19 research outputs found

    Targeting oncogenic Src homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase 2 (SHP2) by inhibiting its protein-protein interactions

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    We developed a new class of inhibitors of protein-protein interactions of the SHP2 phosphatase, which is pivotal in cell signaling and represents a central target in the therapy of cancer and rare diseases. Currently available SHP2 inhibitors target the catalytic site or an allosteric pocket but lack specificity or are ineffective for disease-associated SHP2 mutants. Considering that pathogenic lesions cause signaling hyperactivation due to increased levels of SHP2 association with cognate proteins, we developed peptide-based molecules with nanomolar affinity for the N-terminal Src homology domain of SHP2, good selectivity, stability to degradation, and an affinity for pathogenic variants of SHP2 that is 2-20 times higher than for the wild-type protein. The best peptide reverted the effects of a pathogenic variant (D61G) in zebrafish embryos. Our results provide a novel route for SHP2-targeted therapies and a tool for investigating the role of protein-protein interactions in the function of SHP2

    Synthesis and bioactivity of chemotactic tetrapeptides: fMLF-OMe analogues incorporating spacer aminoacids at the lateral positions.

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    none5A small library of N-For and N-Boc tetrapeptidic analogues of the chemotactic tripeptide For-Met-Leu-Phe-OMe (fMLF-OMe), obtained by incorporating three different spacer aminoacids (Gly, betaAla and Pro) between the native residues of Met and Leu (N-For- and N-Boc-Met-Xaa-Leu-Phe-OMe; Xaa(2) series) and Leu and Phe (N-For- and N-Boc-Met-Leu-Xaa-Phe-OMe; Xaa(3) series), have been synthesized and examined for their biological activity as agonists and antagonists. Chemotaxis, lysozyme release and superoxide anion production have been measured. All the N-For analogues maintain good to moderate chemotactic activity with the betaAla(3) 15 model reaching the maximum value. All the N-Boc tetrapeptides are efficient chemotactic antagonists. Conversely, with the exception of the moderate antagonistic activity exhibited by the N-Boc Xaa(2) models against lysozyme release, all the other N-Boc analogues do not show significant activity against both superoxide anion and lysozyme release.noneG. Lucente; C. Giordano; A. Sansone; D. Torini; S. SpisaniG., Lucente; C., Giordano; A., Sansone; D., Torini; Spisani, Susann

    A filtering dual polarised antenna feed to protect mm-wave radio telescope antennas against narrow band spacebased cloud radars

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    Uiterst gevoelige radio telescoop antennas kijken naar boven, bijvoorbeeld in een breed millimeter frekwentie bereik. Wolken radar instrumenten op een satellite kijken naar beneden en zenden gepulste signalen uit bijvoorbeeld op 94 GHz (een frekwentie allokatie voor remote sensing vanuit de ruimte). Als een satellite over een radio telescoop passeert (of dicht daarbij), veroorzaakt dat interferentie, verstoring, mogelijk zelfs schade aan de eerste gevoelige trap in de ontvanger, een en ander afhankelijk van de precieze ontvanger schakeling. Daarom is in een ESA studie een onderzoek gedaan om te kijken hoe een sper-band filter kan voorkomen, dat een smalbandig signal zulke verstoring veroorzaakt. Een demonstratie is gegeven voor zulk een filter. Dit filter is ook getest over een temperatuur bereik om de cryogene situatie na te bootsen zoals aanwezig in een front-end schakeling. De gerapporteerde resultaten zijn bereikt in een goed samenwerkend team voor deze ESA activiteit. Due to the high transmitted power level, the signals coming from an orbiting cloud radar operating near 94 GHz can interfere with Earth-based receivers within the entire spectrum. This is particularly true for high-sensitive receivers as used in radio-astronomy. In certain situations there can be even damage of the ultra sensitive front-end in such receivers. The interference scenario as caused by a cloud-radar operating near 94 GHz from an orbiting satellite is discussed. A few solutions to alleviate the potential impact in ultra sensitive receiver front-ends in millimeter-wave radio telescopes have been studied. A filtering feed with a narrow band blocking capability has been suggested to protect such ultra sensitive receiving front-ends. The design, realisation and test of hardware related to such a filtering antenna feed (at ambient and cryogenic temperatures) are discussed