31 research outputs found

    The Attractiveness of Countries for FDI. A Fuzzy Approach

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    This paper presents a new method for measuring the attractiveness of countries for FDI. A ranking is built using a fuzzy expert system whereby the function producing the final evaluation is not necessarily linear and the weights of the variables, usually defined numerically, are replaced by linguistic rules. More precisely, weights derive from expert opinions and from econometric tests on the determinants of countries’ FDI. As a second step, the view-point of investors from two different investing economies, the UK and Italy, are taken into account. Country-specific factors, such as the geographic, cultural and institutional distances existing between the investing and the partner economies are included in the analysis. This shows how the base ranking changes with the investor’s perspectiveforeign direct investments; fuzzy expert systems; attractiveness;

    The attractiveness of countries for FDI. A fuzzy approach

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    This paper presents a new method for measuring the attractiveness of countries for FDI. A ranking is built using a fuzzy expert system whereby the function producing the final evaluation is not necessarily linear and the weights of the variables, usually defined numerically, are replaced by linguistic rules. More precisely, weights derive from expert opinions and from econometric tests on the determinants of countries’ FDI. As a second step, the view-point of investors from two different investing economies, the UK and Italy, are taken into account. Country-specific factors, such as the geographic, cultural and institutional distances existing between the investing and the partner economies are included in the analysis. This shows how the base ranking changes with the investor’s perspective.foreign direct investments; fuzzy expert systems; attractiveness

    The interaction between parents and children as a relevant dimension of child well being. The case of Italy

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    This paper aims at measuring the functionings of social interaction, a relevant dimension in the description and conceptualisation of child well being by using the capability approach. In this paper we deal with a special dimension of this capability that involves the capability of interaction between parents and child. We propose a fuzzy expert system to measure this capability. To apply the model we use a data set based on a matched data source of ISTAT (Italian National Statistical Office 1998) multipurpose survey on family and on children condition in Italy to recover information on children’s education, the socio-demographic structure of their families, child care provided by relatives and parents according to the type of activities in which the children are involved and Bank of Italy Survey on household income and wealth year 2000 (SHIW00). This is a first step of a more complex system allowing for a richer set of indicators on capabilities in order to measure child well being.

    Analisi congiunturale e strutturale delle economie regionali: un approccio "fuzzy" alla specializzazione produttiva

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    Nel 2009 l'Italia attraversa la piÚ grande crisi economica del secondo dopoguerra. Lo studio di ciò che accade, attraverso uno sguardo attento alle principali variabili congiunturali prodotte nel paese, è fondamentale per capire quali sono state le cause che hanno portato a questa situazione e per dare la possibilità  ai policy maker di limitarne gli effetti in futuro. Ma l'Italia non è un territorio dalle caratteristiche monolitiche, è un aggregato di parti molto diverse fra loro. Analizzando il territorio italiano come insieme delle sue parti, osserveremo le medesime condizioni economiche ripetersi in ogni territorio del paese? L'esperienza ci suggerisce di no. La tesi vuole evidenziare come e quanto la struttura caratteristica del tessuto produttivo regionale è responsabile anche della performance economica. La tesi è quindi caratterizzata da due parti. Da un lato si è cercato di analizzare quali siano le differenze nei cicli economici regionali, dall'altro, attraverso l'utilizzo di un sistema di valutazione "fuzzy", si è cercato di ricostruire la natura strutturale delle regioni, al fine di determinare quali siano le specializzazioni che ogni territorio è in grado di mettere in campo. La tesi si conclude con un'analisi comparativa degli indici di dissimilarità  tra cicli regionali e nazionale e i livelli sintetici di specializzazione, si è verificato che esiste una relazione forte che lega le caratteristiche strutturali delle regioni alle distanze tra i loro cicli, dimostrando quindi la tesi che struttura regionale e performance economica siano strettamente interconnesse.\u

    The Interaction between Parents and Children as a Relevant Dimension of Child Well Being. The Case of Italy

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    This paper aims at measuring the functionings of social interaction, a relevant dimension in the description and conceptualisation of child well being by using the capability approach. In this paper we deal with a special dimension of this capability that involves the capability of interaction between parents and child. We propose a fuzzy expert system to measure this capability. To apply the model we use a data set based on a matched data source of ISTAT (Italian National Statistical Office 1998) multipurpose survey on family and on children condition in Italy to recover information on children’s education, the socio-demographic structure of their families, child care provided by relatives and parents according to the type of activities in which the children are involved and Bank of Italy Survey on household income and wealth year 2000 (SHIW00). This is a first step of a more complex system allowing for a richer set of indicators on capabilities in order to measure child well being.Child Well Being, Fuzzy Expert System, Capabilities

    Prognostic Relevance of Multi-Antigenic Myeloma-Specific T-Cell Assay in Patients with Monoclonal Gammopathies

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    : Multiple Myeloma (MM) typically originates from underlying precursor conditions, known as Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) and Smoldering Multiple Myeloma (SMM). Validated risk factors, related to the main features of the clonal plasma cells, are employed in the current prognostic models to assess long-term probabilities of progression to MM. In addition, new prognostic immunologic parameters, measuring protective MM-specific T-cell responses, could help to identify patients with shorter time-to-progression. In this report, we described a novel Multi-antigenic Myeloma-specific (MaMs) T-cell assay, based on ELISpot technology, providing simultaneous evaluation of T-cell responses towards ten different MM-associated antigens. When performed during long-term follow-up (mean 28 months) of 33 patients with either MGUS or SMM, such deca-antigenic myeloma-specific immunoassay allowed to significantly distinguish between stable vs. progressive disease (p < 0.001), independently from the Mayo Clinic risk category. Here, we report the first clinical experience showing that a wide (multi-antigen), standardized (irrespective to patients' HLA), MM-specific T-cell assay may routinely be applied, as a promising prognostic tool, during the follow-up of MGUS/SMM patients. Larger studies are needed to improve the antigenic panel and further explore the prognostic value of MaMs test in the risk assessment of patients with monoclonal gammopathies

    Materiali di discussione The Attractiveness of Countries for FDI. A Fuzzy Approach A FUZZY APPROACH

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    Abstract. This paper presents a new method for measuring the attractiveness of countries for FDI. A ranking is built using a fuzzy expert system whereby the function producing the final evaluation is not necessarily linear and the weights of the variables, usually defined numerically, are replaced by linguistic rules. More precisely, weights derive from expert opinions and from econometric tests on the determinants of countries' FDI. As a second step, the view-point of investors from two different investing economies, the UK and Italy, are taken into account. Country-specific factors, such as the geographic, cultural and institutional distances existing between the investing and the partner economies are included in the analysis. This shows how the base ranking changes with the investor's perspective. We are grateful to Gisella Facchinetti for helpful comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies. Keyword

    The ordinal controversy and the fuzzy inference system through an application and simulation to teaching activity evaluation

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    The handling of ordinal variables presents many difficulties in both the measurements phase and the statistical data analysis. Many efforts have been made to overcome them. An alternative approach to traditional methods used to process ordinal data has been developed over the last two decades. It is based on a fuzzy inference system and is presented, here, applied to the student evaluations of teaching data collected via Internet in Modena, during the academic year 2009/10, by a questionnaire containing items with a four-point Likert scale. The scores emerging from the proposed fuzzy inference system proved to be approximately comparable to scores obtained through the practical, but questionable, procedure based on the average of the item value labels. The fuzzification using a number of membership functions smaller than the number of modalities of input variables yielded outputs that were closer to the average of the item value labels. The Center-of-Area defuzzification method showed good performances and lower dispersion around the mean of the value labels

    The Attractiveness of Countries for FDI.A Fuzzy Approach

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    This paper presents a new method for measuring the attractiveness of countries for FDI.A ranking is built using a fuzzy expert system whereby the function producing the final evaluation isnot necessarily linear and the weights of the variables, usually defined numerically, are replaced bylinguistic rules. More precisely, weights derive from expert opinions and from econometric tests onthe determinants of countries\u2019 FDI. As a second step, the view-point of investors from two differentinvesting economies, the UK and Italy, are taken into account. Country-specific factors, such as thegeographic, cultural and institutional distances existing between the investing and the partnereconomies are included in the analysis. This shows how the base ranking changes with theinvestor\u2019s perspective

    A Fuzzy Inference System for Teaching Evaluation

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    In Italian universities, the evaluations of teaching activity by students is mandatory and the National Committee for University System Evaluation proposed a questionnaire for class evaluation with items based on the four-point Likert scale relying on a traditional item-by-item analysis. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy inference system for analysing the data collected through this questionnaire for items with a four-point Likert scale. The scores based on the traditional procedure are comparable with the scores emerging from our fuzzy inference system