32 research outputs found

    Bemerkungen zur Krankenpflege von F. Nightingale -Renaissance und Integration der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehung durch die Jahrhunderte-

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    Aus der deutschen Fassung von "Bemerkungen zur Krankenpflege" (2005) wurden drei Kapitel zum Thema zwischenmenschliche Beziehung von Kranken-pflegern und Patienten (Kapitel 4: "Gerausche", Kapitel 5 "Abwechselung" und Kapitel 12 "Schwatzhaft ausge-sprochene Hoffnungen und Ratschlage") sowie zwei Kapitel uber den Krankenpflegerberuf (Kapitel 13 und 15) ausgewahlt und anhand der Definitionen von J. Trabelbee analysiert. Aus der Analyse wurde klar, dass es fur Nightingale vier wichtige Kriterien fur Krankenpfleger im Prozess der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehung zum Patienten gab: 1. Minimierung des Krafteverschleiβes des Patienten auf der Grundlage der Achtung der Wurde des Lebens; 2. Unterstutzung der Beobachtungsfahigkeit durch Weisheit; 3. Wahrung des Patienten vor Elend; 4. Vertiefung des Bewusstseins zur Berufung durch Zusammenhalt der Krankenpfleger. So lange die Mission der Krankenpflege lautet, Mitgefuhl und Achtung vor der Wurde des Lebens durch ihre Tatigkeiten vorzuleben, wird das geistige Erbe von Nightingale fortbestehen

    Nightingale : "Bemerkungen zur Krankenpflege" : -Warum Beobachtung der Patienten notwendig ist-

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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit der deutschsprachigen Version von F. Nightingale´s "Bemerkungen zur Krankenpflege" (2005). Aus dieser Schrift wurde insbesondere das Kapitel "Kranke beobachten" (Kapitel 13) ausgewahlt, um es anhand der Beobachtungsdefinitionen von J. Travellbee zu analysieren. Als Ergebnis wurden drei wichtige Gesichtspunkte der Krankenbeobachtung ausgewahlt:1.Beobachtung benotigt Training, das mit dem Aufbau der menschlichen Beziehung zwischen dem Patienten und der Krankenschwester beginnt. 2.Das Beobachten der Individualitat, der Patienten schafft Klarheit beim Urteil.3.Das Wesen der Beobachtung besteht in der Widmung fur das Leben und den Tod der Patienten. Es wird klar gemacht, dass diese Gesichtspunkte fur die Durchfuhrung von Krankenbeobachtung notwendig sind

    The involvement of the vasa vasorum in the development of vasculitis in animal model of Kawasaki disease

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    BACKGROUND: Kawasaki Disease (KD) involves a diffuse and systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology that mainly affects infants and children. Although a considerable number of analyses of the clinical, histopathological and molecular biological details underlying the mechanism responsible for the development of coronary arterial lesions, it is still poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to analyze the state of angiogenesis, vasculogenesis and the distribution of blood vessels using an animal model of KD like vasculitis. We investigated the involvement of the vasa vasorum from the adventitia in the vascular involvement and the development of the disease state by performing sequential histopathology, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro computed tomography (CT) studies using a murine model of vasculitis induced by the Candida albicans water-soluble fraction (CAWS). METHODS: To prepare the animal model of KD like vasculitis, CAWS was intraperitoneally injected into C57BL/6N mice for five consecutive days as reported by Ohno et al. We observed the changes of the vasa vasorum at the aorta and the orifices of the coronary arteries by SEM and micro CT, and also compared the neovascularization at the media and adventitia of the aorta by an immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: As previously reported, obvious inflammation was detected two weeks after the injection of CAWS, and also intimal thickening was observed three weeks after the injection. We found that the vasa vasorum in the adventitia of the aorta was increased in the model mice. The vasa vasorum started increasing one week after the injection of CAWS, before any obvious vasculitis was microscopically detected. CONCLUSION: The present results indicate that the vasculitis in Kawasaki disease starts as a disorder of the vasa vasorum

    Anti-Tumor Effect against Human Cancer Xenografts by a Fully Human Monoclonal Antibody to a Variant 8-Epitope of CD44R1 Expressed on Cancer Stem Cells

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    BACKGROUND: CD44 is a major cellular receptor for hyaluronic acids. The stem structure of CD44 encoded by ten normal exons can be enlarged by ten variant exons (v1-v10) by alternative splicing. We have succeeded in preparing MV5 fully human IgM and its class-switched GV5 IgG monoclonal antibody (mAb) recognizing the extracellular domain of a CD44R1 isoform that contains the inserted region coded by variant (v8, v9 and v10) exons and is expressed on the surface of various human epithelial cancer cells. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrated the growth inhibition of human cancer xenografts by a GV5 IgG mAb reshaped from an MV5 IgM. The epitope recognized by MV5 and GV5 was identified to a v8-coding region by the analysis of mAb binding to various recombinant CD44 proteins by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. GV5 showed preferential reactivity against various malignant human cells versus normal human cells assessed by flow cytometry and immunohistological analysis. When ME180 human uterine cervix carcinoma cells were subcutaneously inoculated to athymic mice with GV5, significant inhibition of tumor formation was observed. Furthermore, intraperitoneal injections of GV5markedly inhibited the growth of visible established tumors from HSC-3 human larynx carcinoma cells that had been subcutaneously transplanted one week before the first treatment with GV5. From in vitro experiments, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and internalization of CD44R1 seemed to be possible mechanisms for in vivo anti-tumor activity by GV5. CONCLUSIONS: CD44R1 is an excellent molecular target for mAb therapy of cancer, possibly superior to molecules targeted by existing therapeutic mAb, such as Trastuzumab and Cetuximab recognizing human epidermal growth factor receptor family

    Lung cancer biopsy dislodges tumor cells into circulating blood

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    Aim: A “seed” of lung cancer metastasis is circulating tumor cells (CTCs), which may be dislodged from a tumor during biopsy. This possibility was assessed among patients who underwent lung tumor biopsy using flexible fiber-topic bronchoscopy (FFB).Methods: The study involved six patients with non-small cell lung cancer who underwent FFB biopsy to diagnose a lesion pathologically (5 males and 1 female, median age 63 years, 6 adenocarcinomas, of 4 clinical-stage IA, 1 stage IB, and 1 stage IIIA), CTCs were extracted from the peripheral vein blood at pre-FFB and at post-FFB using a size selection method.Results: No tumor cell was detected at pre- and post-FFB was in three cases (50%); no tumor cells were detected pre-FFB while CTCs were detected at post-FFB in two cases (33.3%); and CTCs were detected at pre-FFB with numerous CTCs detected at post-FFB in one case (17.7%). In addition, similar tendencies were observed in each analysis of single-cell and clustered-cell categories.Conclusion: These results suggest that a FFB biopsy of lung cancer may potentially dislodge CTCs from a tumor into the circulating peripheral blood

    Importance of delivery observation in education for maternal nursing

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    T短期大学では,母性看護学の講義を1単位につき30時間,4単位受講したあと,母性看護実習の分娩見学については2日間,16時間実施した。分娩を見学した47名の学生に1例ごと見学したレポートを提出させた。それらのレポートを3人の評価者が内容に応じて12のカテゴリーに分類した。最も多かったのは「母性性・女性性」で89.7%の学生が,次いで「身体の神秘と生命の尊厳」について86.2%の学生が言及していた。その他,人間関係つまり「相互作用」55.2%,「産痛の理解」48.3%の順であった。学生たちは講義や演習で学んだことを確認するだけでなく,新しい知識やモラル,哲学的な視点も含めて学習していた。学生たちが提出したレポートの分析の結果,母性看護学における教育の視点としては,少なくとも上記の4つのカテゴリーを含んだ講義や実習が重要であるといえる。さらに,分娩に立ち会う実習が看護学生にとって非常に意義のあることが確認できた。Forty-seven nursing students of Tokai University Junior College of Nursing and Medical Technology, took a practice course of observing the delivery process for 2 days, 16 hours in total, after taking lectures of maternal nursing of 4 units, 30 hours per unit. They submitted a report after each observation, and the reports were classified into 12 categories by three evaluators. The major categories were : (1) motherhood and femininity, (2) mystery of the human body and dignity of life, (3) Mutual interactions, and (4) understanding the pains accompanying delivery. The students not only reconfirmed what they had learnt from the lectures but also obtained new knowledge and even new moral and philosophical views concerning the value of human life. As a result of analysis of reports submitted by students it is important to include four major categories in the education of maternal nursing. Further the practice of attending the delivery scene is concluded to be crucially important for nursing students


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    平成14年3月から実施された「看護婦」から「看護師」への名称変更が在学中の看護学生にどのような印象を与えたかをアンケート調査した。その結果,社会的評価という面において大部分の学生は肯定的な反応を示したが,反面,学生は単なる名称変更では実質的地位向上,仕事の内容の変化は期待できないという印象ももっていた。名称変更が定着し,看護者の地位向上に至るまでには時間が必要であろう。Since March 2002 the title of nurses has been changed from "female nurse" (Kangofu) to "nurse" (Kangoshi). The ending of the word "-fu" implies "female" which could have given an impression that female nurses were inferior to male occupations such as medical doctors. Now, the purpose of the change seems to aim at the gender equality of occupation and at the elevation of the social status of nurses. Questions on the change of the title were asked to be answered by the 66 nursing students (five were male) of Aino Gakuin College. Majority of the students gave affirmative responses toward the change but they were not quite optimistic as to the gender equality and the content of works by nurses