123 research outputs found

    Bolje je gore? Utjecaj prostornih odnosa na brzinu evaluacije i dosjećanje afektivno obojanih informacija

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    Prilikom procjene pojmova ljudi gotovo automatski pretpostavljaju kako su objekti koji se u prostoru nalaze gore pozitivni, dok su objekti koji se u prostoru nalaze dolje negativni (Meier i Robinson, 2004). Budući da se prostor i udaljenost koristi i kako bi se opisala sličnost među nekim pojmovima (Casasanto, 2008), pokazuje se i kako razdvajanje ruku u zadatku binarne klasifikacije smanjuje interferenciju i umanjuje kognitivni napor. Cilj je ovog rada bio testirati ove pretpostavke i provjeriti posljedice koje na pamćenje imaju utvrđene razlike u brzini obrade pozitivnih i negativnih pojmova, ovisno o položaju na kojem su ti pojmovi prikazani, te načinu na koji su davani odgovori. Zadatak sudionika (N=175) bio je procijeniti je li prezentirani pojam pozitivan ili negativan, pri čemu su ti pojmovi prikazivani na dvije prostorne lokacije – pri vrhu ili dnu ekrana, a odgovori su davani razmaknutim ili približenim rukama. Bilježeno je vrijeme potrebno za donošenje procjene te točnost odgovora. Dijelu je sudionika zatim zadan nenajavljen zadatak slobodnog dosjećanja, a njihovi su odgovori kategorizirani u odnosu na procjenu valencije pojma kojeg su se dosjetili i njegovo mjesto pojavljivanja u eksperimentalnom postupku. Rezultati su pokazali da sudionici brže odgovaraju na pozitivne riječi kada su one prikazane gore, nego kada su prikazane dolje. Razdvajanje ruku nije imalo efekt na brzinu reagiranja. Rezultati na mjeri pamćenja pokazali su da sudionici pamte više pozitivnih nego li negativnih riječi, te da je razdvajanje ruku u zadatku klasifikacije rezultiralo nešto boljim rezultatom u zadatku dosjećanja. Rezultati su razmotreni u svjetlu dosadašnjih istraživanja metaforičke reprezentacije afekata

    ¿Quién gana en la carrera contra el tiempo? Diferencias individuales en la representación mental del tiempo

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    Kada govorimo ili razmišljamo o vremenu, to najčešće činimo iz jedne od dviju perspektiva, kretanje ega ili kretanje vremena. Zauzmemo li perspektivu kretanja ega, vrijeme doživljavamo statično, a sebe kao da se krećemo kroz vrijeme. Zauzmemo li perspektivu kretanja vremena, sebe doživljavamo statično, a vrijeme kao da se kreće prema nama. Koju od vremenskih perspektiva spontano zauzimamo, moguće je provjeriti odgovarajući na dvosmislena pitanja, a dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da podjednak broj ljudi spontano odabire jednu i drugu perspektivu. Istraživanja su pokazala i da je rješavanjem jednostavnih prostornih zadataka moguće udesiti sudionike da zauzmu određenu perspektivu. Osim toga, odabir je vremenskih perspektiva povezan i s nekim osobinama ličnosti. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio provjeriti učestalost zauzimanja perspektiva kretanja ega i kretanja vremena te ispitati mogućnost udešavanja ispitanika na vremenske perspektive pomoću jednostavnih prostornih zadataka. Cilj je bio i provjeriti razlike između ispitanika koji spontano zauzimaju perspektive kretanja vremena i kretanja ega na mjeri lokusa kontrole, na mjeri ovladavanja životnim teškoćama te na rezultatima Upitnika vremenskih metafora. Sudionici su bili studenti, po slučaju raspoređeni u dvije eksperimentalne i jednu kontrolnu skupinu. Sudionici iz eksperimentalnih skupina bili su udešeni na jednu od dviju vremenskih perspektiva te su nakon toga odgovarali na dvosmislena pitanja. Sudionici iz kontrolne skupine odgovarali su na dvosmislena pitanja bez prethodnog udešavanja. Sudionici iz svih skupina rješavali su Upitnik vremenskih metafora, Rotterovu skalu lokusa kontrole te Pearlinovu skalu ovladavanja životnim teškoćama. Rezultati su pokazali da 35% sudionika zauzima perspektivu kretanja ega, a 65% perspektivu kretanja vremena. Udešavanje nije imalo utjecaja na zauzimanje perspektiva. Sudionici koji zauzimaju perspektivu kretanja ega imaju značajno viši rezultat na mjerama lokusa kontrole i ovladavanja životom, dok na rezultatima Upitnika vremenskih metafora nisu dobivene razlike.When we speak or think about time, we most often do it from one of two possible perspectives: ego-moving or time-moving. From ego-moving perspective, time is perceived as static while we perceive ourselves as moving through time. From time-moving perspective, time is perceived as something that moves towards us while we are static. Time perspective that a person uses can be determined by asking an ambiguous time question. It has been shown that people answer an ambiguous question from ego- and time- moving perspectives equally often. Furthermore, it has been shown that it is possible to prime participants to either ego- or time- moving perspective by giving them simple spatial tasks. Besides, it has been shown that there are some trait differences between participants who adopt ego-moving and those who adopt time-moving perspective. The aim of this research was to examine the frequency of adopting ego-moving and time-moving time representations in Croatia and to examine the possibility of priming time perspectives through spatial tasks. The aim of this study was also to examine individual differences between participants who spontaneously adopt ego-moving and those who adopt time-moving perspective on measures of locus of control, mastery and on the Time Metaphors Questionnaire. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two experimental and one control group. Participants in experimental groups were first primed to time perspective and then answered an ambiguous question, while participants in the control group answered ambiguous questions without priming. All participants answered Time Metaphors Questionnaire, Rotter\u27s Internal-External Locus of Control Scale and Pearlin Mastery Scale. Results showed that 35% of participants adopt ego-moving, while 65% adopt time-moving perspective. Priming did not influence on adopting time perspectives. As expected, participants who adopted ego-moving perspective showed more internal locus of control and scored higher on mastery scale, but there were no significant differences on the results of Time Metaphors Questionnaire.Cuando hablamos o pensamos del tiempo, en la mayoría de los casos lo hacemos desde una de las siguientes dos perspectivas: movimiento de ego o movimiento de tiempo. Si tomamos la perspectiva del movimiento de ego, percibimos el tiempo estático, y a nosotros mismos como movimiento a través del tiempo. Si tomamos la perspectiva del movimiento de tiempo, percibimos a nosotros mismos estáticos, y el tiempo en movimiento hacia nosotros. Respondiendo a las preguntas ambiguas, es posible determinar cuál de las dos perspectivas tomamos espontáneamente, y las investigaciones previas muestran que más o menos la misma cantidad de personas espontáneamente toma tanto una como otra perspectiva. Las investigaciones también muestran que se puede ajustar a los participantes a cierta perspectiva ejerciendo unas tareas espaciales. Además, la selección de perspectivas temporales se relaciona también con algunos rasgos de personalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue averiguar la frecuencia con la que se toma la perspectiva del movimiento de ego o del movimiento de tiempo, tanto como verificar la posibilidad de ajustar a través de unas simples tareas espaciales qué perspectiva temporal van a elegir los participantes. El objetivo fue verificar también las diferencias entre los participantes que espontáneamente eligen una de las dos perspectivas en la medida del locus de control, la dominación de problemas en la vida y los resultados del Cuestionario de Metáforas Temporales. Los participantes eran estudiantes, divididos al azar en dos grupos experimentales y uno de control. Los participantes de los grupos experimentales fueron ajustados a una de las dos perspectivas y después respondían a preguntas ambiguas. Los participantes del grupo de control respondían a las preguntas sin ajuste previo. Los participantes de todos los grupos completaron el Cuestionario de Metáforas Temporales, la Escala de Locus de Control de Rotter y la Escala de Dominación de los Problemas en la Vida de Pearlin. Los resultados demostraron que el 35% de los participantes toma la perspectiva del movimiento de ego y 65% la perspectiva del movimiento de tiempo. El ajuste no tuvo ningún impacto en la toma de perspectiva. Los participantes que toman la perspectiva del movimiento de ego tienen un resultado significativamente más alto en la medida del locus de control y la dominación de la vida, mientras que en los resultados del Cuestionario de Metáforas Temporales no se obtuvieron diferencias

    Human gait data mining by symbol based descriptive features

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    Abstract-Most medical applications which include large dataset require search by example capability. Such similaritybased retrieval has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. Although several different approaches have appeared, most are not specialized for problems of time series signals, typically found in gait analysis or ECG. This paper proposes an approach for efficient processing of human gait by using symbolization of different features by means of feature description. We evaluated this approach against database that holds limited set of kinematics, kinetic and EMG data, describing simple step (a subset of standard gait variables). The measurement was performed in the Biomechanics Laboratory at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, using 2002-ELITE system with Kistler platform (40 cm by 60 cm)

    Development of the quality assessment model of EHR software in family medicine practices: research based on user satisfaction

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    Background Family medicine practices (FMPs) make the basis for the Croatian health care system. Use of electronic health record (EHR) software is mandatory and it plays an important role in running these practices, but important functional features still remain uneven and largely left to the will of the software developers.Objective The objective of this study was to develop a novel and comprehensive model for functional evaluation of the EHR software in FMPs, based on current world standards, models and projects, as well as on actual user satisfaction and requirements.Methods Based on previous theoretical and experimental research in this area, we made the initial framework model consisting of six basic categories as a base for online survey questionnaire. Family doctors assessed perceived software quality by using a five-point Likert-type scale. Using exploratory factor analysis and appropriate statistical methods over the collected data, the final optimal structure of the novel model was formed. Special attention was focused on the validity and quality of the novel model.Results The online survey collected a total of 384 cases. The obtained results indicate both the quality of the assessed software and the quality in use of the novel model. The intense ergonomic orientation of the novel measurement model was particularly emphasised.Conclusions The resulting novel model is multiple validated, comprehensive and universal. It could be used to assess the user-perceived quality of almost all forms of the ambulatory EHR software and therefore useful to all stakeholders in this area of the health care informatisation.

    Literature on applied machine learning in metagenomic classification: A scoping review

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    Applied machine learning in bioinformatics is growing as computer science slowly invades all research spheres. With the arrival of modern next-generation DNA sequencing algorithms, metagenomics is becoming an increasingly interesting research field as it finds countless practical applications exploiting the vast amounts of generated data. This study aims to scope the scientific literature in the field of metagenomic classification in the time interval 2008–2019 and provide an evolutionary timeline of data processing and machine learning in this field. This study follows the scoping review methodology and PRISMA guidelines to identify and process the available literature. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is deployed to ensure efficient and exhaustive search of the literary corpus of three large digital libraries: IEEE, PubMed, and Springer. The search is based on keywords and properties looked up using the digital libraries’ search engines. The scoping review results reveal an increasing number of research papers related to metagenomic classification over the past decade. The research is mainly focused on metagenomic classifiers, identifying scope specific metrics for model evaluation, data set sanitization, and dimensionality reduction. Out of all of these subproblems, data preprocessing is the least researched with considerable potential for improvement


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    Aim: With the exception of ring chromosome 14 or translocations, interstitial deletions of the long arm of chromosome 14 are very rare. All patients with these deletions share common phenotypic characteristics, primarily mild dysmorphia and developmental delay. Molecular karyotyping (array CGH) enabled the precise breakpoint determination and improved the analysis of genotype-phenotype correlations. Case presentation: In a 7-year-old girl, array CGH was performed due to developmental delay. The array CGH study showed 8.3Mb de novo interstitial deletion of the 14q31.3–q32.13 region. Conclusions: Comparison of our patient´s phenotype with previously reported chromosome 14q interstitial deletion cases confirmed the presence of common clinical features and highlights the utility of array CGH as a diagnostic tool in clarifying the developmental delay etiology

    Two sides of the same coin: a complex presentation of autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney diseases: a literature review and case reports

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    IntroductionGenetic kidney diseases are underdiagnosed; namely, from 7% to 40% of patients suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) can carry a pathogenic variant, depending on population characteristics. Hereditary tubulointerstitial kidney diseases, including autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney diseases (ADTKD), are even more challenging to diagnose. ADTKD is a rare form of genetic kidney disease resulting from pathogenic variants in the MUC1, UMOD, HNF1B, REN, SEC61A1, and DNAJB11 genes. There is no typical clinical or histopathological sign of ADTKD, it is characterized by progressive CKD, an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, and tubular atrophy with interstitial fibrosis on kidney biopsy. There is no significant proteinuria, and the urinary sediment is bland. The patients usually do not have severe arterial hypertension. There can be a history of early gout, especially when compared to the UMOD gene variants. Children can have enuresis due to a loss of renal concentration. On ultrasound, the kidneys can appear normal or small in size. Renal cysts are not pathognomonic for any of the named diseases. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) develops at the average age of 45, but this can be very variable. Family history that suggests autosomal dominant inheritance and CKD fulfilling the aforementioned characteristics of tubulointerstitial kidney disease should raise suspicion of ADTKD. In the setting of a negative family history for CKD, clinical suspicion should be raised based on clinical characteristics, including early onset of hyperuricemia or gout and compatible histology on the kidney biopsy. Contrary to the aforementioned characteristics of ADTKD, in the case of HNF1B-related disease, there is a more complex clinical presentation with extrarenal manifestations of the disease (diabetes mellitus, hypomagnesemia, neurologic and psychiatric disturbances, etc.). The diagnosis of ADTKD is based on a positive family history and a detection of the pathogenic variant in one of the genes in an affected individual.AimThe aim of our study is to present two case reports of ADTKD with different characteristics (slowly progressive CKD vs. complex clinical presentation with an extrarenal manifestation of the disease) with a literature review.MethodsA 34-year-old patient with CKD and a positive family history of CKD in whom kidney biopsy showed nonspecific chronic changes, with only genetic analysis confirming the diagnosis of MUC1-related ADTKD. Our second case is of a 17-year-old patient with an unremarkable family history who was initially referred to genetic counseling due to cognitive and motor impairment with long-lasting epilepsy. Extensive workup revealed increased serum creatinine levels with no proteinuria and bland urinary sediment, along with hypomagnesemia. His genetic analysis revealed 17q12 deletion syndrome, causing the loss of one copy of the HNF1B gene, the AATF, and the LHX1 gene.ConclusionAutosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney diseases are challenging to diagnose due to a lack of typical clinical or histopathological signs as well as an uncharacteristic and versatile clinical presentation. Increased clinical awareness is crucial for the detection of these diseases