65 research outputs found

    Proučavanje uticaja različitih ventilacionih sistema na raspodelu koncentracija čestica inhalabilne i respirabilne prašine u objektima za odgoj i završni tov svinja

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    The application of different mechanical extraction ventilation systems in reducing and controlling dust concentrations in weaned and finishing pig houses was analyzed and discussed in this work. Dust concentrations and airflow velocities have been measured at 20 measuring points, smoothly positioned over the house cross section, in the net consisting of 4 horizontal and 5 vertical rows. The lowest horizontal row was positioned at the pigs breathing zone (40 cm above the floor), and the highest (fourth) horizontal row was positioned at the workers breathing zone (160 cm). Control values were measured in houses with closed doors and windows and all the fans switched off. These values were compared with three experimental sets of values achieved with: floor, roof and both ventilation systems. Dust concentrations were measured by konimeter (Konimeter 10, Karl Zeiss Jena), airflow velocity in ventilation ducts with a turbine anemometer and the airflow velocity at measuring points with hot wire anemometer. In the finishing house significant decrement of inhalable (F = 44.35, P lt lt 0.01) and respirable (F = 43.82, P lt lt 0.01) dust concentration was achieved in the third experimental treatment. In the weaned piglets house, significant decrement of inhalable (F = 49.43, P lt lt 0.01) and respirable (F = 42.69, P lt lt 0.01) dust concentration was achieved with floor ventilation.U radu su analizirane primene ventilacije u smanjenju i kontroli sadržaja prašine u stajskom vazduhu objekata za odgoj i završni tov svinja. Koncentracije prašine i brzine strujanja vazduha su merene u po 20 mernih tačaka, ravnomerno raspoređenih po mernom preseku, u 4 horizontalna i 5 vertikalnih nizova. Donji niz tačaka je bio u zoni disanja tovljenika i prasadi (40 cm), a četvrti gornji u zoni disanja zaposlenih (160 cm). Kontrolne vrednosti su merene u objektu sa isključenim ventilatorima i zatvorenim prozorima, a tri ogledne varijante obuhvataju: podni, krovni i oba ventilaciona sistema. Koncentracija prašine je merena konimetarskom metodom (Konimetar 10, Karl Zeiss, Jena), brzina strujanja vazduha u ventilacionim kanalima turbinskim anemometrom, a u objektu anemometrom sa toplom žicom. U objektu za završni tov, sa obe ventilacije je postignuto statistički značajno smanjenje koncentracije inhalabilne (F = 44.35, P lt lt 0.01) i respirabilne prašine (F = 43.82, P lt lt 0.01). U objektu za odgoj prasadi, podnom ventilacijom je postignuto statistički značajno smanjenje koncentracije inhalabilne (F = 49.43, P lt lt 0.01) i respirabilne prašine (F = 42.69, P lt lt 0.01)

    Potencijal biomase iz poljoprivrede - slučaj Slovačke i Srbije - deo 1

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    The natural resources (oil, coal, natural gas) are insufficient to satisfy the needs of the people for electric and heating energy because sources of fossil fuels are limited. Emission of large quantities of carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere, in the course of combustion processes of solid and liquid fuels have been disrupting the environment. The future lies in the renewable energy sources (RES) surrounding us. The rapid rise of crude oil prices in the early 70-ies of 20th Century focused global attention to the need for efficient use and finding new sources of energy. In addition, energy consumption is growing dramatically in developed countries. EIA expects that demand for energy will grow by 56% between 2010 and 2040 (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). In order to overcome the problems caused by the constant rise in the global population, rapid exploitation of many natural resources, increase of pollution and climate change, the World and Europe must radically change their approach to the production, processing, consumption, storage, recycling and disposal of biological wastes. European 2020 strategy indicates bioeconomy as a key element for sustainable and 'green' development in the region (European Commission, 2012). Bioeconomy includes sustainable production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, biofuels, bioenergy and bioproducts (eg. bioplastics, biopesticides, etc.). It includes agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and paper production, as well as part of the chemical, biotechnological and energy industries. Agriculture is a major consumer but also can become energy producer. Bearing in mind the amount of biomass produced, and the possibilities for its utilization, the negligible amount of biomass that is currently used as an energy source. An important feature is that biomass combustion is not an increased content of CO2 in the atmosphere, as the ecological point of view is very important. The necessity of integrated approach to the biomass policy is given special importance. Biomass is preferred to other sources of renewable energy, due to the increase in the alternative sources of income it provides to the farmers, and the development of the regional economic structures. It is expected that throughout Europe a new 'energy producing' division of agriculture is about to unfold, which, in close cooperation with the energy producing and service providing sections of the national economy, may greatly contribute to the reduction of the energy shortage, while finding new sources of income. Usage of biomass, which is mostly the agricultural waste, would reduce demand of the country for import of fuels, would promote environment protection, and the economy would prosper, which would contribute to the sustainable development of society. At this study the sources of biomass and its potential will be described, as well as energy from agricultural biomass, with special emphasis on the situation and potential of Slovakia and Serbia in biomass. The possibilities of the use of alternative renewable energy sources were considered, such as biodiesel, biogas and bioethanol. Also the opportunities for development and implementation of the second, third and fourth generation biofuels are listed. The study included both positive and negative impacts of the production and use of renewable energy from agricultural biomass (biofuels) compared to the fossil fuels

    Raspodela koncentracija prašine u vazduhu objekta za krave pri različitim režimima ventilacije

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    Information on the concentration of dust particles is an important microclimate parameter that characterizes the local environmental quality of each livestock building. Increased concentration of dust particles primarily affects the indoor air quality and, consequently, the animal and workers health. Among many others, ventilation rate is a vital parameter that controls the spatial distribution of airborne dust particles in livestock buildings. This was the main motive for authors of this paper to research the influence of rotation rate of under-roof axial fans (i.e. the air flow rate) on airborne dust particles distribution crossover the barn specified for tied cows breeding. During a series of performed experiments, six different air flow rates have been maintained in the range between 0 m3·h-1 and 48000 m3·h-1. Flow rate has been controlled by special electronic control unit, which provided six different rotation rates of two under-roof fans, including the neutral regime (natural ventilation only). Measurements have been performed at four typical height levels (0,5 m; 1,0 m; 1,5 m and 2,0 m), cross-over the three lateral and four longitudinal characteristic building sections. Consequently, 48 measuring points were appropriately selected, in order to cover the indoor space in adequate way. Comparative analysis of air flow velocities and dust concentrations showed that this fan setup may give satisfactory results under adequate operational regime. Certain working regimes were recommended for use, and the third rotation rate step, generating the airflow of 37300 m3·h-1 or indoor air exchange level of approximately 25 h-1, has been found as the most suitable.Koncentracija čestica prašine je je važan mikroklimatski parametar koji karakteriše kvalitet ambijenta svakog stočarskog objekta. Povećana koncentracija prašine primarno utiče na kvalitet stajskog vazduha, a time i na zdravstveno stanje životinja i ljudi. Pored ostalih, intenzitet ventilacije je značajan parametar u kontroli prostorne raspodele koncentracija prašine u stočarskim objektima. Ovo je bio motiv autora da sprovedu istraživanje uticaja režima rada krovnih aksijalnih ventilatora (tj. intenziteta strujanja vazduha) na raspodelu koncentracija prašine u staji za vezao držanje krava. Tokom izvođenja ogleda ispitivan je uticaj šest različitih intenziteta strujanja vazduha u opsegu od 0 m3·h-1 do 48000 m3·h-1. Režimom rada ventilatora je upravljao elektronski kontrolni uređaj, kojim je određivano šest različitih brojeva obrtaja za dva krovna ventilatora, uključujući i neutralni režim (samo prirodna ventilacija). Koncentracija je merena na četiri visine (0,5 m; 1,0 m; 1,5 m i 2,0 m iznad poda), po tri poprečna i četiri podužna preseka objekta. Tako je dobijeno 48 pravilno raspoređenih mernih tačaka, koje su ravnomerno pokrivale unutrašnji prostor staje. Komparativnom analizom brzina strujanja vazduha i koncentracija prašine zaključeno je da ispitivani položaj ventilatora može da da zadovoljavajuće rezultate pri odgovarajućem režimu rada. Preporučeni su najpovoljniji radni režimi za upotrebu. Kao najpovoljniji izdvojen je treći ispitivani režim sa protokom vazduha od 37300 m3·h-1, odnosno 25 h-1 ostvarenih izmena vazduha

    Raspodela prašine u vazduhu staja za držanje krava

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    Among others, an airborne dust particles concentration is a crucial microclimate quality parameter of each livestock building. Increasing the concentration of dust particles affects the indoor air quality and health of employed workers and breeding animals. In order to enrich the existing data base and improve the understanding of mechanisms of controlling the microclimate conditions in livestock buildings, the influence of operational air flow rate of under-roof axial fans on airborne dust particles distribution crossover the tied cows barn has been analysed in present study. Six different air flow rates of both installed fans have been tested: 0 m3·h-1 (only natural ventilation), 23750 m3·h-1, 30750 m3·h-1, 37300 m3·h-1, 39900 m3·h-1 and 48000 m3·h-1. Measurements have been performed at four typical height levels (0,5 m; 1,0 m; 1,5 m and 2,0 m), cross-over the three lateral and four longitudinal characteristic building sections. Consequently, 48 measuring points were appropriately selected, in order to cover the whole indoor space in adequate way. Comparative analysis of air flow velocities and dust concentrations showed that this fan setup can provide satisfactory results under adequate operational regime. Certain working regimes were recommended for use, and the first fan rate step, generating the airflow of 23750 m3·h-1, or indoor air exchange level of approximately 16 1·h-1, has been found as the most suitable. .Koncentracija prašine je važan mikroklimatski parametar u svakom stočarskom objektu. Njeno povećanje narušava kvalitet unutrašnjeg vazduha i zdravstveno stanje zaposlenih radnika i smeštenih životinja. Pored ostalih uticaja, strujno polje vazduha u provetravanom prostoru predstavlja ključni parametar za kontrolu prisustva čestica prašine u vazduhu objekata za držanje domaćih životinja. U cilju proširivanja postojećih baza podataka i saznanja u oblasti istraživanja mikroklime u stočarskim objektima, u ovom radu je analiziran uticaj režima rada podkrovnih aksijalnih ventilatora na raspodelu čestica prašine u objektu za držanje krava u vezanom sistemu. Ispitano je šest različitih radnih režima ventilacije. Pri tome je ostvaren diskretan (diskontinualan) niz kontrolisanih protoka unutrašnjeg vazduha od 0 m3·h-1 (samo prirodna ventilacija), 23750 m3·h-1, 30750 m3·h-1, 37300 m3·h-1, 39900 m3·h-1 i 48000 m3·h-1 kroz radna kola svakog od dva instalirana ventilatora. To praktično znači da je celokupna zapremina unutrašnjeg vazduha eksperimentalnog objekta proticala približno 0; 16; 20; 25; 26,5; 32 puta u toku svakog sata kada je ventilacioni sistem bio aktivan. Merenja su izvedena na 4 karakteristične visine (0,5 m; 1,0 m; 1,5 m i 2,0 m), u tri poprečna preseka i četiri podužna preseka objekta. Tako je dobijeno karakterističnih 48 mernih tačaka, čime je adekvatno pokriven ceo unutrašnji prostor staje. Komparativna analiza brzina strujanja vazduha i koncentracija prašine pokazala je da ova konfiguracija ventilatora može ostvariti zadovoljavajuće rezultate pri odgovarajućem režimu rada. Evidentirani su prihvatljivi ventilacioni režimi, a posebno je izdvojen treći ogledni režim, protoka vazduha 23750 m3·h-1 (približno 16 zapremina objekta na čas) je izdvojen kao najpovoljniji.

    Stanje i tendencije razvoja u mehanizaciji stočarske proizvodnje

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    The paper presents the results of the research on state and needs of mechanization in animal husbandry in Serbia in 2012. Included are findings in the field of: production of livestock forage and concentrate feeds, cattle husbandry, milk production and cattle fattening, pig meat production, poultry farming, production of eggs and broilers fattening, as well as manure treatment procedures. It has been estimated current state of the volume of production, needs and applied mechanization in the production process in the country and abroad, and the opinion was given on the possibilities of domestic industry to supply the demands for livestock production equipment to meet the domestic needs in terms of quality and volume of production. .U radu su izloženi rezultati istraživanja stanja i potreba mehanizacije u stočarskoj proizvodnji u Srbije za 2012. godinu. Obuhvaćena su saznanja u delu proizvodnje kabastih i koncentrovanih stočnih hraniva, saznanja u oblasti govedarske proizvodnje, proizvodnje mleka i tova junadi, proizvodnje svinjskog mesa, živinarskoj proizvodnji, proizvodnji jaja i tov pilića, kao i postupci sa stajnjakom. Procenjeno je trenutno stanje po pitanju obima proizvodnje, potreba i primenjene mehanizacije u proizvodnim procesima u svetu i kod nas i dato je mišljenje o mogućnostima domaće industrije da odgovori zadatku proizvodnji opreme u stočarstvu koja bi zadovoljila domaće potrebe po kvalitetu i obimu proizvodnje.

    Unapređene metode tretmana goveđeg stajnjaka

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    On a dairy farm where 2000 milk cows were maintained, crude solid manure deriving from the mixture of excrements and wheat straw, in the ratio of 1 kg straw: 9 l excrements, was subjected to aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. During the experiment, changes of temperature, volume, water contents organic matter contents, pH values, total macroelement contents and their low soluble forms were measured. Crude solid manure was converted by aerobic care into compost within 7 weeks; its volume was decreased by 2.3 times macroelement contents were decreased by 4 times as compared to unit volume of compost obtained by anaerobic care. Therefore, considerably higher economic effectiveness of compost production and application to cultivated areas was achieved.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja koje je sprovedeno na farmi sa 2000 muznih krava. Mešavina naturalnog čvrstog stajnjaka i slame strnih žita u odnosu 1 kg slame sa 9 l ekskremenata, je izlagana aerobnoj i anaerobnoj fermentaciji. Praćene su promene temperature, zapremine, sadržaja vlage sadržaja organske materije, pH vrednosti i sadržaja teškorastvorljivih makroelemenata u masi. Naturalni čvrsti stajnjak je aerobnom fermentacijom prevođen u kompost tokom nege u trajanju od 7 nedelja. Njegova zapremina se smanjila 2.3 puta, a sadržaj makroelemenata je opao 4 puta, u poređenju sa kontrolnim tretmanom dobijanja komposta anaerobnom fermentacijom stajnjaka. Time je postignuta značajno veća efikasnost i ekonomičnost proizvodnje komposta i njegove primene na poljoprivrednim zemljištima

    Potencijal čvrste biomase iz poljoprivrede u Mađarskoj i Srbiji

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    The research aimed to measure the quantity of agricultural biomass suitable for energy purposes at regional level (mostly in Serbia and Hungary). Furthermore, our common research also aimed to determine the potential of biomass for energy purposes with regards to the grown plants. We also aimed to name the possibilities and ways of utilization of the solid biomasses of various origins. Experiments of this kind have already commenced in Hungary and Serbia, in the Gödöllő-based Hungarian Institute of Agricultural Engineering and the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of the Faculty of Agriculture in Beograd. The potentials of different types of solid biomass from agriculture are presented in the paper. The survey has included the comparative presentation of solid biomass potentials in Hungary and Serbia.U ovom istraživanju vršenaje procena dostupne količine biomase iz poljoprivrede, koja se može iskoristiti za dobijanje energije na regionalnom nivou (Srbija i Mađarska). Uz to, naše zajedničko istraživanje imalo je za cilj i da odredi potencijal biomase za dobijanje energije u odnosu na vrste proizvedene biljne mase. Konačno, pokušali smo i da sagledamo mogućnosti i načine za ujednačavanje čvrste biomase različitog porekla. Slični ogledi su već izvođeni u Mađarskoj i Srbiji, u Mađarskom institutu za poljoprivrednu tehniku u Gödöllő i Institutu za poljoprivrednu tehniku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu. U radu su predstavljeni potencijali različitih tipova čvrste biomase iz poljoprivrede. Pregled je obuhvatio komparativnu prezentaciju potencijala biomase Mađarske i Srbije

    Predlog poboljšanja ambijentalnih uslova u objektima za tov svinja na farmi 'Vizelj'

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    State of ambient conditions in the finishing pigs fattening unit is analyzed in the paper. Efficiency and productivity of this pig production phase significantly influence the production results of the whole pig farm. Based on the present conditions analysis, this paper should suggest improvements of microclimate conditions in the researched confinements. Existing ambient conditions was monitored in 3 measurement points, disposed in the zones of the fans operation and between them. Measurement results showed the critical zone with the very low ventilation effect. Over the whole room, increased values of airborn pollutants were noticed. According to the results analysis, possible procedures for improvements were considered. Suggested solution includes installation of additional equipment and minor constructional adaptations. Combined effects of the existing and the additional equipment, along with its possibilities for fine regulation, should significantly improve the existing conditions.U radu je analizirano stanje ambijentalnih uslova u objektu za tov svinja. Karakteristično za ove objekte je da se u njima nalaze životinje u završnoj, finalnoj fazi lanca proizvodnje svinjskog mesa. Od produktivnosti i ekonomske efikasnosti ove faze proizvodnje, često zavisi uspeh poslovanja cele farme svinja. Cilj rada je da na osnovu detaljne analize postojećeg stanja mikroklime u objektu, a u skladu sa dimenzijama, brojnim stanjem životinja u objektu i rasporeda i efikasnosti postojeće opreme, razmotre potencijalna rešenja poboljšanja stanja mikroklime u objektu. Postojeće stanje ambijenta snimano je u tri merne tačke, raspoređene po objektu tako da se obuhvate zone uticaja ventilatora, ali i zone u kojima je efekat rada ventilatora slabije izražen. Rezultati merenja ukazuju na postojanje problematične zone u objektu u kojoj je efekat provetravanja slab. Međutim, u celom objektu su uočene povećane vrednosti pojedinih zagađivača stajskog vazduha. Na osnovu analize rezultata merenja razmotreni su i potencijalni načini za poboljšanje stanja ambijenta. Predloženo rešenje podrazumeva ugradnju dodatne opreme i manje adaptacije objekta. Kombinovanjem pozitivnih strana postojeće opreme, sa prednostima dodatne opreme uz široke mogućnosti regulacije, može se očekivati značajan efekat poboljšanja stanja mikroklime u posmatranom objektu

    Rezultati osnivanja mašinskih prstenova i primene mašina za pripremu sena u brdsko-planinskom području

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    Results of activities on improvement of livestock feeds preparation practices in western Serbia region are presented in this paper. Main achievements are obtained by farmers education and introduction and involvement of specialized machinery for hilly regions in practice. Most of machinery was specialized for quick hay and grass silage preparation. For this purpose six groups of farmers were established. The farmers were trained and registered for operating machinery. They also were obliged to maintain and properly use machinery, as well as train other farmers. Results of these processes during the first year are presented. Enlargement of initially formed groups is expected, along with achievement of full sustainability of machinery rings further work.U radu su prikazani rezultati aktivnosti koje su preduzete u nekim delovima zapadne Srbije, sa izrazilo ekstenzivnom stočarskom proizvodnjom, na unapređenju mera i postupaka pripreme stočne hrane. Unapređenja su postignuta edukacijom farmera i uvođenjem u primenu većeg broja mašina namenjenih za rad u brdsko-planinskom području. Mašine su namenjene za uvođenje postupaka brze pripreme sena i pripreme travne silaže u balama. Za tu svrhu je u regionu osnovano šest grupu farmera koji su, kao obučeni i ovlašćeni rukovaoci, prihvatili obavezu primene mašina, pravilne eksploatacije i održavanja, kao i obuke drugih farmera za rad. Ovde su prikazani rezultali praćenja rada mašina i grupa farmera tokom prve sezone primene. Nakon ovoga se očekuje proširenje postojećih grupa daljim ulaganjem samih farmera, registrovanje mašinskih prstenova i postizanje održivosti i samostalnosti rada udruženja

    Uređaji za obogaćivanje vode kiseonikom na toplovodnim ribnjacima

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    Successful and high yield warm water fish production (mostly carp) is mainly limited by the content of dissolved oxygen in the water. Oxygen content in fish pond water varies according to daily and seasonal fluctuations depending on different factors. Less of oxygen influences the fish health status and yield. From those reasons is very important to monitor the oxygen content continuously and to apply appropriate methods of oxygen content increment when necessary. One of those methods for maintaining the optimal oxygen content is applying of modern devices - aerators. Water aeration is process of forced, mechanical mixing of water and air, which increasing the oxygen content in the water. Aeration can be applied by different methods but originally this means application of specially designed devices for water aeration.U proizvodnji toplovodnih vrsta riba (pre svega šarana), sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u vodi je jedan od glavnih ograničavajućih faktora uspešnog gajenja i povećanja prinosa. Sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u ribnjačkoj vodi je podložan kako dnevnim tako i sezonalnim fluktuacijama, i zavisi od više raznovrsnih faktora. Nedostatak kiseonika utiče preko hemizma vode na zdravlje gajene ribe i mogućnost prirasta. Iz ovih razloga je u savremenom ribarstvu neophodno redovno pratiti sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u vodi, te u slučaju pada vrednosti ispod optimalnih, tj. minimalnih vrednosti reagovati nekim od metoda za povećanje sadržaja O2 u vodi. Jedan od načina održavanja poželjnih vrednosti rastvorenog kiseonika (RK) je primena savremenih uređaja - Aeratora. Aeracija vode u širem smislu označava postupak prinudnog, mehanizovanog pospešivanja mešanja vode sa atmosferskim vazduhom, sa primarnim ciljem obogaćenja vode kiseonikom. Aeracija se može vršiti uz pomoć različitih metoda, ali se pod aeracijom u užem smislu smatra upotreba specijalnih za ovu svrhu, i primenu na toplovodnim ribnjacima konstruisanih uređaja