9 research outputs found

    Application of 3D Food Printing in Food Industry Development

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    Food industry is craving to develop new technologies and processes which will satisfy customers’ ambiguous wishes but also specific dietary needs. In 21st century, food allergies or food intolerances are affecting population from nurseries up to elderly stages while causing people, not only health issues but also making their nutrition plans and grocery shopping challenging and expensive. Three dimensional (3DP) food printing is a potential solution to advance current food processing techniques, but also to integrate 3DP and digital gastronomy technique to customize food products. If applied in domestic cooking or catering services, 3DP can provide an engineering solution for customized food design and personalized nutrition control, but also has the potential to redefine food supply chains. Still, people might be doubtful to eat 3D printed food due to their perception that it does not taste as good as traditional food and it appeals almost over-processed and artificial. This paper gives the short overview on 3DP techniques, devices and ingredients used for 3DP, as well as the possible future application in food manufacturing

    Application of 3D Food Printing in Food Industry Development

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    Food industry is craving to develop new technologies and processes which will satisfy customers’ ambiguous wishes but also specific dietary needs. In 21st century, food allergies or food intolerances are affecting population from nurseries up to elderly stages while causing people, not only health issues but also making their nutrition plans and grocery shopping challenging and expensive. Three dimensional (3DP) food printing is a potential solution to advance current food processing techniques, but also to integrate 3DP and digital gastronomy technique to customize food products. If applied in domestic cooking or catering services, 3DP can provide an engineering solution for customized food design and personalized nutrition control, but also has the potential to redefine food supply chains. Still, people might be doubtful to eat 3D printed food due to their perception that it does not taste as good as traditional food and it appeals almost over-processed and artificial. This paper gives the short overview on 3DP techniques, devices and ingredients used for 3DP, as well as the possible future application in food manufacturing

    Impresión 3D de alimentos en la producción de la carne

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    Three-dimensional printing (3D) also known as additive manufacturing (AM) is a developing technology for food manufacturing, which offers novel food products with unique, complex and personalized design geometries, elaborated textures and tailored nutritional content. Today, 3D printing is being applied in military and space food, elderly food and sweets food. This technology offers a potential solution to overcome weaknesses of currently used food techniques, such as lower production efficiency and high manufacturing cost. Main aim of this review is to analyze the potential applications of 3D printing technology for meat processing including 3D printers, meat formulation and several aspects affecting the printability and post processing feasibility of 3D printed meat products.Trodimenzionalan ispis (3D), odnosno aditivna proizvodnja (engl. Additive Manufacturing, AM), je tehnologija u razvoju koja se upotrebljava u proizvodnji hrane, a omogućava razvoj novih prehrambenih proizvoda s jedinstvenim, složenim i personaliziranim geometrijama dizajna, razrađenim teksturama i prilagođenim nutritivnim sadržajem. Danas se 3D ispis primjenjuje u proizvodnji hrane za posebne namjene (za vojnike, astronaute, starije osobe) te u konditorskoj industriji. Ova tehnologija predstavlja potencijalno rješenje za otklanjanje problema postojećih tehnika procesiranja hrane s posebnom namjenom, poput niže učinkovitosti i visokih troškova proizvodnje. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada analizirati potencijalne primjene tehnologije 3D ispisa u preradi mesa, uključujući 3D pisače, mesne formulacije i druge aspekte koji utječu na mogućnost ispisa i naknadne obrade 3D ispisanih proizvoda od mesa.Der dreidimensionale Druck (3D) (engl. Additive Manufacturing, AM) ist eine Technologie in der Entwicklungsphase, die in der Lebensmittelproduktion eingesetzt wird und die die Entwicklung neuer Lebensmittelprodukte mit einheitlichen, komplexen und personalisierten Designgeometrien, erarbeiteten Texturen und einem angepassten Nährwertgehalt ermöglicht. Heute wird der 3D-Druck bei der Produktion von Lebensmitteln für Soldaten und Astronauten, ältere Personen und für Nachtische verwendet. Diese Technologie stellt eine potentielle Lösung für die Beseitigung von Schwierigkeiten auf, die sich aus der Verwendung von modernen Techniken der Lebensmittelprozessierung ergeben, wie zum Beispiel die geringere Effizienz und hohe Produktionskosten. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist es, die potentielle Anwendung der 3D-Drucktechnologie bei der Fleischbearbeitung zu prüfen, einschließlich der 3D-Drucker, Fleischformulationen und sonstigen Aspekte, die sich auf die Möglichkeiten des Drucks und der Nachbearbeitung der 3D gedruckten Fleischerzeugnisse auswirken.La stampa tridimensionale (3D), nota anche con il nome di produzione additiva (in inglese Additive Manufacturing, AM), è una tecnologia in via di sviluppo che si utilizza nell’industria alimentare, consentendo lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti alimentari con un design dalle geometrie uniche, complesso e personalizzato, con consistenze elaborate e contenuti nutrizionali adatti caso per caso. Oggi la stampa 3D trova applicazione nella produzione di prodotti alimentari in ambiente militare e per gli astronauti, per gli anziani e per la produzione di dessert. Questa tecnologia rappresenta una potenziale soluzione per la rimozione di ogni problema che discende dall’uso di tecniche all’avanguardia del processo alimentare, come la bassa efficienza e gli alti costi di produzione. L’obiettivo principale di questo studio consiste nell’analizzare la potenziale applicazione della tecnologia della stampa 3D nella lavorazione della carne, comprese le stampanti 3D, le formule a base di carne e gli altri aspetti che incidono sulla possibilità di stampa e di ulteriore elaborazione dei prodotti di carne stampati in 3D.La impresión tridimensional (3D), también conocida como manufactura por adición (en. Additive Manufacturing, AM), es tecnología en desarrollo usada en la producción de alimentos que facilita el desarrollo de nuevos productos alimenticios con geometrías del diseño singulares, complejas y personalizadas, texturas elaboradas y el contenido nutritivo individualizado. Hoy en día la impresión 3D de alimentos se usa en la producción de la comida para los soldados y astronautas, personas mayores y para los postres. Esta tecnología representa una solución potencial para eliminar las dificultades que surgen en las técnicas modernas del procesamiento de alimentos, como la baja eficiencia y los costos altos de la producción. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar las aplicaciones potenciales de la tecnología de la impresión 3D en el procesamiento de la carne, incluyendo las impresoras 3D, formulaciones de carne y otras dimensiones que pueden influir sobre las posibilidades de la imp

    Svojstva mlijeka tretiranog baktofugiranjem i ultrazvukom velike snage

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    Research background. Two methods of milk treatment were used, ultrasound (innovative method) and bactofugation, after which the physicochemical and sensory properties of the milk were examined, with the primary aim of achieving the quality and consistency of the pasteurized milk. Experimental approach. Ultrasound power of 200 and 400 W and frequency of 24 kHz with constant wave cycle were used. Milk was treated for 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 min with sonification at 20 °C (room temperature) and thermosonification (ultrasound at temperature higher than room temperature) at 55 °C. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of high-power ultrasound combined with a slightly increased temperature on whole, skimmed and skimmed cow’s milk pretreated with bactofugation. Results and conclusions. The best sensory quality was achieved when milk was treated with ultrasound power of 200 W at 20 °C for max. 7.5 min. This research shows the potential of the applications of high-power ultrasound in dairy industry combined with bactofugation as a pre-treatment of milk at a slightly increased temperature (up to 55 °C). Novelty and scientific contribution. The application of these two treatments requires milder processing conditions than pasteurization, it is economical and more environmentally friendly technological process that preserves better nutritional values of milk, which is preferred by consumers.Pozadina istraživanja. Primjenjene su dvije metode obrade mlijeka: ultrazvuk (inovativna metoda) i baktofugiranje, nakon čega su ispitana fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva mlijeka, s osnovnom svrhom postizanja kakvoće i konzistencije pasteriziranog mlijeka. Eksperimentalni pristup. Korištena je snaga ultrazvuka od 200 i 400 W pri frekvenciji od 24 kHz s konstantnim valnim ciklusom. Mlijeko je tretirano sonifikacijom tijekom 2,5; 5; 7,5 i 10 min na 20 °C (sobnoj temperaturi) i termosonifikacijom (primjenom ultrazvuka na temperaturi višoj od sobne temperature) na 55 °C. Svrha je ove studije bila istražiti učinak ultrazvuka velike snage u kombinaciji s djelomično povišenom temperaturom na sirovo punomasno, obrano i obrano kravlje mlijeko prethodno obrađeno baktofugiranjem. Rezultati i zaključci. Najbolja senzorska kakvoća postignuta je obradom mlijeka ultrazvukom snage od 200 W pri 20 °C, tijekom maksimalno 7,5 min. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje potencijal primjene ultrazvuka velike snage u mljekarskoj industriji u kombinaciji s baktofugiranjem kao postupkom prethodne obrade mlijeka na djelomično povišenoj temperaturi (do 55 °C). Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Tijekom primjene ova dva postupka prerade mlijeka koriste se blaži uvjeti obrade od pasterizacije, pa se mogu smatrati ekonomičnim i ekološki prihvatljivijim tehnološkim postupcima, pomoću kojih se može bolje očuvati hranjiva vrijednost mlijeka, a što preferiraju i potrošači

    Impact of heat-assisted HVED plasma treatment on quality of apple juice

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    High voltage electrical discharge (HVED) plasma processing receives more and more attention due to its potential to assure microbial safety and retain quality of treated products. The influence of combined thermal and high voltage electrical discharge plasma treatment on apple juice quality was investigated. Apple juice samples were treated under defined plasma treatment parameters of time (3, 6 and 9 min), frequency (60, 90 and 120 Hz) and temperature (30, 40 and 50 oC) in hybrid plasma reactor. Prior to treatment, juice samples were inoculated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 204508 to investigate inactivation possibilities of plasma treatment on yeasts as common juice microorganisms. Quality parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, phenolic content and antioxidant activity) of treated and untreated apple juice were investigated and compared. Results have shown effectiveness of HVED plasma treatment in yeast inactivation up to 6.6 log10 in 9 min of treatment at 120 Hz and temperature of 40 oC. In treated samples there were no significant changes in phenolic content

    Utjecaj ultrazvuka velike snage i baktofugiranja na mikrobiološku ispravnost mlijeka

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    Research background. The application of high power ultrasound combined with a slightly increased temperature on raw cow’s milk, skimmed cow’s milk and skimmed cow’s milk that passed the bactofugation process was analysed. We combined ultrasound with bactofugation of milk to achieve the microbiological accuracy that is equivalent to pasteurization. Experimental approach. The milk samples (200 mL) were treated for 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 min with high-power ultrasound (200 and 400 W) with a frequency of 24 kHz. The treatments were conducted with a constant duty cycle of 100%. Temperatures during the treatments were 20 and 55 °C. The somatic cell count of the aerobic mesophilic bacteria, as well the number of Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus cells were analysed. Results and conclusions. From the perspective of the reduction of the total count of bacteria, the best result was achieved by high-power ultrasound at 400 W treated for 10 min. High reduction of Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli and S. aureus cells was achieved with ultrasound treatment of raw, skimmed and skimmed cow’s milk that passed the bactofugation with a power of 200 and 400 W regardless of the treatment time. Novelty and scientific contribution. This work combines bactofugation and high-power ultrasound for the inactivation of microoganisms. This combination was used at a slightly increased temperature (up to 55 °C), which is much more economical than pasteurization, while it preserves the sensory and physicochemical properties of milk.Pozadina istraživanja. U radu je ispitan postupak obrade sirovog, obranog i baktofugiranog obranog kravljeg mlijeka ultrazvukom velike snage u kombinaciji s blago povišenom temperaturom. Ultrazvuk je kombiniran s postupkom baktofugiranja radi postizanja mikrobiološke ispravnosti mlijeka jednake onoj mlijeka obrađenog postupkom pasterizacije. Eksperimentalni pristup. Uzorci mlijeka (200 mL) tretirani su tijekom 2,5; 5; 7,5 i 10 min ultrazvukom velike snage (200 i 400 W), frekvencije 24 kHz. Tretmani su provedeni s konstantnim valnim ciklusom od 100 %. Temperature tijekom tretmana iznosile su 20 i 55 °C. Analiziran je broj somatskih stanica aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, kao i broj bakterijskih stanica vrsta Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus. Rezultati i zaključci. Najveće smanjenje ukupnog broja somatskih stanica postignuto je obradom mlijeka ultrazvukom velike snage od 400 W pri trajanju od 10 min. Broj stanica bakterija Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli i S. aureus znatno je smanjen ultrazvučnom obradom sirovog, obranog i baktofugiranog obranog kravljeg mlijeka pri snazi od 200 i 400 W, neovisno o trajanju postupka. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U radu su primijenjene dvije tehnologije, baktofugiranje i ultrazvuk velike snage, kako bi se u većoj mjeri inaktivirali mikroorganizmi u kravljem mlijeku. Kombinacija ova dva postupka obrade pri blago povišenoj temperaturi (55 °C) je puno ekonomičnija od procesa pasterizacije, a pritom su bolje očuvana senzorska i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva mlijeka

    The Application and Optimization of HIPEF Technology in the Processing of Juice from Strawberries Harvested at Two Stages of Ripeness

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of high intensity pulsed electric field (HIPEF) technology on the stability of total phenols, anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols, and condensed tannins in strawberry juices (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. ‘Albion’) with different ripening stages (75% and 100%) and stored at +4 °C for 7 days. The HIPEF parameters studied were: (i) electric field strength (40 and 50 kV cm−1), (ii) frequency (100 and 200 Hz), and (iii) treatment duration (3 and 6 min). Of the HIPEF parameters studied, electric field strength and frequency had a statistically significant effect on the content of all phenolic compounds. Treatment duration showed no statistically significant effects on phenolic compounds except for flavonols and condensed tannins. Storage had a positive effect on the stability of most of the phenolic compounds, with the exception of flavonols. Optimization of HIPEF processing showed that strawberry samples at both ripeness levels were suitable for HIPEF treatment to obtain functional fruit juices with a high content of polyphenols

    Co-composting of Sewage Sludge, Green Waste, and Food Waste

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    Rapid population growth requires more intense production of food industry, with two major consequences: significant amount of food processing residues and more sewage sludge originating from biological wastewater treatment plant. Sludge is a big concern for the disposal for wastewater treatment plant. The European Union makes an effort regarding the reduction of organic fractions disposed at a landfill. Composting is a cost-effective and ecological-friendly alternative for managing biodegradable organic fractions. Experiments of co-composting of sewage sludge, green waste and food waste, at carbon/nitrogen ratios 8.75, 18.00 and 24.90, were performed during three months by monitoring of temperature, pH, moisture, carbon and nitrogen proportion, carbon/nitrogen ratio, and germination index. The results showed that co-composting of sewage sludge, green waste and food waste is effective and results in the production of quality compos

    Production of Acid and Rennet-Coagulated Cheese Enriched by Olive (<i>Olea europaea</i> L.) Leaf Extract—Determining the Optimal Point of Supplementation and Its Effects on Curd Characteristics

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    This study investigated the potential of olive leaf extract (OLE), as a functional ingredient, to improve cheese properties, because it is rich in phenols. Milk and dairy products are poor in phenolic compounds. The main objective was to determine the most effective coagulation method and timing of OLE supplementation to maximize retention in the cheese matrix. Experimental cheeses were produced using the rennet and acid coagulation methods, with OLE added either directly to the cheese milk or to the curd phase. Three OLE effective concentrations corresponding to 25%, 50%, and 75% inhibition of DPPH reagent (EFC25, EFC50, and EFC75, respectively) were added, i.e., 11.5 mg GAE L−1, 16.6 mg GAE L−1, and 26.3 mg GAE L−1, respectively. The results showed that OLE significantly increased the concentration of total phenols, total flavonoids, and antioxidant activity in all cheese samples and in the residual whey, especially at higher effective concentrations (EFC 50 and EFC 75). Rennet-coagulated cheese to which OLE was added prior to coagulation (EM 25, EM 50, EM 75) exhibited higher hardness, gumminess, and chewiness but lower elasticity, suggesting alterations in the paracasein matrix. OLE did not adversely affect acidity, water activity, or cheese yield. However, higher EFC resulted in significant colour changes (∆E* > 3.0). In conclusion, the enrichment of cheesemaking milk with OLE and the application of the rennet coagulation method are the most suitable to optimise the production of OLE-enriched cheese. This research shows the potential to improve the nutritional value of cheese while maintaining its desired characteristics