂłn a listas de voca- bulario y rutinas o fĂłrmulas memorizadas, los alumnos de 5° y 6° empiezan a utilizar un nĂșmero limitado de estructuras sintĂĄcticas aunque sin mostrar un control creativo de la sintaxis. UnfenĂłmeno a destacar es el uso de segmentos fragmentarios de estructuras practicadas en clase que combinan formando clĂĄusulas idiosincrĂĄticas.[Abstract] The present study explores the early written production in English of primary schoollearners (3"', 4''', 5"' anf 6'" grades). The analysis of the data shows that there is a growth over the four years from the use of isolated words and memo- rized classroom routines to the use of several syntactic patterns. The characte- ristics of the written data reveal that learners, rather than relying on analysis and rule, use memorizedformulas and patterns learnt as chunks. Learners may also segment parts of practised classroom patterns and re-combine them to form idiosincratic clause

    Los inicios de la producciĂłn oral en lengua extranjera de alumnos de Primaria en Europa

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    Uno de los cambios educativos mĂĄs importantes impulsados por la UniĂłn Europea ha sido la disminuciĂłn de la edad de inicio del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. El objetivo del presente trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de los resultados lingĂŒĂ­sticos que obtienen alumnos de primaria de escuelas pĂșblicas en lengua extranjera; en concreto, se investiga la producciĂłn oral incipiente de 243 alumnos de segundo curso procedentes de siete contextos europeos: Croacia, España, Holanda, Inglaterra, Italia, Polonia y Suecia. El trabajo se centra en el anĂĄlisis de las producciones orales en lengua extranjera que fueron obtenidas por medio de una tarea controlada de juego de rol. Se utilizan medidas de fluidez, diversidad lĂ©xica y complejidad gramatical, asĂ­ como tambiĂ©n se analiza el uso de de fĂłrmulas memorizadas, y el uso de la L1

    Engineering tissue barrier models on hydrogel microfluidic platforms

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    Tissue barriers play a crucial role in human physiology by establishing tissue compartmentalization and regulating organ homeostasis. At the interface between the extracellular matrix (ECM) and flowing fluids, epithelial and endothelial barriers are responsible for solute and gas exchange. In the past decade, microfluidic technologies and organ-on-chip devices became popular as in vitro models able to recapitulate these biological barriers. However, in conventional microfluidic devices, cell barriers are primarily grown on hard polymeric membranes within polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) channels that do not mimic the cellÂżECM interactions nor allow the incorporation of other cellular compartments such as stromal tissue or vascular structures. To develop models that accurately account for the different cellular and acellular compartments of tissue barriers, researchers have integrated hydrogels into microfluidic setups for tissue barrier-on-chips, either as cell substrates inside the chip, or as self-contained devices. These biomaterials provide the soft mechanical properties of tissue barriers and allow the embedding of stromal cells. Combining hydrogels with microfluidics technology provides unique opportunities to better recreate in vitro the tissue barrier models including the cellular components and the functionality of the in vivo tissues. Such platforms have the potential of greatly improving the predictive capacities of the in vitro systems in applications such as drug development, or disease modeling. Nevertheless, their development is not without challenges in their microfabrication. In this review, we will discuss the recent advances driving the fabrication of hydrogel microfluidic platforms and their applications in multiple tissue barrier models

    A 3D bioprinted hydrogel gut-on-chip with integrated electrodes for transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurements

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    Conventional gut-on-chip (GOC) models typically represent the epithelial layer of the gut tissue, neglecting other important components such as the stromal compartment and the extracellular matrix (ECM) that play crucial roles in maintaining intestinal barrier integrity and function. These models often employ hard, flat porous membranes for cell culture, thus failing to recapitulate the soft environment and complex 3D architecture of the intestinal mucosa. Alternatively, hydrogels have been recently introduced in GOCs as ECM analogs to support the co-culture of intestinal cells in in vivo-like configurations, and thus opening new opportunities in the organ-on-chip field. In this work, we present an innovative GOC device that includes a 3D bioprinted hydrogel channel replicating the intestinal villi architecture containing both the epithelial and stromal compartments of the gut mucosa. The bioprinted hydrogels successfully support both the encapsulation of fibroblasts and their co-culture with intestinal epithelial cells under physiological flow conditions. Moreover, we successfully integrated electrodes into the microfluidic system to monitor the barrier formation in real time via transepithelial electrical resistance measurements

    Croyances populaires sur l’apprentissage prĂ©coce d’une langue Ă©trangĂšre

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    Ce travail analyse les croyances populaires Ă  propos des jeunes enfants qui apprennent une langue Ă©trangĂšre. C’est la demande croissante dans notre sociĂ©tĂ© d’un enseignement prĂ©coce de l’anglais, c’est-Ă -dire avant l’introduction obligatoire de cette langue dans le systĂšme Ă©ducatif espagnol (Ă  partir de huit ans), qui a suscitĂ© cette rĂ©flexion. L’analyse de quarante entretiens rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs de parents d’enfants apprenant l’anglais dans deux communautĂ©s distinctes – l’une monolingue (Madrid) et l’autre bilingue (Barcelone) – a permis d’identifier trente et une affirmations, qui sont mises en lumiĂšre tout au long de cette Ă©tude. Ces idĂ©es reçues tournent autour de trois grands axes : la supĂ©rioritĂ© de l’enfant par rapport Ă  l’adulte, le type de formation que doit recevoir l’enfant Ă  l’école, les opinions sur l’apprentissage d’une troisiĂšme langue dans une communautĂ© bilingue. On retiendra surtout la forte dose de projection des expĂ©riences personnelles des parents sur leurs enfants, ainsi que les diffĂ©rences dĂ©celĂ©es entre les deux communautĂ©s observĂ©es.We analyse the set of popular beliefs which hold children to be more gifted language-learners than adults. The reason behind the study lies in the ever-increasing demand in Spanish society for early English language teaching before the age of 8, when English is officially incorporated into the course. Forty interviews with parents of children learning English in a monolingual community (Madrid) and a bilingual community (Barcelona) were analysed, which allowed us to identify thirty-one popularly-held beliefs concerning three broad areas : (i) the child is a better learner than the the adult ; (ii) the type of teaching suitable for the young child ; (iii) the value of a third language in a bilingual community. Two major phenomena are worth mentioning, namely, the way the parents’opinions are influenced by their own language-learning experience, and certain clear differences between the two types of community

    Croyances populaires sur l’apprentissage prĂ©coce d’une langue Ă©trangĂšre

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    Ce travail analyse les croyances populaires Ă  propos des jeunes enfants qui apprennent une langue Ă©trangĂšre. C’est la demande croissante dans notre sociĂ©tĂ© d’un enseignement prĂ©coce de l’anglais, c’est-Ă -dire avant l’introduction obligatoire de cette langue dans le systĂšme Ă©ducatif espagnol (Ă  partir de huit ans), qui a suscitĂ© cette rĂ©flexion. L’analyse de quarante entretiens rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs de parents d’enfants apprenant l’anglais dans deux communautĂ©s distinctes – l’une monolingue (Madrid) et l’autre bilingue (Barcelone) – a permis d’identifier trente et une affirmations, qui sont mises en lumiĂšre tout au long de cette Ă©tude. Ces idĂ©es reçues tournent autour de trois grands axes : la supĂ©rioritĂ© de l’enfant par rapport Ă  l’adulte, le type de formation que doit recevoir l’enfant Ă  l’école, les opinions sur l’apprentissage d’une troisiĂšme langue dans une communautĂ© bilingue. On retiendra surtout la forte dose de projection des expĂ©riences personnelles des parents sur leurs enfants, ainsi que les diffĂ©rences dĂ©celĂ©es entre les deux communautĂ©s observĂ©es.We analyse the set of popular beliefs which hold children to be more gifted language-learners than adults. The reason behind the study lies in the ever-increasing demand in Spanish society for early English language teaching before the age of 8, when English is officially incorporated into the course. Forty interviews with parents of children learning English in a monolingual community (Madrid) and a bilingual community (Barcelona) were analysed, which allowed us to identify thirty-one popularly-held beliefs concerning three broad areas : (i) the child is a better learner than the the adult ; (ii) the type of teaching suitable for the young child ; (iii) the value of a third language in a bilingual community. Two major phenomena are worth mentioning, namely, the way the parents’opinions are influenced by their own language-learning experience, and certain clear differences between the two types of community

    Modelo de aula multicultural internacional para alumnos de posgrados en lĂ­nea

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    Ethics is a dimension and of interest to contribute to developing competences in students. This dimension linked to interculturality allows students an adequate background to face the information age (Merryfield, 2003, Nieto & Bode, 2008, Wasell & Crouch, 2008). This project consisted on the creation of a virtual classroom that allowed to bring together a multidisciplinary group of students from different universities in the world, with varied cultural contexts, to work as a team.Through a transversal element such as ethics, the participants had the opportunity to reflect on different cultural aspects. The shared activity allowed observing the impact that international experiences and virtual intercultural interaction have on the perception of cultural intelligence that students have of themselves.El presente proyecto consistió en la creación de un aula virtual que permitió reunir a un grupo multidisciplinario de estudiantes de diferentes universidades del mundo, con variados contextos culturales, para trabajar en equipo.A través de un elemento transversal como la ética, los participantes tuvieron oportunidad de hacer una reflexión sobre diferentes aspectos culturales. La actividad compartida permitió observar el impacto que tienen las experiencias internacionales y la interacción multicultural virtual en la percepción de inteligencia cultural que tienen los alumnos de sí mismos

    Jardins per a la salut

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    Facultat de FarmĂ cia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de FarmĂ cia. Assignatura: BotĂ nica farmacĂšutica. Curs: 2014-2015. Coordinadors: Joan Simon, CĂšsar BlanchĂ© i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquĂ­ es presenten sĂłn el recull de les fitxes botĂ niques de 128 espĂšcies presents en el JardĂ­ Ferran Soldevila de l’Edifici HistĂČric de la UB. Els treballs han estat realitzats manera individual per part dels estudiants dels grups M-3 i T-1 de l’assignatura BotĂ nica FarmacĂšutica durant els mesos de febrer a maig del curs 2014-15 com a resultat final del Projecte d’InnovaciĂł Docent «Jardins per a la salut: aprenentatge servei a BotĂ nica farmacĂšutica» (codi 2014PID-UB/054). Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a travĂ©s de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pels professors de l’assignatura. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autĂČnom i col·laboratiu en BotĂ nica farmacĂšutica. TambĂ© s’ha pretĂšs motivar els estudiants a travĂ©s del retorn de part del seu esforç a la societat a travĂ©s d’una experiĂšncia d’Aprenentatge-Servei, deixant disponible finalment el treball dels estudiants per a poder ser consultable a travĂ©s d’una Web pĂșblica amb la possibilitat de poder-ho fer in-situ en el propi jardĂ­ mitjançant codis QR amb un smartphone

    La Cruz Roja Española, la repatriación de los soldados de las guerras coloniales y el desarrollo de la ciencia médica en España, 1896-1950

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