3 research outputs found

    Dise帽o y control de un robot manipulador

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    La rob贸tica cobra cada vez m谩s fuerza en nuestros tiempos. Cada d铆a que pasa, consigue tener un papel m谩s importante, afectando de manera m谩s directa a las vidas de las personas. Las barreras existentes entre la ficci贸n y la realidad se acaban rompiendo y los escritores de ciencia ficci贸n acaban por ser profetas que eran capaces de ver hasta donde va a llegar la humanidad. Este cambio necesita de un proceso, el cu谩l conlleva una gran componente experimental. Surge la necesidad de probar los conceptos te贸ricos y as铆 poder obtener los resultados que guiar谩n el camino hasta conseguir el objetivo final. Surge, por tanto, la necesidad de prototipar. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha realizado el prototitado para probar nuevos controladores de brazos rob贸ticos. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio previo de los componentes, adquisici贸n de nuevos elementos, as铆 como el dise帽o, fabricaci贸n y programaci贸n de los dos brazos rob贸ticos con visi贸n artificial, que se usar谩n para la experimentaci贸n de los nuevos controladores.Robotics is gaining strength in our times. Each day that passes, it has a more important role, affecting more directly the lives of people. The barriers between fiction and reality are breaking down, and science fiction writers end up being prophets who were able to see how far humanity is going to go. This change requires a process, which involves a large experimental component. The need arises to prove the theoretical concepts and thus be able to obtain the results that will guide the way until achieving the final objective. Therefore, there is a need to prototype. In this End-of-Degree Work, the prototype has been made to test new robotic arms controllers. For this, a preliminary study of the components has been carried out, acquisition of new elements, as well as the design, manufacture and programming of the two robotic arms with artificial vision, which will be used for the experimentation of the new controllers.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica, Rob贸tica y Mecatr贸nica

    Design and comparison of tails for bird-scale flapping-wing robots

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    Flapping-wing robots (so-called ornithopters) are a promising type of platform to perform efficient winged flight and interaction with the environment. However, the control of such vehicles is challenging due to their under-actuated morphology to meet lightweight requirements. Consequently, the flight control of flapping-wing robots is predominantly handled by the tail. Most ornithopters feature a tail with two degrees of freedom but the configuration choice is often arbitrary and without in-depth study. In this paper, we propose a thorough analysis of the design and in-flight performance for three tails. Their design and manufacturing methods are presented, with an emphasis on low weight, which is critical in ornithopters. The aerodynamics of the tails is analyzed through CFD simulations and their performance compared experimentally. The advantages and performance metrics of each configuration are discussed based on flight data. Two types of 3D flight tests were carried out: aggressive heading maneuvers and level turns. The results show that an inverted V-tail outperforms the others regarding maneuverability and stability. From the three configurations, only the inverted V-Tail can perform an aggressive stable banked level turn with a radius of 3.7 m at a turning rate of 1.6 rad/s. This research work describes the impact of the tail configuration choice on the performance of bird-scale flapping-wing robots.Consejo Europeo de Investigaci贸n (ERC) 78824

    Design of the High-Payload Flapping Wing Robot E-Flap

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    Autonomous lightweight flapping-wing robots show potential to become a safe and affordable solution for rapidly deploying robots around humans and in complex environments. The absence of propellers makes such vehicles more resistant to physical contact, permitting flight in cluttered environments, and collaborating with humans. Importantly, the provision of thousands of species of birds that have already mastered the challenging task of flapping flight is a rich source of solutions. However, small wing flapping technology is still in its beginnings, with limited levels of autonomy and physical interaction capability with the environment. One significant limitation to this is the low payload available. Here we show the Eagle-inspired Flapping-wing robot E-Flap, a 510 g novel design capable of a 100% of payload, exceeding the requirement of the computing and sensing package needed to fly with a high degree of autonomy. The concept is extensively characterized, both in a tracked indoor space and in outdoor conditions. We demonstrate flight path angle of up to 50掳 and velocities from as low as 2 m/s to over 6 m/s. Overall, the robotic platform has been proven to be reliable, having performed over 100 flights. Through mechanical and electronics advances, the E-Flap is a robust vehicle prototype and paves the way towards flapping-wing robots becoming a practical fully autonomous flying solution.Consejo Europeo de Investigaci贸n 78824