1 research outputs found

    Relationship between School Library Management and Students’ choice of Career in Librarianship.

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    This study is the examination of the relationship between School Library Management and Students’ choice of Career in Librarianship. The specific objectives of the study were to determine how school library management components such components like staffing, collection development, and library curriculum related or affected the students’ choice of Library and Information Science as a course of study in the University, and Librarianship as Career. To achieve this objective, a survey research method was adopted, and close ended questionnaire was served to the three and four hundred level students of Library and information science, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria as the population for the study. The data were subjected to descriptive analysis using table of frequencies and percentages The study revealed among others that, the School Libraries  Nigeria have not been managed adequately to motivated the students as expected, in their choice of Librarianship as a career. Also, most students came from primary and secondary schools which had no library. Many students had no prior knowledge of Library and Information Science as a course of study, and where given the course even though they did not apply for it. While some of the respondents who had a good school library experience, chose to read the course and to practice Librarianship as a career. It was also revealed most direct entry students who had other background other than Library Science adopted the discipline due to the career opportunities. Based on the finding, recommendations were made towards repositioning Nigerian School Library towards achieving its aims and objectives. Keywords: School Library Management, Relationship, Students, Career Choice and Librarianship