19 research outputs found

    Airway smooth muscle cells from severe asthma patients with fixed airflow obstruction are responsive to steroid and bronchodilator treatment in vitro

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    Asthma is characterised by recurrent symptoms associated with variable airflow obstruction and airway hyperresponsiveness, all of which are improved with combination inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)/long-acting β-agonist (LABA) treatment in mild-to-moderate asthma [1]. A proportion of patients however develop fixed airflow obstruction (FAO), despite optimised treatment. FAO is prevalent in up to 60% of patients with severe asthma and is associated with a more rapid decline in lung function and increased symptoms [2]. The underlying mechanisms of FAO in asthma are poorly understood; therefore, development of novel treatment strategies remains a challenge. Airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) are the major effector cells of bronchoconstriction in asthma and also contribute to the inflammatory process by secreting pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Therefore, ASMCs are a major target of both β2-agonist and ICS treatment [3]. Although several studies have suggested that steroid signalling [4] or β2-adrenoceptor (β2AR) signalling may be abnormally regulated in severe asthma [5], it remains unknown whether impaired airway smooth muscle corticosteroid and/or β2-agonist response may contribute to the development of FAO. The aim of this study was to investigate whether primary human ASMCs obtained from severe asthma patients with FAO differ in their response to β2-agonists and corticosteroids compared with asthma patients without FAO and healthy controls. We hypothesised that ASMCs from asthma patients with FAO are less responsive to corticosteroid and β2-agonist treatment than those from patients without FA

    Is asthma only an airways disorder?

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    Higher body mass index is associated with increased lung stiffness and less airway obstruction in individuals with asthma and fixed airflow obstruction.

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    Higher body mass index (BMI) is associated with less severe airway obstruction in older asthma patients with fixed airflow obstruction. This is potentially mediated through BMI-related mechanisms that increase lung stiffness (i.e. reduce lung compliance). https://bit.ly/3jBwCNy

    Steroid insensitive fixed airflow obstruction is not related to airway inflammation in older non-smokers with asthma 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1102 Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology

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    © 2018 The Author(s). There is limited evidence linking airway inflammation and lung function impairment in older non-smoking asthmatics with fixed airflow obstruction (FAO), which can develop despite treatment with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). We assessed lung function (spirometry, forced oscillation technique (FOT)), lung elastic recoil and airway inflammation using bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in non-smoking adult asthmatics with FAO, following 2 months treatment with high-dose ICS/long-acting beta-agonist. Subjects demonstrated moderate FAO, abnormal FOT indices and loss of lung elastic recoil. This cross-sectional study showed a lack of a relationship between BAL neutrophils, eosinophils, inflammatory cytokines and lung function impairment. Other inflammatory pathways or the effect of inflammation on lung function over time may explain FAO development

    Obesity alters the topographical distribution of ventilation and the regional response to bronchoconstriction.

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    Obesity is associated with reduced operating lung volumes that may contribute to increased airway closure during tidal breathing and abnormalities in ventilation distribution. We investigated the effect of obesity on the topographical distribution of ventilation before and after methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction using single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)-CT in healthy subjects. Nine obese and 10 non-obese subjects underwent baseline and post-bronchoprovocation SPECT-CT imaging, in which Technegas was inhaled upright followed by supine scanning. Lung regions that were non-ventilated (Ventnon), low-ventilated (Ventlow) or well-ventilated (Ventwell) were calculated using an adaptive threshold method and were expressed as a percentage of total lung volume. To determine regional ventilation, lungs were divided into upper, middle and lower thirds of axial length derived from CT. At baseline, Ventnon and Ventlow for the entire lung, were similar in obese and non-obese subjects. However, in the upper lung zone, Ventnon (17.5±10.6% vs. 34.7±7.8%, p<0.001) and Ventlow (25.7±6.3% vs. 33.6±5.1%, p<0.05) were decreased in obese subjects with a consequent increase in Ventwell (56.8±9.2% vs. 31.7±10.1%, p<0.001). The greater diversion of ventilation to the upper zone was correlated with BMI (rs=0.74, p<0.001), Rrs (rs=0.72, p<0.001), and Xrs (rs=-0.64, p=0.003), but not with lung volumes or basal airway closure. Following bronchoprovocation overall Ventnon increased similarly in both groups, however in non-obese subjects Ventnon only increased in the lower zone, whereas in obese subjects Ventnon increased more evenly across all lung zones. In conclusion, obesity is associated with altered ventilation distribution during baseline and following bronchoprovocation that are independent of reduced lung volumes

    Time-based pulmonary features from electrical impedance tomography demonstrate ventilation heterogeneity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    © 2019 the American Physiological Society. Pulmonary electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a functional imaging technique that allows real-time monitoring of ventilation distribution. Ventilation heterogeneity (VH) is a characteristic feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and has previously been quantified using features derived from tidal variations in the amplitude of the EIT signal. However, VH may be better described by time-based metrics, the measurement of which is made possible by the high temporal resolution of EIT. We aimed 1) to quantify VH using novel time-based EIT metrics and 2) to determine the physiological relevance of these metrics by exploring their relationships with complex lung mechanics measured by the forced oscillation technique (FOT). We performed FOT, spirometry, and tidal-breathing EIT measurements in 11 healthy controls and 9 volunteers with COPD. Through offline signal processing, we derived 3 features from the impedance-time (Z-t) curve for each image pixel: 1) tE, mean expiratory time; 2) PHASE, mean time difference between pixel and global Z-t curves; and 3) AMP, mean amplitude of Z-t curve tidal variation. Distribution was quantified by the coefficient of variation (CV) and the heterogeneity index (HI). Both CV and HI of the tE and PHASE features were significantly increased in COPD compared with controls, and both related to spirometry and FOT resistance and reactance measurements. In contrast, distribution of the AMP feature showed no relationships with lung mechanics. These novel time-based EIT metrics of VH reflect complex lung mechanics in COPD and have the potential to allow real-time visualization of pulmonary physiology in spontaneously breathing subjects. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Pulmonary electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a real-time imaging technique capable of monitoring ventilation with exquisite temporal resolution. We report novel, timebased EIT measurements that not only demonstrate ventilation heterogeneity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but also reflect oscillatory lung mechanics. These EIT measurements are noninvasive, radiation-free, easy to obtain, and provide real-time visualization of the complex pathophysiology of COPD