189 research outputs found

    The wall flora of the Nebet Tepe Architectural Reserve in the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

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    The flora of the Nebet Tepe Architectural Reserve in the city of Plovdiv (Thracian Plain) was studied in the period 1998–2003. The number of plants growing spontaneously on and around the fragments of the fortification wall and on the pavements is 131. The flora is analyzed with respect to the local distribution of the taxa, their chorology, life form and geoelement characteristics. The flora contains a relatively high proportion of ruderals and weeds. The hemicryptophytes and therophytes constitute the largest group. The following families are distinguished by the greatest number of species: Asteraceae (14), Fabaceae (13), Poaceae (12), Brassicaceae (8), Scrophulariaceae (7), Caryophyllaceae (7). The species Cerastium tauricum Spreng. and Melica transsilvanica Schur are recorded for the first time for the flora of the Thracian Plain floristic region. The results are compared with other European and Mediterranean wall floras

    Pollen morphology of Bulgarian species from the section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (genus Lathyrus, Fabaceae)

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    The pollen morphology of eight species from the section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (Lathyrus, Fabaceae) distributed in Bulgaria (Lathyrus alpestris, L. aureus, L. linifolius, L. niger, L. palustris, L. transsilvanicus, L. venetus and L. vernus.) was studied with light and scanning electrone microscope. The pollen grains are 3-zonocolporate of subprolate (semi-erectus) type (P/E=1.20–1.31), medium to large in size, elliptical or rectangular-obtuse- convex (equatorial view) and circular to slightly triangular-obtuse-convex (polar view). The ornamentation is predominantly perforate-foveolate but there are pollen grains with perforate-reticulate sculpture (L. alpestris, L. palustris) or almost reticulate (L. aureus)

    The effect of electronic entropy on temperature peculiarities of the frequency characteristics of two interacting anharmonic vibrational modes in β\beta-Zr

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    A 2D temperature-dependent effective potential is calculated for the interacting longitudinal and transverse LL-phonons of β\beta zirconium in the frozen-phonon model. The effective potentials obtained for different temperatures are used for the numerical solution of a set of stochastic differential equations with a thermostat of the white-noise type. Analysis of the spectral density of transverse vibrations allows one to determine the temperature at which β\beta-Zr becomes unstable with respect to the longitudinal LL-vibrations. The obtained temperature value practically coincides with the experimental temperature of the βα\beta \to \alpha structural transition in zirconium. The role of electronic entropy in the β\beta-Zr stability is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures (submitted in Phys.Rev.

    Legal regulation of interreligious relations in the field of general education: the ratio of public and private interests

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    In article on the basis of the formal legal analysis of the national legal system and the international jurisprudence the key principles of state legal regulation of the confessional relations in the sphere of the general education are distinguished; the need of their addition and unification at the national level for the purpose of providing the balanced ratio of public and private interests in the context of providing the integrated rights and personal freedoms is demonstrate

    Potencial parlamentario para garantizar la seguridad del Estado: experiencia constitucional de los países de la era postsoviética

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    The article presents the author’s analysis of the constitutional acts of the countries of the post-Soviet space in order to consolidate in them the catalog of powers of parliaments in the field of state security. The study revealed two constitutional approaches reflecting the catalog of powers of parliaments in ensuring the security of the state: the parliament acts as a body with the prerogative of introducing exclusive regimes in the state, declaring war and concluding peace; the parliament acts as a body that legalizes decrees of the head of state or government on security issues.El artículo presenta el análisis del autor de los actos constitucionales de los países del espacio postsoviético para consolidar en ellos el catálogo de poderes de los parlamentos en el campo de la seguridad del estado. El estudio reveló dos enfoques constitucionales que reflejan el catálogo de poderes de los parlamentos para garantizar la seguridad del estado: el actúa como un órgano con la prerrogativa de introducir regímenes exclusivos en el estado, declarar la guerra y concluir la paz; el parlamento actúa como un organismo que legaliza los decretos del jefe de estado o gobierno sobre cuestiones de seguridad

    Revisiting Issues Relating to the Content of Ownership Rights, as Exemplified By the Legislation of Russia and other Countries

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    Given article takes into consideration the approaches to the disclosure of the ownership rights content existing in different legal systems. The idea of disclosing the ownership rights content through a specific set of owner’s powers exists in the legal systems of various countries. In this case, the number of legal powers may differ, as well as an understanding of each of them. The triad of owner’s powers (possession, use, disposal), enshrined in the laws of Russia and a number of other countries, is analyzed in details. The views regarding the construction of a theoretical model of the content of ownership rights were expressed

    La libertad de expresión en el contexto de la seguridad nacional

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    This article considers the versions of the constitutional consolidation of freedom of speech in the post-Soviet space in conjunction with the restrictive reasons for national security. Given that the latter is inherent in all the states, the authors, based on an analysis of their constitutional texts and doctrinal discussions about the divide between rights and freedoms, identified two of their principal groups. The first includes constitutions in which the freedom of speech is considered through the law and the second - where freedom of speech is considered through its guaranteeing. The article concludes that freedom is an independent, recognized as the legal ability of a person to choose the measure of his behavior, which in this case is outlined by the requirements of the norms of morality, religion, law, national security.Este artículo considera las versiones de la consolidación constitucional de la libertad de expresión en el espacio postsoviético junto con las razones restrictivas de la seguridad nacional. Dado que este último es inherente a todos los estados, los autores, basándose en un análisis de sus textos constitucionales y discusiones doctrinales sobre la división entre derechos y libertades, identificaron dos de sus grupos principales. El primero incluye las constituciones en las que la libertad de expresión se considera a través de la ley y el segundo, donde la libertad de expresión se considera a través de su garantía. El artículo concluye que la libertad es una capacidad independiente, reconocida como la capacidad legal de una persona para elegir la medida de su comportamiento, que en este caso está delineado por los requisitos de las normas de moralidad, religión, ley y seguridad nacional

    Institution of legal restrictions: issues of theory and practice of regulation

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    This article covers some issues regarding the concept of legal restrictions, their features, institutional design and legal consolidation at the national constitutional and international levels. Some issues of the doctrinal study of legal restrictions and the institution of legal restrictions at the present stage are analyzed, as well as the features of their legal regulation in normative legal acts, fixing general conditions, methods, goals, objectives and grounds for establishing legal restriction