35 research outputs found

    Bilateralno upravljanje gibanjem za apstrakciju i reprodukciju stvarne sile

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    In recent years, skill preservation of an expert and skill education for young technical workers have been serious issues in medical and production fields. The best way which young technical workers learn the ripe skill is that an expert teaches them. However, unfortunately, experts have lessened in these years. So, if digital skill preservation like a haptic database is attained, it may become an innovative solution of the above problem. Thus, as the fundamental technology for development of the haptic database, this paper proposes abstraction and reproduction methods on bilateral control of real world force sensation, and reconstruction of real world environment as well. In the abstraction mode, a master-slave system is composed, and the action-reaction law is attained through bilateral control. Later, based on acceleration information, the force, position and velocity of both master and slave systems are estimated and obtained. In the reconstruction mode, an environmental model is reconstructed based on the obtained data from real-world. Next, by using reproduction mode on master side, the operator would feel the force sensation from the obtained environmental model. Here, the proposed system is able to store the bilateral real-world force sensation to a sensation database. Finally, the experimental results show the validity of the proposed method.Održavanje sposobnosti iskusnih operatera i uvježbavanje novih operatera postaje sve važnijim zadatkom u medicinskim i proizvodnim primjenama. Nove operatere najbolje uvježbavaju iskusni operateri, ali njih sve više nedostaje. Inovativno rješenje toga problema može biti pohranjivanje vještina iskusnih operatera u tzv. haptičku bazu podataka. U ovome se članku za razvoj haptičke baze podataka predlažu metode apstrakcije i reprodukcije stvarne sile u bilateralnom upravljanju te metoda rekonstrukcije udaljenoga stvarnoga prostora u kojemu djeluje prateći sustav. U apstrakcijskom načinu rada uspostavlja se bilateralno upravljanje između vodećeg i pratećeg sustava uz održavanje zakona akcije i reakcije između njih. Nakon toga estimiraju se sila, brzina i pozicija vodećeg i pratećeg sustava na temelju informacije o ubrzanju. U rekonstrukcijskom načinu rada rekonstruira se model udaljenoga stvarnoga prostora na osnovi podataka iz stvarnoga udaljenoga prostora. Na koncu, primjenom reprodukcijskog načina rada na strani vodećeg sustava operater bi trebao osjećati silu iz modela udaljenog prostora izgrađenog u rekonstrukcijskom načinu rada. Predloženi sustav omogućuje spremanje bilateralno prenošene sile u bazu podataka, što je potkrijepljeno eksperimentalnim rezultatima

    Quantum reservoir computing with repeated measurements on superconducting devices

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    Reservoir computing is a machine learning framework that uses artificial or physical dissipative dynamics to predict time-series data using nonlinearity and memory properties of dynamical systems. Quantum systems are considered as promising reservoirs, but the conventional quantum reservoir computing (QRC) models have problems in the execution time. In this paper, we develop a quantum reservoir (QR) system that exploits repeated measurement to generate a time-series, which can effectively reduce the execution time. We experimentally implement the proposed QRC on the IBM's quantum superconducting device and show that it achieves higher accuracy as well as shorter execution time than the conventional QRC method. Furthermore, we study the temporal information processing capacity to quantify the computational capability of the proposed QRC; in particular, we use this quantity to identify the measurement strength that best tradeoffs the amount of available information and the strength of dissipation. An experimental demonstration with soft robot is also provided, where the repeated measurement over 1000 timesteps was effectively applied. Finally, a preliminary result with 120 qubits device is discussed

    Modeling and Analysis of a Magnetic Geared Linear Motor

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    Development of Semicircular Tubular Core-less Linear Motor and Its Motion Control

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    Adaptive optimal control for rehabilitation systems

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    Bilateral Motion Control for Reproduction of Real World Force Sensation based on the Environmental Model

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    Haptic Bilateral Control System with Visual Force Compliance Controller

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    This paper presents a new haptic bilateral control method with vision-based guidance. The vision-based guidance is realized by the visual force compliance controller which can translate the visual information to assistive force. Integration of an imaging modality effectively further consolidates the servoing procedures. Such information needs to be efficiently rendered to the operator at master system. Particularly, the proposed approach provides real-time visualization and force feedback based guidance for the navigation task. The details concerning the method of implementation of this theory will be explained. Finally, the experimental evaluation of the functionality of this visual compliance controller based on force control is described and discussed