32 research outputs found

    Clinical characteristics of aseptic meningitis induced by intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with Kawasaki disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aseptic meningitis is a serious adverse reaction to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. We studied the clinical characteristics of patients with acute Kawasaki disease (KD) who developed IVIG-induced aseptic meningitis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients with KD who developed aseptic meningitis after IVIG treatment was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the 10-year period from 2000 through 2009, among a total of 384 patients with Kawasaki disease, 4 (3 females and 1 male; age range, 19-120 months) developed aseptic meningitis after IVIG. All 4 developed aseptic meningitis within 48 hours (range, 25-40 hours) of initiation of IVIG. The analyses of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed elevated white blood cell counts (22-1,248/μL) in all 4 patients; a predominance of polynuclear cells (65%-89%) was noted in 3. The CSF protein level was elevated in only 1 patient (59 mg/dL), and the glucose levels were normal in all 4 patients. Two patients were treated with intravenous methylprednisolone; the other 2 children were observed carefully without any special therapy. All patients recovered without neurological complications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In our patients with Kawasaki disease, aseptic meningitis induced by IVIG occurred within 48 hours after initiation of IVIG, resolved within a few days, and resulted in no neurological complications, even in patients who did not receive medical treatment.</p

    Holographic duality for 3d spin-3 gravity coupled to scalar field

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    The 3d spin-3 gravity theory is holographically dual to a 2d W3-extended CFT. In a large-c limit the symmetry algebra of the CFT reduces to SU(1,2)×SU(1,2). On ground of symmetry the dual bulk space–time will be given by an 8d group manifold SU(1,2). Hence we need to introduce five extra coordinates in addition to three ordinary ones. The 3d space–time is a 3d hyper-surface Σ embedded at constant values of the extra variables. Operators in the CFT at the boundary of Σ are expressed in terms of W descendants of the operators at the boundary of Σ0, where the extra variables vanish. In this paper it is shown that AdS/CFT correspondence for a scalar field coupled to 3d spin-3 gravity is realized in this auxiliary 8d space. A bulk-to-boundary propagator of a scalar field is found and a generating functional of boundary two-point functions of scalar W-descendant operators is obtained by using the classical action for the scalar field. Classically, the scalar field must satisfy both Klein–Gordon equation and a third-order differential equation, which are related to the quadratic and cubic Casimir operators of su(1,2). It is found that the coefficient function of the derivatives of the scalar field in the latter equation is the spin-3 gauge field, when restricted to the hypersurface. An action integral in the 8d auxiliary space for the 3d spin-3 gravity coupled to a scalar field is presented. In general, this 8d auxiliary space is a deformation of the manifold SU(1,2). An 8d local frame is introduced and the equations of motion for the 8d connections Aμ, A‾μ are solved. By restricting those solutions onto Σ, flat connections in 3d SL(3,R)×SL(3,R) Chern–Simons theory are obtained and new 3d black hole solutions with and without spin-3 charge are found by this method

    Long‐term trends in sex difference in bladder cancer survival 1975‐2009: A population‐based study in Osaka, Japan

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    Abstract In Japan, a study using population‐based cancer registry data from six prefectures revealed a difference in bladder cancer survival between men and women. However, the period of the study was limited to 1993‐2006. The recent introduction of immune checkpoint inhibitors, which have proved to be effective for the treatment for bladder cancer, has led to a rising demand for analysis of long‐term trends in net survival in order to accurately assess the effect of the new treatment. The aim of the present study was to examine long‐term trends in sex difference in bladder cancer net survival using large‐scale population‐based cancer registry data from Osaka, Japan (17,500 cases from 1975 to 2009). We also evaluated sex difference in bladder cancer survival after adjustment for stage, histologic type, and other prognostic factors. We showed the long‐term trend of five‐year net survival for each stage and found that women had poorer five‐year net survival than men for the whole study period. The risk of death from bladder cancer was higher among men than women even after adjusting for period at diagnosis, histologic type, stage, age group, and treatment (Excess hazard ratios: 1.17; 95% Confidence interval: 1.10‐1.25)

    Blast mitigation by water in a bag on a tunnel floor

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    Mitigation of blast wave, caused by explosion of explosives, from a straight tube using water in a bag (water bag) was evaluated. The length of the tube was 330 mm and the cross-section area was 30 x 30 mm2. One end of the tube was closed. The water bag was placed on the floor or closed end wall of the tube near the explosive. The thickness of water was 3 mm. A specially designed small detonator, which contains lead azide of 100 mg, was ignited near the closed end wall of the tube. The blast pressure outside the tube was measured and examined. The blast wave was remarkably mitigated by the water bag. Equivalent ratio analysis revealed that the glass beads absorbed 33%-45% of explosion energy

    Coffee consumption and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: - Three-prefecture cohort in Japan

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    Junya Sado, Tetsuhisa Kitamura, Yuri Kitamura, Rong Liu, Emiko Ando, Tomotaka Sobue, Yumi Sugawara, Keitaro Matsuo, Tomio Nakayama, Ichiro Tsuji, Hidemi Ito, Takaichiro Suzuki, Kota Katanoda, Suketami Tominaga, Coffee Consumption and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality ― Three-Prefecture Cohort in Japan ―, Circulation Journal, 2019, Volume 83, Issue 4, Pages 757-766, Released March 25, 2019, [Advance publication] Released March 08, 2019, Online ISSN 1347-4820, Print ISSN 1346-9843, https://doi.org/10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0618, https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/circj/83/4/83_CJ-18-0618/_article/-char/e