19 research outputs found

    Apparent Horizons with Nontrivial Topology and the Hyperhoop Conjecture in Six-Dimensional Space-Times

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    We investigate the validity of the hyperhoop conjecture, which claims to determine a necessary and sufficient condition for the formation of black hole horizons in higher-dimensional space-times. Here we consider momentarily static, conformally flat initial data sets each describing a gravitational field of uniform massive k-sphere sources, for k=1,2, on the five-dimensional Cauchy surface. The numerical result shows the validity of the hyperhoop conjecture for a wide range of model parameters. We also confirm for the first time the existence of an apparent horizon homeomorphism to S**2 x S**2 or S**1 x S**3, which is a higher-dimensional generalization of the black ring.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Behavior-level Analysis of a Successive Stochastic Approximation Analog-to-Digital Conversion System for Multi-channel Biomedical Data Acquisition

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    In the present paper, we propose a novel high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for low-power biomedical analog frontends, which we call the successive stochastic approximation ADC. The proposed ADC uses a stochastic flash ADC (SF-ADC) to realize a digitally controlled variable-threshold comparator in a successive-approximationregister ADC (SAR-ADC), which can correct errors originating from the internal digital-to-analog converter in the SAR-ADC. For the residual error after SAR-ADC operation, which can be smaller than thermal noise, the SF-ADC uses the statistical characteristics of noise to achieve high resolution. The SF-ADC output for the residual signal is combined with the SAR-ADC output to obtain high-precision output data using the supervised machine learning method

    Magnetic transition due to the inter-singlet spin-exchange interaction and elastic softening by the interplay of electric quadrupoles in the distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Tb3Ru4Al12

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    The distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Tb3Ru4Al12 with a hexagonal structure has the Néel temperature TN = 22 K. To clarify the 4 f -electronic state and an influence of electric quadrupoles in Tb3Ru4Al12, ultrasonic measurements on a single-crystalline sample at zero magnetic field and under fields were carried. A characteristic elastic softening of the transverse modulus C66 originating from a quadrupole interaction was found. The crystal electric field parameters were determined to reproduce C66, magnetic susceptibilities, and magnetization curves. The obtained level scheme is that the ground and first excited states are singlets, despite the existence of both the magnetic transition and the quadrupole interaction, indicating that Tb3Ru4Al12 is a curious compound. The positive sign of the quadrupole-quadrupole coupling constant for C66 indicates a ferroquadrupolar-type interaction of the electric quadrupole Oxy or O2 2. The anisotropic magnetic field dependencies of TN in the field along [100] and [001] were also clarified.This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grants No.17H06136, No. 18KK0078, and No. 19K03719. This work was also supported by CResCent (Chirality Research Center) in Hiroshima University (the MEXT program for promoting the enhancement of research universities, Japan) and by JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced Research Networks. The work was supported by Projects No. 19-00925S and No. 19-07931Y of the Czech Science Foundation and by MGML within the Program of Czech Research Infrastructures (Project No. LM2018096)


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    Partial penectomy for severe penile ulceration caused by cholesterol crystal embolization

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    Introduction Cholesterol crystal embolism is a rare microembolic disease caused by cholesterol crystals that can present with various symptoms after vascular surgery, catheterization, or anticoagulation therapy. We report a case of penile ulceration caused by cholesterol crystal embolism. Case presentation A 72‐year‐old man undergoing maintenance dialysis for end‐stage renal failure presented with penile pain and a black glans ulcer. Despite low‐density lipoprotein apheresis, he was referred to our hospital because of lack of improvement. Based on his medical history and clinical presentation, including artificial vascular replacement and right toe amputation, cholesterol crystal embolism was suspected and partial penectomy was performed, thus confirming the diagnosis. Penile pain resolved after surgery, and he was discharged on Day 10. Unfortunately, he died after small bowel perforation developed 2 months after surgery. Conclusion Penile ulcers caused by cholesterol crystal embolism may indicate the severity and progression of disease and typically require surgical intervention