1,893 research outputs found

    Curvature and topological effects on dynamical symmetry breaking in a four- and eight-fermion interaction model

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    A dynamical mechanism for symmetry breaking is investigated under the circumstances with the finite curvature, finite size and non-trivial topology. A four- and eight-fermion interaction model is considered as a prototype model which induces symmetry breaking at GUT era. Evaluating the effective potential in the leading order of the 1/N-expansion by using the dimensional regularization, we explicitly calculate the phase boundary which divides the symmetric and the broken phase in a weakly curved space-time and a flat space-time with non-trivial topology, RD1S1R^{D-1} \otimes S^1.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figure

    Mass effects and internal space geometry in triatomic reaction dynamics

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    The effect of the distribution of mass in triatomic reaction dynamics is analyzed using the geometry of the associated internal space. Atomic masses are appropriately incorporated into internal coordinates as well as the associated non-Euclidean internal space metric tensor after a separation of the rotational degrees of freedom. Because of the non-Euclidean nature of the metric in the internal space, terms such as connection coefficients arise in the internal equations of motion, which act as velocity-dependent forces in a coordinate chart. By statistically averaging these terms, an effective force field is deduced, which accounts for the statistical tendency of geodesics in the internal space. This force field is shown to play a crucial role in determining mass-related branching ratios of isomerization and dissociation dynamics of a triatomic molecule. The methodology presented can be useful for qualitatively predicting branching ratios in general triatomic reactions, and may be applied to the study of isotope effects

    Apparent Horizons with Nontrivial Topology and the Hyperhoop Conjecture in Six-Dimensional Space-Times

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    We investigate the validity of the hyperhoop conjecture, which claims to determine a necessary and sufficient condition for the formation of black hole horizons in higher-dimensional space-times. Here we consider momentarily static, conformally flat initial data sets each describing a gravitational field of uniform massive k-sphere sources, for k=1,2, on the five-dimensional Cauchy surface. The numerical result shows the validity of the hyperhoop conjecture for a wide range of model parameters. We also confirm for the first time the existence of an apparent horizon homeomorphism to S**2 x S**2 or S**1 x S**3, which is a higher-dimensional generalization of the black ring.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Critical Collapse of Einstein Cluster

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    We observe critical phenomena in spherically symmetric gravitational collapse of Einstein Cluster. We show analytically that the collapse evolution ends either in formation of a black hole or in dispersal depending on the values of initial parameters which characterize initial density and angular momentum of the collapsing cloud. Near the threshold of black hole formation, we obtain scaling relation for the mass of the black hole and find the critical exponent value to be 3/2. We numerically confirm that there exist wide ranges of initial parameter values around the critical configuration for which the model remains shell-crossing free.Comment: Accepted for publication in Prog. Theor. Phy

    Gyration-radius dynamics in structural transitions of atomic clusters

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    This paper is concerned with the structural transition dynamics of the six-atom Morse cluster with zero total angular momentum, which serves as an illustrative example of the general reaction dynamics of isolated polyatomic molecules. It develops a methodology that highlights the interplay between the effects of the potential energy topography and those of the intrinsic geometry of the molecular internal space. The method focuses on the dynamics of three coarse variables, the molecular gyration radii. By using the framework of geometric mechanics and hyperspherical coordinates, the internal motions of a molecule are described in terms of these three gyration radii and hyperangular modes. The gyration radii serve as slow collective variables, while the remaining hyperangular modes serve as rapidly oscillating “bath” modes. Internal equations of motion reveal that the gyration radii are subject to two different kinds of forces: One is the ordinary force that originates from the potential energy function of the system, while the other is an internal centrifugal force. The latter originates from the dynamical coupling of the gyration radii with the hyperangular modes. The effects of these two forces often counteract each other: The potential force generally works to keep the internal mass distribution of the system compact and symmetric, while the internal centrifugal force works to inflate and elongate it. Averaged fields of these two forces are calculated numerically along a reaction path for the structural transition of the molecule in the three-dimensional space of gyration radii. By integrating the sum of these two force fields along the reaction path, an effective energy curve is deduced, which quantifies the gross work necessary for the system to change its mass distribution along the reaction path. This effective energy curve elucidates the energy-dependent switching of the structural preference between symmetric and asymmetric conformations. The present methodology should be of wide use for the systematic reduction of dimensionality as well as for the identification of kinematic barriers associated with the rearrangement of mass distribution in a variety of molecular reaction dynamics in vacuum

    Timescale for trans-Planckian collisions in Kerr spacetime

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    We make a critical comparison between ultra-high energy particle collisions around an extremal Kerr black hole and that around an over-spinning Kerr singularity, mainly focusing on the issue of the timescale of collisions. We show that the time required for two massive particles with the proton mass or two massless particles of GeV energies to collide around the Kerr black hole with Planck energy is several orders of magnitude longer than the age of the Universe for astro-physically relevant masses of black holes, whereas time required in the over-spinning case is of the order of ten million years which is much shorter than the age of the Universe. Thus from the point of view of observation of Planck scale collisions, the over-spinning Kerr geometry, subject to their occurrence, has distinct advantage over their black hole counterparts.Comment: 15 pages, v2: minor revisions, v3: minor revisions, to appear in EP

    Enhancement of the Gilbert damping constant due to spin pumping in noncollinear ferromagnet/nonmagnet/ferromagnet trilayer systems

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    We analyzed the enhancement of the Gilbert damping constant due to spin pumping in non-collinear ferromagnet / non-magnet / ferromagnet trilayer systems. We show that the Gilbert damping constant depends both on the precession angle of the magnetization of the free layer and on the direction of the magntization of the fixed layer. We find the condition to be satisfied to realize strong enhancement of the Gilbert damping constant.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.