9 research outputs found
Linear optimization model of urban areas’ operating efficiency
The efficiency of urban transportation is getting more and more important because of the increasing rate of mobility demand. To plan, control and organize urban transportation in the most efficient way, we also need to consider the aspects of land use. To handle both of the mentioned urban planning areas together, we shall develop models, which are able to pay attention to all of their restrictive factors in the most simple way. It is a possible solution to simulate the urban area through a linear programming model.
First Published Online: 27 Oct 201
This case report describes a 50-year-old male trauma patient with multiple crushed thoracic lesions: flail chest, bilateral hemopneumothorax, myocardial infarction and pulmonary contusion. In the ICU he developed ARDS and pulmonary infection which lead to septic shock. Hypoxia due to inadequate ventilation and reduced visceral perfusion due to shock induced elevated levels of conjugated bilirubin. Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) sessions in combination with CytoSorb® filters and MARS® were needed. After surgical fixation of the flail segment ventilatory parameters improved significantly
Improving Logistics Processes in Inland Container Terminal
This paper focuses on the application of two approaches: Business Process Redesign (BPR) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) in an attempt to enhance the basic logistics processes in inland container terminals. The goal of the paper is to identify the weaknesses and potential problems in the execution of current logistics processes, as well as to redesign such identified weaknesses and problems. The main contribution of the paper is to show how DES and BPR can be used in restructuring of container logistics processes in inland container terminals. Its original feature is a novelty, a holistic approach in rationalization of container logistics processes in inland intermodal terminals, creating models of the current (AS-IS) and improved (TO-BE) states. Models show that DES and BPR represent an easily accessible and effective tool in the analysis of terminal processes in container terminals. Therefore, it can be efficiently used for monitoring the current situation, identification of weak spots in a particular system and for creating any necessary preconditions for improvement of business processes
Profunda femoris reconstruction – a solution for inferior limb revascularization
Clinica Chirurgie II, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Mureş, Clinica Medicală II, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Mureş, Clinica Chirurgie Cardiovasculară II, IBCVT Tg. MureşProfunda femoris rămâne singura sursă vasculară pentru salvarea membrului inferior în cazurile leziunilor avansate ocluzive ale arterei femurale superficiale; există diverse proceduri chirurgicale, descrise sub numele de profundoplastii, preferinţa pentru o metodă sau alta bazându-se pe experienţă, situaţie anatomică intraoperatorie, preferințele chirurgului. În toate cazurile rezultatul reconstrucţiei este în strictă dependenţă de calitatea runoff-ului. Calibrul redus al vasului, absenţa colateralelor şi/sau ocluzia vaselor distale întunecă pronosticul postoperator sau chiar contraindică metoda. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a analiza rezultatele obţinute după profundoplastiile efectuate de autori în serviciul nostru.Profunda femoris remains the single vascular source for limb salvage in cases with superficial femoral artery obstruction; there are a lot of surgical procedures described under the name of profundoplasty, using one or another being a matter of experience, pre- or intraop anatomical findings, surgeons preference. The postop outcome depends on the quality of the run-off-poor collateralization or distal vascular obstructions are the worst predictive factors for surgical failure. The aim of this clinical retrospective study is to analyze the authors experience regarding this issue
Usage of Production Functions in the Comparative Analysis of Transport Related Fuel Consumption
This contribution aims to examine the relationship between the transport sector and the macroeconomy, particularly in fossil energy use, capital and labour relations. The authors have investigated the transport related fossil fuel consumption 2003 -2010 in a macroeconomic context in Hungary and Germany. The Cobb-Douglas type of production function could be justified empirically, while originating from the general CES (Constant Elasticity of Substitution) production function. Furthermore, as a policy implication, the results suggest that a solution for the for the reduction of anthropogenic CO2 driven by the combustion of fossil fuels presupposes technological innovation to reach emission reduction targets. Other measures, such as increasing the fossil fuel price by levying taxes, would consequently lead to an undesirable GDP decline
Macroscopic Modelling of Predicted Automated Vehicle Emissions
This paper studies the effect of automated vehicle implementation on transport system emission from a macroscopic point of view. The paper considers several scenarios differing in passenger car unit (PCU) and the penetration share percent of automated vehicles in the system using PTV Visum software. The study presents that automated vehicles reduce total emission by both the effect of smooth driving of each automated vehicle independently and the spread of automated vehicles in the network. Furthermore, apart from considering the effect of different PCU values and penetration levels, the developed model takes into account three different types of emissions and seven different vehicle classes
Introducing decisive development orientations into transport modelling
To effectuate a consistent methodology for urban planning taking into consideration the viewpoints of land use and transportation, we need to approach the subject and consider complex social and economical aspects. To handle both of the above mentioned urban planning areas, we shall develop models able to pay attention to all of their restrictive factors within temporal properties.
First published online: 27 Oct 201