62 research outputs found

    Counterfactuals, Irreversible Laws and The Direction of Time

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    The principle of Information Conservation or Determinism is a governing assumption of physical theory. Determinism has counterfactual consequences. It entails that if the present were different, then the future would be different. But determinism is temporally symmetric: it entails that if the present were different, the past would also have to be different. This runs contrary to our commonsense intuition that what has happened in the future depends on the past in a way the past does not depend on the future. To understand how this can be so we observe that while the truth of some counterfactuals is guaranteed by the laws of logic or the laws of nature, some are not. It is among the latter contingent, counterfactuals that we find temporal asymmetry. It is this asymmetry that gives causation a temporal direction. The temporal asymmetry of these counterfactuals is explained by the fact that the dynamical laws of nature are logically irreversible functions from partial states of the world onto other partial states. (Logical reversibility is not to be confused, though it too often is, with time-reversal invariance). Though these irreversible laws are locally indeterministic, they can sum to give a globally deterministic description of the world. This combination of global determinism and local indeterminism gives rise to contingent counterfactual dependence and gives that dependence a direction. That direction is independent of the direction of entropy. The direction of contingent counterfactual dependence is time's arrow


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    Causation is defined as a relation between facts: C causes E if and only if C and E are nomologically independent facts and C is a necessary part of a nomologically sufficient condition for E. The analysis is applied to problems of overdetermination, preemption, trumping, intransitivity, switching, and double prevention. Preventing and allowing are defined and distinguished from causing. The analysis explains the direction of causation in terms of the logical form of dynamic laws. Even in a universe that is deterministic in both temporal directions, not every fact must have a cause and present facts may have no future causes

    Beyond the biomedical: an evaluation of the introduction of social gerontology into a postgraduate geriatric medicine education program.

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    Geriatric Medicine education tends to adopt a biomedical lens, despite the practice of Geriatric Medicine involving the comprehensive assessment of the functional, psychological, and social aspects of older people's lives. In this commentary, we describe the delivery of a Social Gerontology education program for Geriatric Medicine trainees in the Northwest of England. Education in Social Gerontology-a field that focuses on how social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors shape the lives of older adults-is thought to mitigate against ageism, a pervasive and multifaceted form of discrimination. We describe the rationale for, and context of, the program delivery, before presenting an overview of trainee's feedback. Thematic analysis of feedback centered around three main themes: knowledge acquisition, change in clinical practice, and enjoyment of the sessions. Trainees (n = 20) reported enjoying the sessions, with 100% likely to recommend to peers. The focus on underserved groups, the novel content of the sessions, which were not taught elsewhere, and the non-medical perspective of the speakers were described as particularly valuable. By sharing our approach and reflecting on the early success of the program, we argue for an increased focus on Social Gerontology in Geriatric Medicine education. [Abstract copyright: © 2023. The Author(s).
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