22 research outputs found

    Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana LOV KELCH REPEAT PROTEIN 2 promotes tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. May Queen)

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    AbstractPotato tuberization is induced under short-day conditions and repressed under long-day conditions. In this study, we produced transgenic potatoes overexpressing either Arabidopsis thaliana LOV KELCH PROTEIN 2 (35S:LKP2) or CONSTANS fused with a transcription repressor motif (35S:CO-Rep). In an in vitro tuberization assay, the average number of tubers per plant was greater in 35S:LKP2 plants than in vector-control plants, but lower in 35S:CO-Rep plants. Under long-day conditions in soil, all 35S:LKP2 plants tuberized, whereas most control plants and 35S:CO-Rep plants did not. These results suggest genes involved in flowering time regulation can be used to control potato tuber production

    A Role for LKP2 in the Circadian Clock of Arabidopsis

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    A third member of the ZTL gene family was identified in the Arabidopsis genome and was named LKP2 (for LOV kelch protein2). A cDNA was isolated corresponding to this gene, and plants overexpressing LKP2 were generated. The overexpression of LKP2 resulted in arrhythmic phenotypes for a number of circadian clock outputs in both constant light and constant darkness, long hypocotyls under multiple fluences of both red and blue light, and a loss of photoperiodic control of flowering time. The LKP2 mRNA is not regulated by the circadian clock and was detected in all tissues examined. These results suggest that LKP2 functions either within or very close to the circadian oscillator in Arabidopsis. A model is presented for its mode of action

    Estimating the Radiation Dose to the Fetus in Prophylactic Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Occlusion: Three Cases

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    Background. Although radiation exposure is of great concern to expecting patients, little information is available on the fetal radiation dose associated with prophylactic internal iliac artery balloon occlusion (IIABO). Here we estimated the fetal radiation dose associated with prophylactic IIABO in Caesarean section (CS). Cases. We report our experience with the IIABO procedure in three consecutive patients with suspected placenta previa/accreta. Fetal radiation dose measurements were conducted prior to each CS by using an anthropomorphic phantom. Based on the simulated value, we calculated the fetal radiation dose as the absorbed dose. We found that the fetal radiation doses ranged from 12.88 to 31.6 mGy. The fetal radiation dose during the prophylactic IIABOs did not exceed 50 mGy. Conclusion. The IIABO procedure could result in a very small increase in the risk of harmful effects to the fetus