8 research outputs found


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    Provedena su pedološka istraživanja na području Đurđevačkih pijesaka koji su još od 1963. registrirani u Registru zaštićenih objekata prirode kao Posebni geografsko botanički rezervat. Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća eolski pijesci Podravine od Đurđevca do Virovitice pošumljavaju se crnim i bijelim borom te bagremom. Na ovaj su način «krvavi pijesci hrvatske Sahare» umireni, ali je ovim mjerama smirivanja pijesaka Rezervat u velikoj mjeri doživio promijene. Zakonom zaštićeno područje obuhvaća površinu od 19,5 ha, a na cca 6 ha u cilju revitalizacije eolskih «živih» pijesaka provedene su mjere uređenja odstranjivanjem nepoželjne vegetacije ili strojnim skidanjem humusno akumulativnog horizonta. Na osnovi usporedbe stanja fizikalnih i kemijskih značajki tla na uređenom i devastiranom dijelu površine procijenjena je učinkovitost provedenih mjera sanacije pijesaka. Također su dane odgovarajuće preporuke za daljnje gospodarenje Rezervatom u cilju njegovog vraćanja u prvobitno stanje u smislu očuvanja sveukupnog bogatstva biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti Hrvatske. Provedene mjere smirivanja pijesaka uvjetovale su promjene fizikalnih i kemijskih značajki tla. Na devastiranom dijelu površine u odnosu na uređeni dio utvrđeno je općenito povoljnije stanje fizikalnih i većine kemijskih značajki tla. Rezultat toga je gubitak karakterističnih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta čime je osiromašena biološka raznolikost pijesaka. Važniji pedološki podaci statistički su obrađeni t-testom. Provedene mjere uređenja dijela površine Rezervata u cilju njegove obnove bile su učinkovite te se preporučuje njihova daljnja primjena na čitavom području.Pedological research has been conducted in the region of the Đurđevac sands, which was registered, in 1963., in the Register of protected objects of nature as a special geographic and botanical reserve. At the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century the aeolic sands of Podravina region, from Đurđevac to Virovitica, were afforested with Scottish pine, black pine and false acacia. In that way «the bloody sands of Croatian Sahara» were calmed down, but the measures also meant a great deal of devastation of the area of the geographic and botanical reserve. The protected area covers 19.5 ha of land, and on 6 ha recovery measures have been carried out in order to revitalize aeolic «live» sands by removing undesirable vegetation or by removing humus accumulative layer of the soil by means of mechanization. The effectiveness of the conducted recovery measures was estimated by comparing the state of physical and chemical properties of the soil of the revitalized part and the devastated part of the area. Certain recommendations have been given for further managing the Đurđevac sands reserve with the aim to restore the previous condition in order to preserve the richness of biological and landscape diversity of Croatia. The conducted measures caused the changes in physical and chemical properties of the soil. Better state of physical and most of the chemical properties of the soil were established in the devastated part of the area compared to the recovered part of the area. The result of it is the loss of characteristic floristic and animal species which reduced the biological diversity of the sands. The relevant pedological data were statistically processed using t-test. The conducted measures for recovery of the part of the reserve in order to revitalize it were effective and further implementation in the whole nature reserve area is recommended


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    Provedena su pedološka istraživanja na području Đurđevačkih pijesaka koji su još od 1963. registrirani u Registru zaštićenih objekata prirode kao Posebni geografsko botanički rezervat. Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća eolski pijesci Podravine od Đurđevca do Virovitice pošumljavaju se crnim i bijelim borom te bagremom. Na ovaj su način «krvavi pijesci hrvatske Sahare» umireni, ali je ovim mjerama smirivanja pijesaka Rezervat u velikoj mjeri doživio promijene. Zakonom zaštićeno područje obuhvaća površinu od 19,5 ha, a na cca 6 ha u cilju revitalizacije eolskih «živih» pijesaka provedene su mjere uređenja odstranjivanjem nepoželjne vegetacije ili strojnim skidanjem humusno akumulativnog horizonta. Na osnovi usporedbe stanja fizikalnih i kemijskih značajki tla na uređenom i devastiranom dijelu površine procijenjena je učinkovitost provedenih mjera sanacije pijesaka. Također su dane odgovarajuće preporuke za daljnje gospodarenje Rezervatom u cilju njegovog vraćanja u prvobitno stanje u smislu očuvanja sveukupnog bogatstva biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti Hrvatske. Provedene mjere smirivanja pijesaka uvjetovale su promjene fizikalnih i kemijskih značajki tla. Na devastiranom dijelu površine u odnosu na uređeni dio utvrđeno je općenito povoljnije stanje fizikalnih i većine kemijskih značajki tla. Rezultat toga je gubitak karakterističnih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta čime je osiromašena biološka raznolikost pijesaka. Važniji pedološki podaci statistički su obrađeni t-testom. Provedene mjere uređenja dijela površine Rezervata u cilju njegove obnove bile su učinkovite te se preporučuje njihova daljnja primjena na čitavom području.Pedological research has been conducted in the region of the Đurđevac sands, which was registered, in 1963., in the Register of protected objects of nature as a special geographic and botanical reserve. At the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century the aeolic sands of Podravina region, from Đurđevac to Virovitica, were afforested with Scottish pine, black pine and false acacia. In that way «the bloody sands of Croatian Sahara» were calmed down, but the measures also meant a great deal of devastation of the area of the geographic and botanical reserve. The protected area covers 19.5 ha of land, and on 6 ha recovery measures have been carried out in order to revitalize aeolic «live» sands by removing undesirable vegetation or by removing humus accumulative layer of the soil by means of mechanization. The effectiveness of the conducted recovery measures was estimated by comparing the state of physical and chemical properties of the soil of the revitalized part and the devastated part of the area. Certain recommendations have been given for further managing the Đurđevac sands reserve with the aim to restore the previous condition in order to preserve the richness of biological and landscape diversity of Croatia. The conducted measures caused the changes in physical and chemical properties of the soil. Better state of physical and most of the chemical properties of the soil were established in the devastated part of the area compared to the recovered part of the area. The result of it is the loss of characteristic floristic and animal species which reduced the biological diversity of the sands. The relevant pedological data were statistically processed using t-test. The conducted measures for recovery of the part of the reserve in order to revitalize it were effective and further implementation in the whole nature reserve area is recommended

    Yield and content of biogenic elements in tomato fruit at different NaCl concentrations in nutrient solution

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    Kakvoću svježih plodova rajčice, osobito sadržaj minerala moguće je poboljšati povećanjem EC-vrijednosti, odnosno koncentracije NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini bez značajnijeg smanjenja prinosa. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine na sorti Belle, u hidroponima na pločama kamene vune s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja povećane koncentracije NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini na prinos rajčice i sadržaj biogenih elemenata u plodu. Pokus je postavljen po metodi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u četiri ponavljanja, a uzorkovanje je provedeno u tri roka berbe. Hraniva otopina EC-vrijednosti 2 dS/m korištena je kao kontrola, a povećane ECvrijednosti su postignute dodavanjem NaCl-a u standardnu hranivu otopinu, 0,05 % pri 3 dS/m, 0,125 % pri 4,5 dS/m i 0,2 % pri 6 dS/m. Najveći prinos zabilježen je pri fertirigaciji standardnom hranivom otopinom i varirao je od 2,06 do 2,60 kg/biljci u 2004. i od 3,41 do 5,19 kg/biljci u 2005. Koncentracije 0,05 i 0,125 % NaCl-a rezultirale su statistički jednakim prinosom i sadržajem biogenih elemenata, a koncentracija 0,2 % NaCl-a signifikantno manjim vrijednostima navedenih parametara. Povećanjem koncentracije NaCl-a ostvareno je značajno povećanje sadržaja suhe tvari koje je proporcionalno povećanju NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini.Quality of fresh tomato fruits, especially mineral content can be improved by increasing the EC value, or the concentration of NaCl in the nutrient solution without a significant reduction in yield. The study was conducted during the years of 2004 and 2005 with Belle tomato variety in hydroponics rock wool slabs in order to determine the impact of increased concentrations of NaCl in the nutrient solution on tomato yield and content of biogenic elements in the fruit compared to the standard solution without added NaCl and the EC-value of 2 dS/m. The experiment was set in a randomized complete block design with four replications and sampling was conducted in three harvests. The nutrient solution with EC-value of 2 dS/m was used as a control and increased EC-values were achieved by adding NaCl in the standard nutrient solution, 0.05% at 3 dS/m, 0.125% at 4.5 dS/m and 0.2% at 6 dS/m. The highest yield was recorded with a standard nutrient solution treatment and ranged from 2.06 to 2.60 kg/plant in 2004 and from 3.41 to 5.19 kg/plant in 2004. In comparison to the standard solution without added NaCl, the concentration of 0.05 and 0.125% NaCl resulted in statistically equivalent yield and content of biogenic elements, and the concentration of 0.2% NaCl with reasonably smaller values of these parameters. Increasing NaCl recorded a significant increase in dry matter content, which is proportional to the increase of NaCl in the nutrient solution

    Yield and content of biogenic elements in tomato fruit at different NaCl concentrations in nutrient solution

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    Kakvoću svježih plodova rajčice, osobito sadržaj minerala moguće je poboljšati povećanjem EC-vrijednosti, odnosno koncentracije NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini bez značajnijeg smanjenja prinosa. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine na sorti Belle, u hidroponima na pločama kamene vune s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja povećane koncentracije NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini na prinos rajčice i sadržaj biogenih elemenata u plodu. Pokus je postavljen po metodi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u četiri ponavljanja, a uzorkovanje je provedeno u tri roka berbe. Hraniva otopina EC-vrijednosti 2 dS/m korištena je kao kontrola, a povećane ECvrijednosti su postignute dodavanjem NaCl-a u standardnu hranivu otopinu, 0,05 % pri 3 dS/m, 0,125 % pri 4,5 dS/m i 0,2 % pri 6 dS/m. Najveći prinos zabilježen je pri fertirigaciji standardnom hranivom otopinom i varirao je od 2,06 do 2,60 kg/biljci u 2004. i od 3,41 do 5,19 kg/biljci u 2005. Koncentracije 0,05 i 0,125 % NaCl-a rezultirale su statistički jednakim prinosom i sadržajem biogenih elemenata, a koncentracija 0,2 % NaCl-a signifikantno manjim vrijednostima navedenih parametara. Povećanjem koncentracije NaCl-a ostvareno je značajno povećanje sadržaja suhe tvari koje je proporcionalno povećanju NaCl-a u hranivoj otopini.Quality of fresh tomato fruits, especially mineral content can be improved by increasing the EC value, or the concentration of NaCl in the nutrient solution without a significant reduction in yield. The study was conducted during the years of 2004 and 2005 with Belle tomato variety in hydroponics rock wool slabs in order to determine the impact of increased concentrations of NaCl in the nutrient solution on tomato yield and content of biogenic elements in the fruit compared to the standard solution without added NaCl and the EC-value of 2 dS/m. The experiment was set in a randomized complete block design with four replications and sampling was conducted in three harvests. The nutrient solution with EC-value of 2 dS/m was used as a control and increased EC-values were achieved by adding NaCl in the standard nutrient solution, 0.05% at 3 dS/m, 0.125% at 4.5 dS/m and 0.2% at 6 dS/m. The highest yield was recorded with a standard nutrient solution treatment and ranged from 2.06 to 2.60 kg/plant in 2004 and from 3.41 to 5.19 kg/plant in 2004. In comparison to the standard solution without added NaCl, the concentration of 0.05 and 0.125% NaCl resulted in statistically equivalent yield and content of biogenic elements, and the concentration of 0.2% NaCl with reasonably smaller values of these parameters. Increasing NaCl recorded a significant increase in dry matter content, which is proportional to the increase of NaCl in the nutrient solution