81 research outputs found


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    On the site of Maslenica bridge structural tectonic, geophysical and engineering geological investigations, geotechnical drilling and laboratory sample testings were performed. Maslenica anticline is characteristic for the investigated area. It is built from the limestone of Cretaceous age. The anticline has an asymmetrical form with the vergence of the axial plane towards the north. Reverse faults with recent activities are present. The recent activity was proved by the discovery of the broken stalactite with the displacement of 11 cm, whose age is 36000 years. On quite young stalactites (stalagmites) in the cave on the west side, no displacements were noticed. For the next period of 500 years the maximal possible displacement of 2.0 cm is foreseen. Smaller caves with the dimensions of 1 m3, were formed on the intersections of the reverse faults and greater joints. The canyon Novsko ždrilo was formed in the fault shear zone with tectonic transport to the right. According to the range of fracture, three characteristic types of rock masses were separated by engineering geological investigations. According to »Geomechanical classification« (RMR) the first type corresponds to II to III class, while the second type corresponds to IV class, and the third type corresponds to V class (mylonite). Because of the complexity of the terrain structure, original engineering geological bases of design have not enabled the direct application of the analysis of stress-strain behaviour. Because of that the simplified geotechnical models were done. They enabled the projecting of foundation in the rock mass and renewal of poor quality rock mass.Na lokaciji Masleničkog mosta urađena su strukturno-tektonska. geofizička i inženjerskogeološka istraživanja, istražna bušenja i laboratorijska ispitivanja uzoraka. Za istraživano područje karakteristična je Maslenička antiklinala. Izgrađena je od vapnenaca kredne starosti. Antiklinala ima asimetričan oblik s vergencijom osne ravnine prema sjeveru. Prisutni su reversni rasjedi s recentnom aktivnošću. Recentna aktivnost dokazana je nalazom presječene sige s pomakom od 11 cm, čija starost je 36000 god. Na sasvim mladim sigama u špilji na zapadnoj strani nisu uočeni pomaci. Za povratni period od 500 godina progno¬ziran je mogući maksimalni pomak veličine do 2,0 cm. Manje špilje dimenzija do 1 m3 nastale su na presjecištima reversnih rasjeda i većih pukotina. Kanjon Novsko ždrilo nastao je u zoni smicanja rasjeda s desnim tektonskim transportom. Prema stupnju razlomljenosti izdvojene su inženjerskogeološkim istraživanjem tri karakteristične sredine. Prema »Geomehaničkoj klasifikaciji« (RMR) prva sredina odgovara II, do III. klasi, druga sredina odgovara IV. klasi, a treča sredina odgovara V. klasi (milonit). Originalne inženjerskogeološke podloge nisu omogućile, zbog složenosti građe terena, direktnu primjenu u analizi odnosa naprezanja i deformacija. Zbog toga su izrađeni simplificirani geotehnički modeli. Oni su omogućili projektiranje temeljenja u stijenskoj masi i saniranja dijelova slabe kvalitete

    Povećanje snage termoelektrane isključivanjem visokotlačnog zagrijača napojne vode

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    Termoelektrane moraju biti u stanju prilagoditi svoj rad zahtjevima mreže. Taj zadatak postaje sve teži povećanjem udjela intermitentnih, obnovljivih izvora energije u sustavu. Postoji nekoliko mehanizama kojima se može povećati fleksibilnost termoenergetskih postrojenja poput koordiniranog vođenja i djelovanja na turbinska oduzimanja. Treba imati u vidu da svako naglo povećanje snage za sobom povlači i nagle promjene parametara, prvenstveno temperature. Temperaturni gradijenti u debelostjenim komponentama mogu izazvati značajna temperaturna naprezanja, koja imaju negativan utjecaj na životni vijek termoenergetskog postrojenja. Ovaj rad se bavi upravo utjecajem naglog prekida i ponovne uspostave turbinskog oduzimanja pare prema visokotlačnom zagrijaču napojne vode na temperaturna naprezanja u kolektoru napojne vode. U sklopu rada je izrađen jednodimenzionalni model nestacionarnog provođenja temperature kroz stjenke kolektora na temelju kojeg su izračunata i prikazana temperaturna naprezanja

    Evaluacija potrebe kirurškog liječenja trudnica sa čvorovima u štitnjači i poremećajima rada štitnjače

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    The incidence of thyroid nodules and thyroid disorders is more common in women. Thyroid nodules are more prevalent with increasing age. It is proven that thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer incidence have been increased in the last three decades. The same period has registered the increase in average age at which women are getting pregnant rising the probability to develop thyroid cancer in pregnancy. Surgery during pregnancy can have a negative impact on both mother and unborn child causing changes in decision making for surgical procedure in pregnant patients with a low risk thyroid cancer. The aim of this review is to identify indications for surgical treatment of the thyroid nodules and thyroid disorders in pregnancy and to establish the most appropriate period of pregnancy to schedule surgery.Čvorovi u štitnjači i poremećaji rada štitnjače učestaliji su u žena. Učestalost pojave čvorova u štitnjači raste sa životnom dobi. Posljednja tri desetljeća porasla je incidencija čvorova u štitnjači kao i karcinoma štitnjače. Istovremeno povećana je i prosječna životna dob u kojoj žene planiraju trudnoću pa je time povećana i incidencija karcinoma štitnjače u trudnoći. Kirurško liječenje za vrijeme trudnoće negativno utječe i na majku i na plod, što potiče mijenjanje strategije u donošenju odluke o operativnom zahvatu u trudnih pacijentica s karcinomom štitnjače. Cilj je ovog pregleda utvrditi apsolutne indikacije za kirurško liječenje čvorova štitnjače u trudnoći i poremećaja rada štitnjače u trudnoći te utvrditi idealno vrijeme u tijeku trudnoće za potreban operativni zahvat

    Evaluacija potrebe kirurškog liječenja trudnica sa čvorovima u štitnjači i poremećajima rada štitnjače

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    The incidence of thyroid nodules and thyroid disorders is more common in women. Thyroid nodules are more prevalent with increasing age. It is proven that thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer incidence have been increased in the last three decades. The same period has registered the increase in average age at which women are getting pregnant rising the probability to develop thyroid cancer in pregnancy. Surgery during pregnancy can have a negative impact on both mother and unborn child causing changes in decision making for surgical procedure in pregnant patients with a low risk thyroid cancer. The aim of this review is to identify indications for surgical treatment of the thyroid nodules and thyroid disorders in pregnancy and to establish the most appropriate period of pregnancy to schedule surgery.Čvorovi u štitnjači i poremećaji rada štitnjače učestaliji su u žena. Učestalost pojave čvorova u štitnjači raste sa životnom dobi. Posljednja tri desetljeća porasla je incidencija čvorova u štitnjači kao i karcinoma štitnjače. Istovremeno povećana je i prosječna životna dob u kojoj žene planiraju trudnoću pa je time povećana i incidencija karcinoma štitnjače u trudnoći. Kirurško liječenje za vrijeme trudnoće negativno utječe i na majku i na plod, što potiče mijenjanje strategije u donošenju odluke o operativnom zahvatu u trudnih pacijentica s karcinomom štitnjače. Cilj je ovog pregleda utvrditi apsolutne indikacije za kirurško liječenje čvorova štitnjače u trudnoći i poremećaja rada štitnjače u trudnoći te utvrditi idealno vrijeme u tijeku trudnoće za potreban operativni zahvat

    Specific aspects of engineering-geological models in Croatian karst terrain

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    The experiences of developing engineering geological models in karst areas for designing and construction purposes prove the necessity of considering at least three basic submodels: sedimentological, structural-tectonic and the weathering one. The research presented here deals with very important and frequently neglected segments in each of the submodels. Therefore, particular attention should be directed to: better understanding of carbonate sediment deposition, determination of environment and diagenetic processes, study of the 3D anisotropy of discontinuity frequency, and differentiation of weathering zones. The given data and examples elaborate and justify such an approach, which enables a more realistic detailed engineering model, more reliable evaluations of the engineering geological/geotechnical parameters and real site conditions

    A Case of Large Thyroid Goiter Operated Using Small Incision

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    Minimally invasive surgery is the surgery of choice for certain patients to be operated on by an expe- rienced surgeon. The advantages of the operation are a small postoperative scar, minor postoperative pain and a shorter postoperative hospitalisation. For certain patients with large goiter, it is also possible to make a smaller incision given the size of the thyroid gland, without an increased risk of intraopera- tive and postoperative complications

    A Case of Large Thyroid Goiter Operated Using Small Incision

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    Minimally invasive surgery is the surgery of choice for certain patients to be operated on by an expe- rienced surgeon. The advantages of the operation are a small postoperative scar, minor postoperative pain and a shorter postoperative hospitalisation. For certain patients with large goiter, it is also possible to make a smaller incision given the size of the thyroid gland, without an increased risk of intraopera- tive and postoperative complications