57 research outputs found

    Tropological space : the imaginary space of figuration

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    The paper is devoted to the concept of tropological space, introduced by Michel Foucault in 1966 and alluded to in Hayden White’s tropics of discourse (1973, 1978, 2000), but never described in any detail in literary semantics or linguistic stylistics. The author presents her theory of a triple functional subdivision of stylistic figures and, consequently, of tropes (micro-, macro- and mega (meta)-level of description) and relates it to a gradually expanding tropological space of particular figures, their chains and groupings within a text. The author postulates that tropological space, the imaginary space created through figuration, is a sub-space of the Wittgensteinian logical space as well as a sub-space of textual / discursive space. Although the discussion refers mostly to literary texts, tropology – a branch of stylistics / poetics / rhetoric makes generalizations valid for the study of all kinds of texts / discourses. Figuration is assumed here to be an inherent feature of conceptual and linguistic expression. Finally, the author raises a methodological query as to the ontological status of tropological space, opting for the approach which treats it as a peculiar kind of semantic space rather than a mere metaphoric term. The discussion is based mostly on the Anglo-American studies on figuration (K. Burke, H. White, P. de Man, J. Hillis Miller, G. Hartman) that are rooted in the neo-classical rhetoric and writings of G. Vico. This line of thinking draws its philosophical inspiration from the European hermeneutics of P. Ricoeur, the Foucaultian theory of discourses and the Derridean deconstructionist ideas on the operation of language. The author brings additionally into consideration the conception of artistic space propagated by the Russian semiotic tradition and V. N. Toporov (1983/2003) in particular


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    The antioxidative activity of extracts from plants with hepatoprotective properties have been investigated. Make a comparative evaluation between the content of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds in the extracts and their antioxidant activity


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    Acid-base properties of aminomethanesulfonic acid N-n-propyl (n-PrAMSA), N-n-butyl (n-BuAMSA) and N-n-heptyl (n-HpAMSA) derivatives (YAMSA) in aqueous solutions at 293 – 313 K were investigated by pH measurements. The ion-molecular composition of the Y+NH2CH2SO2O- – YNHCH2SO2O- – H2O systems, dissociation concentration constants of the second dissociation step for n-PrAMSA, n-BuAMSA and n-HpAMSA (at the isoelectric point where the ionic strength is 4,94 ∙ 10–4 М) were calculated and temperature dependences of the ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS цуre determined at 293–313 K. It was shown the indicated YAMSA in aqueous solutions to exist at a ratio CNaOH/QYAMSA Textr. – exothermic. For the dissociation process of investigated acids, enthalpy-entropic compensation was noted with the «isothermodynamic temperature» 303 K


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    Acid-base properties of aminomethanesulfonic acid N-n-propyl (n-PrAMSA), N-n-butyl (n-BuAMSA) and N-n-heptyl (n-HpAMSA) derivatives (YAMSA) in aqueous solutions at 293 – 313 K were investigated by pH measurements. The ion-molecular composition of the Y+NH2CH2SO2O- – YNHCH2SO2O- – H2O systems, dissociation concentration constants of the second dissociation step for n-PrAMSA, n-BuAMSA and n-HpAMSA (at the isoelectric point where the ionic strength is 4,94 ∙ 10–4 М) were calculated and temperature dependences of the ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS цуre determined at 293–313 K. It was shown the indicated YAMSA in aqueous solutions to exist at a ratio CNaOH/QYAMSA < 0,5, mainly in the zwitter ions form; the content of anions YNHCH2SO2O- was directly proportional to the ratio CNaOH/QYAMSA. The indicated acids lipophilicity was evaluated by the QSAR method. The correlations between experimental results and quantum-chemical calculations data were revealed. In the case of amines, for which the empirical function combining their basicity and lipophilicity (pKa +lgPow) was less than 11,08, with the increase in their pKa, the strength of the corresponding acids (pKYAMSA) decreased. The buffer action pH limits of their aqueous solutions at 298 K were determined; it was shown that using n-PrAMSA, n-BuAMSA and n-HpAMSA can maintain the acidity of the medium in the range of physiological pH values (6,8 ÷ 7,8). It is shown the enhancement of the electron-acceptor properties of the N-substituent to lead to a decrease of the temperature influence on the dissociation thermodynamic functions values of aminomethanesulfonic acids synthesized from amines, for which рKа + lgPow ≤ 11,08. With increasing of temperature, the ΔH and ΔS values of n-PrAMSA and n-BuAMSA dissociation decreased, and n-HpAMSA – on the contrary, increased, and for n-PrAMSA and n-BuAMSA at T < Textr. the reaction was endothermic, and at T > Textr. – exothermic. For the dissociation process of investigated acids, enthalpy-entropic compensation was noted with the «isothermodynamic temperature» 303 K.Здійснено рН-метричне дослідження кислотно-основних властивостей N-н-пропіл (n-PrAMSA), N-н-бутил (n-BuAMSA) та N-н-гептил (n-HpAMSA) похідних амінометансульфокислоти (YAMSA) у водних розчинах в області 293 – 313 K. Розраховано іон-молекулярний склад систем YN+ H2CH2SO2O- – YNHCH2SO2O- – H2O, концентраційні константи дисоціації за другим ступенем n-PrAMSA, n-BuAMSA і n-HpAMSA (в ізоелектричній точці при іонній силі 4,94∙10-4 М) та визначені температурні залежності ΔG, ΔH та ΔS в інтервалі температур 293 – 313 К. Показано, що зазначені YAMSA у водних розчинах існують при співвідношенні CNaOH/QYAMSA < 0,5 переважно у вигляді цвиттер-іонів; вміст аніонів YNHCH2SO2O- прямо пропорційний співвідношенню CNaOH/QYAMSA. Методом QSAR оцінена липофільність зазначених кислот. Виявлено кореляції між результатами експериментів і даних квантово-хімічних розрахунків. У випадку амінів, для котрих емпирична функція, що поєднує їхні основність та ліпофільність (рKа + lgPow) ≤ 11,08, з підвищенням їхнього pK aсила відповідних їм кислот (pKYAМSA ) понижується. Визначено межі рН буферної дії їхніх водних розчинів при 298 К; показано, що за допо- могою n-PrAMSA, n-BuAMSA і n-HpAMSA можна підтримувати кислотність середовища в області фізіологічних значень рН (6,8 ÷ 7,8). Показано, що посилення електроноакцепторних властивостей N-замісника призводить до зниження впливу температури на значення термодинамічних функцій дисоціації амінометансульфокислот, синтезованих з амінів, для котрих рKа + lgPow ≤ 11,08. Із зростанням температури значення ΔH і ΔS дисоціації n-PrAMSA та n-BuAMSA знижуються, а n-HpAMSA – навпаки, підвищуються, причому для n-PrAMSA та n-BuAMSA при T < Tекстр. реакція є ендотермічною, а при T > Tекстр. – екзотермічною. Для процесу дисоціації досліджених кислот відзначена ентальпійно-ентропійна компенсація з «ізотермодинамічною температурою» 303 К


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    Spectral-luminescent characteristics of Eu(III) complexes with modified diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid and silica xerogel based on it are studied. It was established that the inorganic matrix leads to elimination of nonradiative energy losses and increase in Eu(III) fluorescent signal


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    It was found that the synthetic fluorapatite (Ca(Sr)10(PO4)6F2), which did not dissolve at the mixture of hydrochloric acid and sodium citrate, fluoride can be determined ionometrically after dissolution in the reagents forming complexes with metal cations and with the F–-ions. It was found that the optimum for the subsequent ionometric determination of fluorine is an approach based on the decomposition of apatites with using ferric(III) chloride solution with subsequent binding Fe(III) in complex with EDTA