291 research outputs found

    Myocarditis mimicking acute coronary syndrome following influenza B virus infection: a case report

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    We present a notable case of a 15-year-old male infected with influenza B virus who showed the clinical manifestations of myocardial ischemia. He was admitted to our hospital with sudden chest pain. He had febrile illness for the past 2 days. Rapid antigen test for influenza revealed positive influenza B virus antigen. The initial electrocardiogram showed elevation of the ST-segments in leads II, II, aVF and reciprocal depression in leads V1 and V2. Serum test showed elevation of creatine kinase and troponin T. Gadlinium-enchanced magnetic resonance imaging, Tl-201 and I-123 beta-methyl-p-iodephenyl-pentadecanoic acid scintigram, coronary angiography revealed no abnormality. Follow-up electrocardiogram showed ST-segment change improvement over the course. Myocarditis associated with influenza B virus seemed to be caused by endothelial impairment and disturbance of microcirculation rather than direct injury to cardiac myocytes

    A promoter haplotype of the interleukin-18 gene is associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Japanese population

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    Recently, we reported that genetic polymorphisms within the human IL18 gene were associated with disease susceptibility to adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD), which is characterized by extraordinarily high serum levels of IL-18. Because high serum IL-18 induction has also been observed in the systemic type of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), we investigated whether similar genetic skewing is present in this disease. Three haplotypes, S01, S02, and S03, composed of 13 genetic polymorphisms covering two distinct promoter regions, were determined for 33 JIA patients, including 17 with systemic JIA, 10 with polyarthritis, and 6 with oligoarthritis. Haplotypes were also analyzed for 28 AOSD patients, 164 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, 102 patients with collagen diseases, and 173 healthy control subjects. The frequency of individuals carrying a diplotype configuration (a combination of two haplotypes) of S01/S01 was significantly higher in the JIA patients, including all subgroups, than in the healthy controls (P = 0.0045, Fischer exact probability test; odds ratio (OR) = 3.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.55–8.14). In patients with systemic JIA, its frequency did not differ statistically from that of normal controls. Nevertheless, it is possible that haplotype S01 is associated with the phenotype of high IL-18 production in systemic JIA because the patients carrying S01/S01 showed significantly higher serum IL-18 levels compared with patients with other diplotype configurations (P = 0.017, Mann-Whitney U test). We confirmed that the frequency of the diplotype configuration of S01/S01 was significantly higher in AOSD patients than in healthy control subjects (P = 0.011, OR = 3.45, 95% CI = 1.42–8.36). Furthermore, the RA patients were also more predisposed to have S01/S01 (P = 0.018, OR = 2.00, 95% CI = 1.14–3.50) than the healthy control subjects, whereas the patients with collagen diseases did not. In summary, the diplotype configuration of S01/S01 was associated with susceptibility to JIA as well as AOSD and RA, and linked to significantly higher IL-18 production in systemic JIA. Possession of the diplotype configuration of S01/S01 would be one of the genetic risk factors for susceptibility to arthritis in the Japanese population

    NOS2 polymorphisms associated with the susceptibility to pulmonary arterial hypertension with systemic sclerosis: contribution to the transcriptional activity

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease characterized by tissue fibrosis. One of several complications of SSc, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) can be refractory to treatment, both novel and established. In the present study we investigated the ratio of circulating nitric oxide to endothelin-1 in patients with both SSc and PAH, and determined whether polymorphisms in NOS2 (the nitric oxide synthase 2 gene) are associated with susceptibility to PAH. Endothelin-1 in plasma and nitric oxide metabolites (nitrate and nitrite) in serum were measured. The nitric oxide/endothelin-1 ratio was significantly lower in patients with both SSc and PAH than in patients with SSc only or in healthy control individuals. We confirmed the presence of two single nucleotide polymorphisms at positions -1,026 and -277 and a pentanucleotide repeat (CCTTT) at -2.5 kilobases. There were significant differences in single nucleotide polymorphisms between patients with SSc who had PAH and those who did not, and between patients with both SSc and PAH and healthy control individuals. The CCTTT repeat was significantly shorter in patients with both SSc and PAH than in patients with SSc only or in healthy control individuals. Transcriptional activity were analyzed using the luciferase reporter assay. The transcriptional activity of NOS2 was much greater in fibroblasts transfected by a vector with a long allele of the CCTTT repeat than in those transfected by a vector with a short allele. Polymorphisms in the NOS2 gene are associated with transcriptional activity of the NOS2 gene and with susceptibility to SSc-related PAH

    Brief Questioning by Nursing Staffs before Endoscopic Examination May Not Always Pick Up Clinical Symptoms of Endoscopic Reflux Esophagitis

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    The clinical features of patients reflux esophagitis without any symptoms have not been clearly demonstrated. This study evaluated the clinical features of patients with endoscopy-positive reflux esophagitis, who did not complain of symptoms, as detected by brief questioning by nursing staffs. Eight thousand and thirty-one patients not taking medication for gastrointestinal disease, were briefly asked about the presence of heartburn, dysphagia, odynophagia and acid regurgitation by nursing staffs before endoscopy for assessment of esophagitis utilizing the Los Angeles Classification. Endoscopically, 1199 (14.9%) patients were classified as positive for reflux esophagitis. The endoscope positive subjects who complain heartburn were 539/1199 (45.0%).The endoscope positive subjects who do not complain symptoms were 465 in 1199 positive reflux esophagitis (38.8%). We compared endoscopic positive subjects without any complain by brief question by nursing staffs to endoscopic positive subjects with heartburn. Male gender, no obesity, absence of hiatus hernia, and low-grade esophagitis were associated with endoscopy-positive patients who do not complain of symptoms. The results of this study indicated correct detection of clinical symptoms of reflux esophagitis might be not easy with brief questioning by nursing staffs before endoscopic examination

    Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone Gas Synergistically Reduce Prion Infectivity on Stainless Steel Wire

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    Prions are infectious agents causing prion diseases, which include Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. Several cases have been reported to be transmitted through medical instruments that were used for preclinical CJD patients, raising public health concerns on iatrogenic transmissions of the disease. Since preclinical CJD patients are currently difficult to identify, medical instruments need to be adequately sterilized so as not to transmit the disease. In this study, we investigated the sterilizing activity of two oxidizing agents, ozone gas and vaporized hydrogen peroxide, against prions fixed on stainless steel wires using a mouse bioassay. Mice intracerebrally implanted with prion-contaminated stainless steel wires treated with ozone gas or vaporized hydrogen peroxide developed prion disease later than those implanted with control prion-contaminated stainless steel wires, indicating that ozone gas and vaporized hydrogen peroxide could reduce prion infectivity on wires. Incubation times were further elongated in mice implanted with prion-contaminated stainless steel wires treated with ozone gas-mixed vaporized hydrogen peroxide, indicating that ozone gas mixed with vaporized hydrogen peroxide reduces prions on these wires more potently than ozone gas or vaporized hydrogen peroxide. These results suggest that ozone gas mixed with vaporized hydrogen peroxide might be more useful for prion sterilization than ozone gas or vaporized hydrogen peroxide alone

    Association of the diplotype configuration at the N-acetyltransferase 2 gene with adverse events with co-trimoxazole in Japanese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Although co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole) is an effective drug for prophylaxis against and treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia, patients often experience adverse events with this combination, even at prophylactic doses. With the aim being to achieve individual optimization of co-trimoxazole therapy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we investigated genetic polymorphisms in the NAT2 gene (which encodes the metabolizing enzyme of sulphamethoxazole). Of 166 patients with SLE, 54 patients who were hospitalized and who received prophylactic doses of co-trimoxazole were included in the cohort study. Adverse events occurred in 18 patients; only two experienced severe adverse events that lead to discontinuation of the drug. These two patients and three additional ones with severe adverse events (from other institutions) were added to form a cohort sample and were analyzed in a case-control study. Genotype was determined using TaqMan methods, and haplotype was inferred using the maximum-likelihood method. In the cohort study, adverse events occurred more frequently in those without the NAT2*4 haplotype (5/7 [71.4%]) than in those with at least one NAT2*4 haplotype (13/47 [27.7%]; P = 0.034; relative risk = 2.58, 95% confidence interval = 1.34–4.99). In the case-control study the proportion of patients without NAT2*4 was significantly higher among those with severe adverse events (3/5 [60%]) than those without severe adverse events (6/52 [11.5%]; P = 0.024; odds ratio = 11.5, 95% confidence interval = 1.59–73.39). We conclude that lack of NAT2*4 haplotype is associated with adverse events with co-trimoxazole in Japanese patients with SLE

    Genome editing in plants using CRISPR type I-D nuclease

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    Genome editing in plants has advanced greatly by applying the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs)-Cas system, especially CRISPR-Cas9. However, CRISPR type I—the most abundant CRISPR system in bacteria—has not been exploited for plant genome modification. In type I CRISPR-Cas systems, e.g., type I-E, Cas3 nucleases degrade the target DNA in mammals. Here, we present a type I-D (TiD) CRISPR-Cas genome editing system in plants. TiD lacks the Cas3 nuclease domain; instead, Cas10d is the functional nuclease in vivo. TiD was active in targeted mutagenesis of tomato genomic DNA. The mutations generated by TiD differed from those of CRISPR/Cas9; both bi-directional long-range deletions and short indels mutations were detected in tomato cells. Furthermore, TiD can be used to efficiently generate bi-allelic mutant plants in the first generation. These findings indicate that TiD is a unique CRISPR system that can be used for genome engineering in plants

    Expression and function of inducible co-stimulator in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: possible involvement in excessive interferon-γ and anti-double-stranded DNA antibody production

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    Inducible co-stimulator (ICOS) is the third member of the CD28/cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated antigen-4 family and is involved in the proliferation and activation of T cells. A detailed functional analysis of ICOS on peripheral blood T cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has not yet been reported. In the present study we developed a fully human anti-human ICOS mAb (JTA009) with high avidity and investigated the immunopathological roles of ICOS in SLE. JTA009 exhibited higher avidity for ICOS than a previously reported mAb, namely SA12. Using JTA009, ICOS was detected in a substantial proportion of unstimulated peripheral blood T cells from both normal control individuals and patients with SLE. In CD4(+)CD45RO(+ )T cells from peripheral blood, the percentage of ICOS(+ )cells and mean fluorescence intensity with JTA009 were significantly higher in active SLE than in inactive SLE or in normal control individuals. JTA009 co-stimulated peripheral blood T cells in the presence of suboptimal concentrations of anti-CD3 mAb. Median values of [(3)H]thymidine incorporation were higher in SLE T cells with ICOS co-stimulation than in normal T cells, and the difference between inactive SLE patients and normal control individuals achieved statistical significance. ICOS co-stimulation significantly increased the production of IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10 in both SLE and normal T cells. IFN-γ in the culture supernatants of both active and inactive SLE T cells with ICOS co-stimulation was significantly higher than in normal control T cells. Finally, SLE T cells with ICOS co-stimulation selectively and significantly enhanced the production of IgG anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies by autologous B cells. These findings suggest that ICOS is involved in abnormal T cell activation in SLE, and that blockade of the interaction between ICOS and its receptor may have therapeutic value in the treatment of this intractable disease