73 research outputs found
Tree-Like Features Formed on Photoelectrochemically etched n-GaN surfaces ―Revelation of threading dislocations in GaN―
Electrochemical etching behavior of n-type GaN films grown on sapphire has been studied under UV (λ=325 nm) light illumination. As the cases for photoelectrochemical etching of n-type GaAs and InP, three different features appear on etched n-GaN surfaces depending on current density for etching; a high density (10^10 cm^<-2>) of tree-like protrusions at a lower c-urrent density, a relatively flat surface at an intermediate current density, and peeling of the film from the substrate at a higher current density. From the shape and the density of tree-like protrusions, in addition to the analogy of these results with those for n-type GaAs and InP, it is reasonable to conclude that tree-like protrusions formed at a low current density are due to threading dislocations involved in n-GaN films. Thus, the photoelectrochemical etching is found to become a convenient method to detect dislocations in n-type III nitride materials
京都府立医科大学医学部看護学科Department of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of medicine本研究は、看護学科4年生看護師コースの必修科目である看護マネジメント実習を受講した52名を対象に、関心のあるテーマについてグループ演習で事前学習、臨地実習、事後学習を行うアクティブ・ラーニング(以後、ALとする)を導入した教育実践の効果を検討することを目的とした。データは実習アンケートと実習記録で、自由記述は、テキストマイニングによる①単語頻度分析、②ことばネットワーク分析を行った。その結果、すべての学生はALを取り入れた実習方法を有意義であると感じ、目標到達度も高かった。テキストマイニングの単語頻度分析では、《できる》《わかる》《積極的》《主体的》《学び》《深める》といった単語が多く抽出され、能動的な学習が促進されたと思われた。さらに、ことばネットワーク分析では、【テーマの学び】【インタビューの学び】【ALの学び】【現場の学び】といった学びの内容が明らかになった。ALを取り入れた看護マネジメント実習は、自分が選んだテーマの学びのみならず、各グループが発表した看護マネジメントに関する専門的な知識も深めることができていたことが示唆された。さらに、学生が選定したテーマは臨床現場の新人看護師に関することが多く、就職後に直ぐに役立つ自己管理や安全管理、新人看護師に対する様々なサポート体制の実際であった。これらの学びは、学生の不安の解消や、新人看護師に起こりがちなリアリティショックを乗り越える知識と実践力を身につけることにつながると考える
Transcriptionally linked simultaneous overexpression of P450 genes for broad-spectrum herbicide resistance
雑草が獲得した最強の除草剤抵抗性メカニズムの解明 --解毒酵素の一斉活性化--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-14.Broad-spectrum herbicide resistance (BSHR), often linked to weeds with metabolism-based herbicide resistance, poses a threat to food production. Past studies have revealed that overexpression of catalytically promiscuous enzymes explains BSHR in some weeds; however, the mechanism of BSHR expression remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the molecular basis of high-level resistance to diclofop-methyl in BSHR late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon) found in the United States, which cannot be solely explained by the overexpression of promiscuous cytochrome P450 monooxygenases CYP81A12/21. The BSHR late watergrass line rapidly produced 2 distinct hydroxylated diclofop acids, only 1 of which was the major metabolite produced by CYP81A12/21. RNA-seq and subsequent reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR)-based segregation screening identified the transcriptionally linked overexpression of a gene, CYP709C69, with CYP81A12/21 in the BSHR line. The gene conferred diclofop-methyl resistance in plants and produced another hydroxylated diclofop acid in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Unlike CYP81A12/21, CYP709C69 showed no other herbicide-metabolizing function except for a presumed clomazone-activating function. The overexpression of the 3 herbicide-metabolizing genes was also identified in another BSHR late watergrass in Japan, suggesting a convergence of BSHR evolution at the molecular level. Synteny analysis of the P450 genes implied that they are located at mutually independent loci, which supports the idea that a single trans-element regulates the 3 genes. We propose that transcriptionally linked simultaneous overexpression of herbicide-metabolizing genes enhances and broadens the metabolic resistance in weeds. The convergence of the complex mechanism in BSHR late watergrass from 2 countries suggests that BSHR evolved through co-opting a conserved gene regulatory system in late watergrass
Budding and explosive membrane vesicle production by hypervesiculating Escherichia coli strain ΔrodZ
Escherichia coli produces extracellular vesicles called outer membrane vesicles. In this study, we investigated the mechanism underlying the hypervesiculation of deletion mutant ΔrodZ of E. coli. RodZ forms supramolecular complexes with actin protein MreB and peptidoglycan (PG) synthase, and plays an important role in determining the cell shape. Because mreB is an essential gene, an expression-repressed strain (mreBR3) was constructed using CRISPRi, in which the expression of mreB decreased to 20% of that in the wild-type (WT) strain. In shaken-flask culture, the ΔrodZ strain produced >50 times more vesicles than the WT strain. The mreB-repressed strain mreBR3 showed eightfold higher vesicle production than the WT. ΔrodZ and mreBR3 cells were observed using quick-freeze replica electron microscopy. As reported in previous studies, ΔrodZ cells were spherical (WT cells are rod-shaped). Some ΔrodZ cells (around 7% in total) had aberrant surface structures, such as budding vesicles and dented surfaces, or curved patterns on the surface. Holes in the PG layer and an increased cell volume were observed for ΔrodZ and mreBR3 cells compared with the WT. In conditions of osmotic support using sucrose, the OD660 value of the ΔrodZ strain increased significantly, and vesicle production decreased drastically, compared with those in the absence of sucrose. This study first clarified that vesicle production by the E. coli ΔrodZ strain is promoted by surface budding and a burst of cells that became osmotically sensitive because of their incomplete PG structure
Photon background caused by the reduction of the electron beam energy - Materials of scattering foil -
The total skin electron beam therapy has been one of the clinical treatment for peripherally T-cell lymphoma; Mycosis fungoides, adult T-cell lymphoma, and so on. The crucial points in this treatment are not only having an optimum energy level of electron beam for a target volume (a tissue) but also keeping the photon back ground low. It is not easy to regulate those points by the control panel, however, for the equipment that is conventinally used for electron beam, theoretically, is to exchange lead (Pb), which is ordinarily used, to a low atomic number material as a scattering foil. We examined several different kinds and / or various thickness as a scattering foil material that can make the electron beam lower without an increase of the contaminant as X-ray. We hereby reported the results, and strongly suggested the following two materials in use; acrylic plate, carbon board, and so on, which are easily available and worked, would be practically useful for the total skin electron beam therapy
加古川中央市民病院甲南女子大学大学院心理学研究科京都府立医科大学大学院保健看護学研究科千里金蘭大学大学院看護学研究科Kakogawa Central Municipal HospitalKonan Women’s University Graduate School of PsychologyKyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of NursingSenri Kinran University Graduate School of Nursing【目的】 医療の発展とともに、高度な医療技術が求められている中で、手術件数の増加により、手術室看護師を含む医療スタッフの負担は大きく、手術室看護師の離職率は高く、就業継続期間が短いといわれている。また、手術室に配置転換された看護師は、経験年数を問わず離職の原因となることが指摘されている。そこで、手術室以外の部署で臨床経験を有する看護師が、手術室への配置転換に伴いどのような学びなおしをしているのか、その内容を明らかにすることを研究目的とする。【方法】 研究デザインは、質的記述的研究デザイン。データ収集期間は、2019年1月~ 11月である。研究参加者は、日本医療機能評価機構により認定がされている一般病院2で、300床以上の7施設で、手術室以外で3年以上の臨床経験があり、配置転換されてから2年目~4年目の資格、役職を持たない手術室看護師10名であった。 データ収集方法は、インタビューガイドを用いて柔軟に聞き取るために半構造化面接法で、分析方法は、インタビューで得られたデータから看護師の学びなおしを表している内容に着目し、コード化しカテゴリーを抽出した。データ分析の全過程においては、看護管理学の専門家によるスーパーバイズを受けて、分析内容の解釈の妥当性を高めた。【結果】 手術室に配置転換された看護師の学びなおしは、【手術室は未知の世界】、【手術室異動への気持ちの仕切り直し】、【見るもの聞くものが分からない】、【活かしにくい今までの経験】、【ここが分からないだけ】、【手術室での自分なりの学び方の習得】、【学びなおしを助けてくれる者の存在】、【助けてくれるシステム】、【ひとりの患者だけに集中できる手術看護のよさ】、【手術看護と病棟看護が繋がり視野が拡大】の10のカテゴリーが見出された。【考察】 異動者は、手術室への配置転換を伝えられた直後から学びなおしを始めていた。手術室に配置転換後は、配置転換前に培ってきた看護師経験を活かしにくいと感じながら学びなおしを進め、さらに、手術室で自分なりの学びなおしの方法を見つけ、学びなおしを助けてくれる者の存在の支援を受けて、手術看護の新たな視点を見出していた。手術室における学びなおしには、組織再社会化の概念と関連していた。【結論】 手術室に配置転換された看護師の学びなおしには、10のカテゴリーが見いだされ、配置転換前、配置転換直後、配置転換後の3つの時期に分けることができた。 異動者は、配置転換前から学びなおしを始めていることが明らかとなった
Transition from Positive to Neutral in Mutation Fixation along with Continuing Rising Fitness in Thermal Adaptive Evolution
It remains to be determined experimentally whether increasing fitness is related to positive selection, while stationary fitness is related to neutral evolution. Long-term laboratory evolution in Escherichia coli was performed under conditions of thermal stress under defined laboratory conditions. The complete cell growth data showed common continuous fitness recovery to every 2°C or 4°C stepwise temperature upshift, finally resulting in an evolved E. coli strain with an improved upper temperature limit as high as 45.9°C after 523 days of serial transfer, equivalent to 7,560 generations, in minimal medium. Two-phase fitness dynamics, a rapid growth recovery phase followed by a gradual increasing growth phase, was clearly observed at diverse temperatures throughout the entire evolutionary process. Whole-genome sequence analysis revealed the transition from positive to neutral in mutation fixation, accompanied with a considerable escalation of spontaneous substitution rate in the late fitness recovery phase. It suggested that continually increasing fitness not always resulted in the reduction of genetic diversity due to the sequential takeovers by fit mutants, but caused the accumulation of a considerable number of mutations that facilitated the neutral evolution
ニチジョウテキ キモノ チャクヨウシャ ジョセイ ノ キモノ チャクヨウ ジッセン ノ アリカタ ト キモノ ニ タイスル イシキ
研究公正に関する自己記述式尺度における質問文の検討 : 尺度作成における議論を通して
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