126 research outputs found

    The persistence of unmetabolized 3H-7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene in regenerating rat liver.

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    The hepatic subcellular distribution, binding and persistence of 3H-7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene were compared in partially hepatectomized rats and in intact controls. By 2 weeks after injection, intact liver homogenates contained only 9% of the total radioactivity present 4 h after injection; regenerated liver contained 60% in spite of a tripling in liver mass during this time. Cell fractions isolated from regenerated liver had 9-59 fold greater hexane extractable specific activities than those from intact liver. The radioactivity present in hexane extracts co-chromatographed with a 3H-7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene standard. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that liver microsomes isolated from DMBA treated partially hepatectomized animals metabolized less DMBA in vitro than did microsomes isolated from DMBA treated intact animals. The greater persistence of unmetabolized DMBA may be related to the greater carcinogenicity of this compound for regenerating, as compared with intact, rat liver

    Charles Bonnet Syndrome Precipitated by Brimonidine Tartrate Eye Drops

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    To report Charles Bonnet syndrome precipitated by the use of brimonidine tartrate eye drops (Alphagan) in two elderly visually compromised women

    Diplopia After Minor Head Trauma

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    Diplopia; HeadacheA 16-year old male with diplopia, worse at distance and right gaze. Previous history significant for a hard fall the resulted to a blow to the head.Epidural hematoma in posterior fossaMRIHead traumaSurgeryAttache

    Combined Tenotomy + Anderson Procedure for Treatment of Acquired Downbeat Nystagmus and Oscillopsia

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    The tenotomy procedure improves visual acuities and reduces oscillopsia of patients with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS), acquired pendular nystagmus (APN), and asymmetric, (a)periodic alternating nystagmus (APAN). Our 44-year-old patient had predominantly vertical nystagmus (i.e., downbeat (DBN)), oscillopsia, strabismus, and vertical diplopia of 14 years duration, and adopted a significant chin-down (i.e., upgaze) position for best vision and comfort. Eye-muscle surgery was done in 1993 for diplopia from traumatic 4th N palsy, but no clinical notes were available

    Progressive Visual Loss in a 67 Year Old Man

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    Progressive loss of vision ODA 67-year old male with a 1-month history of blindness OD.VA: NLP OD, 20/30 OSCT; MRINecrotizing and non-necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of nasal cavity and nasopharynx.Surgery; XRT1. Batsakis.JG. Midfacial Necrotizing Diseases. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 91.341-342. 1982. 2. Crissman, JD, Weiss, MA, and Gluckman, J. Midline Granuloma Syndrome. Am. J. Surg. Path. 6:333-346,1982. 3. Tsoios. M, Fauci, AS, and Costa, J Idiopathic Midline Destructive Disease (IMDD). A Subgroup of patients with the "Midline Granuloma" Syndrome. Am. J. Clin. Path. 77:162-168,1982. 4. Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 20-1981. N. Engl. J. Med. 304:1217-1276,1981. 5. Casuccio, JR and Yanagisawa, E. Diseases of Obscure Etiology: Sarcoidosis, Wegener's Granulomatosis, and Midline Granuloma. Otolaryngol. Clin. N. Am. 14:331-343.1981. 6. Kay, MC and McCrary, JA. Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies in Late Metastasis of Midline Malignant Reticulosis. Am. J. Ophthalmol. 88:1087-1090,1979. 7. Fauci, AS, Johnson, RE, and Wolff, SM. Radiation Therapy of Midline Granuloma. Ann Int. Med. 84:140-147,1976. 8. Schecter, SL, Bole, GG. and Walker, SE. Midline Granuloma and Wegener's Granulomatosis: Clinical and Therapeutic Considerations. J. Rheumatol. 3:241-230,1976. 9. McGuirt, WF, and Rose, EF. Lethal Midline Granuloma: A Pathologic Spectrum. J. Laryngol. Otol. 90:439-466.1976. 10. Anderson.J.M., Jamieson, D.G.. and Jefferson, J.M. Non-healing Granuloma and the Nervous System. Quart. J. Med. XLIV: 309-323,1975. 11. Eichel, BS, Harrison, EG, Devine. KD, Scanlon, PW, and Brown, HA. Primary Lymphoma of the Nose Including a Relationship to Lethal midline Granuloma. Am. J. Surg. 112:597-605.1966. 12. Haynes, BF, Fish man, ML, Fauci, AS, Wolff, SM. The Ocular Manifestations of Wegener's Granulomatosis. Fifteen Years Experience and Review of the Literature. Am. J. Med. 63: 131-141, 1977

    Drug treatments for eye movement disorders

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